

New Member
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I was thinking about how to get Eisner to leave if he isn't voted out on March 3rd at the stockholder meeting. During Spring Break, form a barricade in front of the park's entrances so that people can't enter, so Disney loses money. If we don't move until Eisner leaves, he will eventually step down because of loss of money. It would require about 500 people, 125 for each of WDW's parks, but I think it could be done (flash mobs work). So what does everyone think?

General Grizz

New Member
Originally posted by SIR90210
I was thinking about how to get Eisner to leave if he isn't voted out on March 3rd at the stockholder meeting. During Spring Break, form a barricade in front of the park's entrances so that people can't enter, so Disney loses money. If we don't move until Eisner leaves, he will eventually step down because of loss of money. It would require about 500 people, 125 for each of WDW's parks, but I think it could be done (flash mobs work). So what does everyone think?'ll get security all over you.

VERY bad idea, although I see what you intend.

Seriously...this would ruin the vacation for others, and the amount of guests trying to enter would easily over power 125 per entrance. Plus, this could be seen by some as "terrorist activity." Don't touch the stuff.

I am personally boycotting Disney television, parks, and merchandise "until further notice," but you seriously don't want to get in trouble.


Well-Known Member
Great Idea--then with the loss in revenue; Disney can then layoff the CM's. Less people=less CM's needed.

The Mom

Premium Member
At best, you would be escorted off the property. At worst, you would be arrested. I suspect you would be removed within minutes.

You would probably only succeed in annoying people trying to enter the park, and Eisner might not even hear about your "boycott."

Much larger groups have, and even continue to, boycott(ed) WDW with negligable results.

Looks like Grizz and I were responding simultaneously. :lol:


New Member
Yes, very bad idea. Im sure theres enough sucurity and people trying to get inside. And say he does step down when you do this, you're caught and in HUGE trouble. Ok eisner's gone but you won't ever be back to WDW. Is it worth it? And thats only if it works. :brick:


Not a good move.

Voice your opinions. Put a sticker on your car. Wear a T-shirt. Whatever.

Do not disrupt the magic for others. Eisner's sorry butt is not worth that.

As for a boycott.....count me out. The place is in my blood, and giving it up out of protest would hurt only me, not Eisner. Gonna take more than a dislike of him to keep me out.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by SIR90210
I was thinking about how to get Eisner to leave if he isn't voted out on March 3rd at the stockholder meeting. During Spring Break, form a barricade in front of the park's entrances so that people can't enter, so Disney loses money. If we don't move until Eisner leaves, he will eventually step down because of loss of money. It would require about 500 people, 125 for each of WDW's parks, but I think it could be done (flash mobs work). So what does everyone think?

I got news for you kid. I'm spending 3,000 dollars on my spring break trip. Don't mess it up for me... Or I'll give you a new set of mickey ears.


Think about others before you form a useless barrier around the parks.


New Member
A boycott like that might be fun, but try the Grizz's approach. Just don't go yourself and don't buy anything Disney. One thing you could do is put up signs all around the entrances to the parks. I think they would have people running around like crazy trying to get away. What would they say? Beware of Eisner! (He's in the park) That should keep people out.


New Member
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OK, OK, I see your point, but like The Mom said, a boycott wouldn't do much of anything. Back to the drawing boards...:brick: :brick:

Sir Hiss527

New Member
I understand what you mean. But you can't go around doing stuff like that. Just don't by any merchandise that has to do with Disney. That's probablly the most you could do. Isn't there already a group that's trying to boycott Disney, like ( I believe?


Originally posted by SIR90210
I was thinking about how to get Eisner to leave if he isn't voted out on March 3rd at the stockholder meeting. During Spring Break, form a barricade in front of the park's entrances so that people can't enter, so Disney loses money. If we don't move until Eisner leaves, he will eventually step down because of loss of money. It would require about 500 people, 125 for each of WDW's parks, but I think it could be done (flash mobs work). So what does everyone think?

Brilliant! I've always wanted to spend my vacation in jail, I'm there!


New Member
Didn’t one of the Christian groups demand a boycott of all things Disney because they allowed homosexuals in the parks? I’m don’t recall it having a major effect and that was with a ready-made national organisation.

I think you have already accepted that barricading the parks would only annoy folk on their holidays.


New Member
Original Poster
Re: Re: Boycott

Originally posted by BigNorm
Brilliant! I've always wanted to spend my vacation in jail, I'm there!

Stop it! I feel bad enough as it is. Sorry for brining up the idea.:cry: :cry:

The Mom

Premium Member
Originally posted by DDPGambit
Now, if 500 people showed up wearing the same shirt that protested Eisner, that would work to a degree.

That sounds like a more effective plan. Not that it would change anything, but a few people might at least ask why you're wearing the shirt.

General Grizz

New Member
Just a family or two wearing the shirt has gotten mass reception from Cast Members. . . but shhh, we wouldn't want to get the Cast in trouble... :lookaroun


Good idea, but once again, bad move, you'll just get yourself escorted off property or end up in jail, and you'll probably ruin a lot of people's vacations. As Lee said, voice your opinion. Buy a "Roy Was Right" or another logo shirt, bumper sticker, etc., wear it around to get your voice heard.

On another note....I don't think I could ever boycott anything Disney....I can barely take the 6 days left until my next trip.....boycotting for a long time would just kill me..... :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by SIR90210
I'd boycott the parks, but keep watching the movies and reading the books.

Seriously - Grizz, SIR.. everyone post a comment in this thread so i can rally up the number of less people that will be waiting for an attraction at Walt Disney World in Spring Break..

Thanks!! :wave: ....


New Member
Man I just don’t understand you people!!! :brick:
Mike is the best thing that ever happened to Disney. You must not remember how bad things were before he came to the company. What you see today - the great parks world wide, the fabulous hotels, movies like Beauty and the Beast and Lion King all this happened because of Michael Esiner.
Roy is acting like the little baby Walt always said he was and you are all playing into it. Mike has more class then to run to all the media outlets and cry like a little girl when things don’t go his way. Give the man a chance he has seldom let Disney down, every action he has taken has been in the best interest of the Disney Empire, keeping the stock holders happy keeps the company alive.

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