Bring back the DREAMFINDER!!

General Grizz

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Well, folks, it's time to move on with fixing the Imagination pavilion. The pavilion has now lost its meaning - and, with a poor quality attraction, there is a complementary poor-quality meaning.

Without Dreamfinder, Figment has no meaning.

Figment, a child-like right-brainer, is the contrast - but perfect fit - to the "left-brained" Dreamfinder. Their bond - the creation - was their unity. The aura, detail, and magic of the original ride was not only in the expansive sets, but in the heart created by this crucial duo.

It's time to bring Dreamfinder back.

What would a new theme to the Image Works be? Or how about an excellent post-show and Meet and Greet? Dreamfinder is an original character - outdated by NO means - and can easily be brought back to not only add true magic to those who had a taste of what Journey into Imagination was from 1983-1998, but to give IMPORTANCE to the children. Because it's about the rising sparks who need a character there to show them anything is possible.

Bring meaning to the pavilion. Bring Figment. The meaning is what the structure is built upon - and with hardly any crowds at Imagination!, it's time for change.

I'm not going to hear, "this won't get past management." We've heard that before, haven't we?

Alright, troops, who's with me to BRING BACK DREAMFINDER?




New Member
I TOTALY Agree bring him back!

I can still remember my first ride ont the original Journey, The cars turning and that huge ship with him at the front, I am sure it was smaller than I remember but I guess thats just my imagination :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by The_CEO
I have a question.

Is this for pretend...


Do you really think we are going to bring back Dreamfinder?
You've been around the forums as long as you have and really have to ask that question?

Two words. Ginkgo Biloba.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by The_CEO
Do you really think we are going to bring back Dreamfinder?

"A dream can be a dream come true with just that spark in me and you." - Figment

"We believe that in a world where cynicism and negativism abound, there is another story, and we have chosen, with forethought and conviction, to tell it, and to be that voice of optimism." - EPCOT opening

We did it before, and we can do it again.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's the fact that any of us don't miss him.. Cause I miss the original version. But considering Eisner seems to be making all these changes to ' hip ' figment as I like to put it... As long as he is in.. I don't see any changes. So maybe we should try and boost him outa here first. :)

I mean... When we went to Journey this past trip, the pavilion was empty. We had the ride to ourselves.. The time was around noon too. Thats sad that it has gone down to a low popularity. I think instead of saving the attraction, he blew it up.

Any comments?


Well-Known Member
Might be a good location for the new Harry Potter attraction. If crowds are down, just put in a new attraction.

Runs from Grizz as he pummels me with a large Figment plush....*ouch* *ouch*!

General Grizz

New Member
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It took a team of guests to push Figment back in the park. And we did that as guests. . . unfortunately, Eisner didn't give the right budget.


New Member
On a side note, I went upstairs in the pavillion (the spiral staircase in the gift shop). Many of the Image Works items are still there. The instruments are still there, from a little musical interactive game. The computers where you used to color in coloring pages are gone, but the plastic cases that housed the screens are still there. Shells of many of the exhibits still exist. It was such a sad occassion being up there. It was the decayed remains of a once-great attraction. Oh the emotions! :cry:

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by General Grizz
"A dream can be a dream come true with just that spark in me and you." - Figment

"We believe that in a world where cynicism and negativism abound, there is another story, and we have chosen, with forethought and conviction, to tell it, and to be that voice of optimism." - EPCOT opening



New Member
Sort of off topic, but does anyone else recall how long the original imagination was? I remember it being so much longer than the current incarnation.

General Grizz

New Member
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Originally posted by Disney2002
Sort of off topic, but does anyone else recall how long the original imagination was? I remember it being so much longer than the current incarnation.

Yes, it was significantly longer by five-six minutes (12 minutes versus 7 minutes).

Much better, too. Miss the Image Works.
I'm all for Dreamfinder returning. Figment is my favorite Disney character along with Mickey, but much of who Figment is is related to Dreamfinder. I'm very grateful that Figment was put back into the Imagination Pavillion, but it's not enough. The attraction should never have been redone in the first place--all it needed was a good cleaning and sprucing up. The original Journey into Imagination was full of color and light--and it had heart. The new attraction has Figment, but Figment works much better as Dreamfinder's sidekick than as Nigel Channing's annoyance.

Although I absolutely adore the Figment in the bathtub on the ceiling. :lookaroun :zipit:


New Member
Originally posted by Kopp8699
even joking that scares me...

I hope we NEVER see a Harry Potter attraction. What a waste that would be! Read the books!

Personally, I would love to see the original ride return with new technology. I remember being completely in love with the original version. I am still baffled as to why it would ever have been closed. It just doesn't make sense.


Naturally Grumpy
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This is one of the few "lost ones" that I think could actually be returned. Yes, as has been said in many other posts, the first iteration was far and away the best and should be revisited.

I would love leaving the building and being greeted by the Dreamfinder "holding" Figment. They were always surrounded by kids and parents with smiles on their faces. I remember how amazed my two kids (of course young at the time) were at being able to interact with figment. It was a really clever presentation.

Yes, it's time to go back to the future!

Jungle Skipper

New Member
Sign me up Grizz...Figment certainly deserves his creator...They just dont seem right seperate....Bring some imagination back to the imagination pavilion.....and the Disney back to Disney

Jungle Josh


Well-Known Member
The part I missed the most about the original ride was the part where you would see dreamfinder on his "blimp-thing". The fact that the car was moving along at the same rate the scene was rotating giving the illusion that you actually weren't moving always amazed me. :(

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