Boy dies after riding Rock 'n' Roller Coaster


Active Member
gcurling said:
But, has the cause of death been conclusively determined to be natural causes? Isn't there still a chance that the stress of the attraction triggered something? Pre-existing, known, unknown, hidden or whatever.

The unfortunate truth is that 4 WDW patrons have suffered deadly or near deadly events on thrill attractions in the last year. Given the profile of the organization, it's newsworthy. Like it or not.

After serving nearly 43 million patrons in one year. (understanding that many are repeat guests of course) Deaths will happen at DW. The population of the United States is about 300 million. From 1987 to 2004 there were 47 "Fixed Site" deaths at US amusement parks. Estimated in 2003 there were 950,000 people living with HIV/AIDS and 14,000 died from this disease in the US alone. Does this give a little perspective?'united%20states%20deaths%202005'

Again, I do NOT belittle the tragedy to this family during this time.


Active Member
Senderella said:
Thanks for clearing that up Kenny. I'm just wondering, with all of that knowledge of aircraft, do you happen to be stationed in one of the San Antonio bases (considering you just went to FT) or are you just visiting? If you're just visiting, don't forget to hit the Ghost Tours that meet in front of the Alamo every night!

No, but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night. :king: I have many wonderful friends in the Air Force and that info just came from a web search. I now live in Oklahoma, but have visited SA many times. It is an AWEOME downtown city. I love the riverwalk and the GT at Alamo are a blast too.


Well-Known Member
Why remember the boy? Because that's what this particular thread is about. If you want to remember the 2 year old that drowned in a pool in New Jersey , then PLEASE DO SO. If you want to remember the 17 year old who died who was hit by a car crossing a busy intersection in NYC, then PLEASE DO SO. Remember every young life that has been lost. Don't put a roller coaster in front of a human life. It's just not worth it. Put yourself in the shoes of the parents of that kid.

This thread needs to be closed because the horse has been beaten past recognition.


Senderella said:
Someone posted yesterday they saw the parents on Fox News and already had a lawyer. Wonder if they're planning on whatever they were planning on?

That person who posted that then posted a later entry stating that the family that was seen on the TV was that of the 4 yr. old that had died after riding M:S. It was not this family.

My prayers with this family. I am sure this is a hard time.


New Member
This particular thread has turned into why the child died and was it the coaster's fault. I find discussing this interesting and informative. I've learned alot from this thread. And who are you to tell when a thread should be closed or not?


seabee1 said:
That person who posted that then posted a later entry stating that the family that was seen on the TV was that of the 4 yr. old that had died after riding M:S. It was not this family.

My prayers with this family. I am sure this is a hard time.

Ah ok. I must've missed that post! Correction taken :wave:


New Member
seabee1 said:
That person who posted that then posted a later entry stating that the family that was seen on the TV was that of the 4 yr. old that had died after riding M:S. It was not this family.

My prayers with this family. I am sure this is a hard time.
In that case, I hope the family finds peace. I am glad they are not like the lawsuit happy rest of the US population.


Active Member
wdwishes2005 said:
Why remember one boy and not the 50 others that died in the past week? The whole debate here has been the effect of the ride on the boy. And I think WDWmagic will decide when the thread needs closed. And yes, I think if the family already hired a lawyer ( I don't know if that is the case, the key word is IF) I think it's safe to say that they aren't as shook up as I would be if I lost a family member.

I agree. Steve needs to close this thread...

Saw your most recent post.... That post is better.. At least you come of sensitive in that one... And if this family sues, then that is their choice... We shouldn't judge them.... Even though the lawsuit would more than likely be without merit.


Active Member
teamran said:
Here in the Nashville area, it made our local news since the family is from Fort Campbell army base. The 911 tape was played with the castmember telling the 911 operator that she had no idea what the problem was but an ambulance was needed. She is asking someone what the problem was and there was no one who really was giving her adequate information as to how dire the situation was. She did not realize that CPR was being performed. The 911 operator was trying to let her know that the paramedics needed info as to what was happening. That 911 tape worried me a little. The lack of communication was uncalled for. I understand it is a tense situation, but please, someone with more knowledge of the situation should have been calling. The castmember also told the 911 operator that she was in another part of the park from the ride.

I hate to hear of anything negative coming from Disney. The lack of communication did not kill this boy, but they need to fix it so it doesn't kill the next person who needs emergency help.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one that was disturbed by the tape of that 911 call. I would have also thought that they would have taken measures to have more defibrillators around the parks, or have them more accessible, after the MS incidents. Plus, the telephone nearest to where the child was located was busy when the 911 operator tried to call it. I only hope it was someone else trying to get help and not an operational or personal call. On the plus side, it did only take about 3 minutes for for Reedy Creek emergency personell to arrive, which is darn fast.

Please don't take this as Disney bashing, I'm just expressing my thoughts after hearing the tape.

I realize it's impractical to have a first responder stationed at every attraction, and that many of the CM's are part timers that usually don't stay very long. But after hearing the tape, I think that Disney should spend a little more time in training attraction CM's in how to handle emergencies.


Active Member
bp123 said:
"Preliminary autopsy results found no injuries, but indicated congenital heart abnormalities in a 12-year-old boy who died after a Disney ride in Florida, according to a statement from the medical examiner’s office."

I remember when Hank Gathers died in 1990 after being only the second person to lead the NCAA in scoring AND rebounding in the same year. He had been found to have a heart defect and prescribed medication only to die a few months later. "An autopsy found that he suffered from a heart-muscle disorder, cardiomyopathy." He was a shoe-in First round NBA pick in terrific shape. There is no way you would know if your young son had this type of problem beforehand.

I have friends who lost their son at 18 years due to an automobile accident and they still haven't recovered fully after 3 years. They say the pain is unimaginable. My prayers for this family. Also, someone mentioned them securing a lawyer. Securing a lawyer can be a point of protection for the family as well as possible litigation. Good lawyers counsel you on what to say or not say to the media so that you won't be held liable.


New Member
I said if they already had plans to sue ( hence the lawyer) they were probably not as shook up as I was 3 months ago when a relative of mine died. I now retract that since the information stated before proved to be false.

ah, the beauty of simultanous posting. I saw this post right after I posted this

I agree. Steve needs to close this thread...

Saw your most recent post.... That post is better.. At least you come of sensitive in that one... And if this family sues, then that is their choice... We shouldn't judge them.... Even though the lawsuit would more than likely be without merit.


New Member
I am wondering if there will be any sort of fund for this family set up that people could donate to, for maybe the education of the other child, or any other needs, seeing as this is a military family-- I would love to be able to show my support for them, and give a gift in honor of their son.

wdwwishes2005-- just because someone chooses to seek legal advice doesn't mean they aren't devastated by the tragic loss of a family member.


Active Member
GothMickey said:
I agree. Steve needs to close this thread...
Yes! Let's close this thread only to have others start new thread on this topic! :brick:

No offense, man, but go to another thread if you're tired of this one. This has become a major media story that features Disney--whether it deserves to be or whether you and I like it or not. It's going to be discussed. Where else online should people discuss it that's better than wdwmagic?


New Member
missy28 said:
wdwwishes2005-- just because someone chooses to seek legal advice doesn't mean they aren't devastated by the tragic loss of a family member.

It came to my attention a few posts ago why you would need a lawyer other than to sue ( protection from the media ) Thanks for pointing that out. I still say if literally hours after a relative dies you are already looking to sue that is indicative of how badly you are grieving. But in this case I wish the family well, and I don't question their grief.

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