Bob Jackson had me shippin bricks!!!!!!!!

WEll Everyone i'm back from my 6 nights in WDW and I will introduce the cast of this TR as they come into play.It begins actually 2 days before I leave with a note I wrote in my trip journal( I brought 2 books with me #1 my disney planning book and #2 my trip journal)

On the inside cover I wrote the park hours just incase


Here is the in exactly 2 days I will set foot in the most magical place on earth,In the meantime... while some of my friends are are in The Magic Kingdom at this very moment....I'm doin my stinkin laundry.UGH!!!Need to pack those last minute necessities,do my dishes,vacum and all that jazz(stuff I won't wanna do when I get home)
This will be my 10th trip to the world and I'm hoping it's a good one.This morning I called All Star Movies to talk to my friend and the Cm's name was "Pollyanna"so I had a mini freak out to her about how much I love that movie!!!"let's play the glad game"
here is the section of the resort my friend staye


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then came Cinderella


Lady Tremaine went nuts when she saw my girls dressed as her daughters,they were a major hit and she made sure to let the entire restaurant know how magnificent they were,then she said that fairy grandmothers make far better dresses than fairy godmothers do.



then Drizella came by and got really excited!!


she posed the girls like her


and Anastasia liked the dresses too but she said that by the next time she wants to see both of them dressed as her instead


and with a hug for Riley she was off to seek out a prince of her very own



Our lunch was at Crystal palace and it was kinda BLAH! and very rushedwhich isn't a normal Crystal Palace experience for us.
Love the report so far.The women have 50 Shades of Earl Grey and I've got mamamouse's TR. :D
We had a similar experience to your lunch at a breakfast in Tusker House; we had only been served our drinks and the bill was dropped at our table! My jaw dropped to the floor. I know they are busy and want a quick turnaround, but that was atrocious service.
keep up the good work! look forward to the next installments :)


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Love the report so far.The women have 50 Shades of Earl Grey and I've got mamamouse's TR. :D
We had a similar experience to your lunch at a breakfast in Tusker House; we had only been served our drinks and the bill was dropped at our table! My jaw dropped to the floor. I know they are busy and want a quick turnaround, but that was atrocious service.
keep up the good work! look forward to the next installments :)

lol,you're so funny! well the next installment is being worked on as we speak,I couldn't do it sooner because I teamed up with some Disney Villains to complete a top secret Halloween mission for someone who will be reading this(I'll pm you if ya wanna know what I'm talkin about)


lol,you're so funny! well the next installment is being worked on as we speak,I couldn't do it sooner because I teamed up with some Disney Villains to complete a top secret Halloween mission for someone who will be reading this(I'll pm you if ya wanna know what I'm talkin about)
well of course i wanna know! sounds intriguing


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After dinner I went to change the girls outfits for our next adventure but there was one problem my Riley didn't fit her pirate dress :( I don't know how that happened because I had tried it on her the week before and it was fine so she ended up having to stay in her Anastasia dress( let that be a hint to where we were going next)and just wait until you see how adorable Hailey looked in her next costume!!
Anyways,we got on another monorail,only this time I didn't write down what colour it was ,but I wanna say it was black so let's go with that shall we?We arrived at our destination but had some time to kill so we shopped in the shops ( I have to say shops instead of stores because it's been brought to my attention that calling them stores doesn't make sense because we don't say we're going storing)
soon enough we came across the place we needed to be which was of course none other than The Pirate and Pals Fireworks Cruise




When it was time to check-in we were given pirate bandanas and sent to a waiting room.The kids were kept busy with pirate colouring pages and puzzles.Then we were introduced to our pirate captains Patch and Patch(although neither was wearing a patch hmmm odd)they were hilarious,they led us into a large banquet hall where some people snacked on popcorn,cotton candy,ice cream,cake and chocolate coins and others lined up right away to meet captain hook and mr smee.Out of the corner of my eye I noticed something on the floor,it was a 50$ dollar bill so I picked it up and turned it in to the nearest cast member because if that was mine I would hope someone would turn it in.Then we met hook and Smee and Hook was not happy about Haileys gear... ......




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I stocked my bag full of treats to take on the boat as Patch and Patch separated us into 2 crews


and each crew was led by a pre-chosen child who carried the flag for our crew ,we were on team Smee.Out of the 2 Patches ours was my fave and he was a total riot.we were loaded onto our vessel



and out to the lake to watch the electrical water pageant.Now I've seen it before but not like this ,it is so much better up close and personal.




and of course the finale.....



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and now to set the mood and for your listening pleasure as you tag along through the next part......

We moved in nice and close to MK and watched wishes




it was breath taking,can you imagine doing this a couple times out of each week?



then I realised that my dream job was no longer to be stitch,this was truely it I had found it!!!!



if theres a heaven I was in it




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On our way back to the contemporary,patch was asking the kids trivia questions and some of them were a lil bit tricky but there wasn't a single one that i didn't know the answer to.Everytime a child answered correctly they won a pirate prize.Hailey won a pirate beach ball for answering what Stitch's experiment number is ( I helped) and Riley won a pirate ducky for knowing which animal holds the keys to the cell in POTC( I was so proud since i am such a pirates fan) Now i have to say even if I wasn't as pirate obsessed as I am I would still say this extra excursion was the best 182.00$ that I never spent (my mom paid) I would highly reccommend it for anyone of any age .I really had the time of my life,it was the best Disney moment ever(aside from meeting my beautiful magic ladies,you know who you are)When we docked we were lined up to meet Peter himself,Hailey could hardly conmtain herself ,he is afterall her fave character ever!!!

he signed her doll for her




If I had to say anything that I didn't like it would be the lack of transportation after it was done(royal pain)but now I know and can plan ahead for the next time .


wow, that Fireworks Voyage looks like fun. thats whats good about this forum, you get to know of attractions you may have missed, although i must say, adding the music video made it so realistic, im now thinking up excuses to go back to WDW tomorrow without anyone noticing!


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wow, that Fireworks Voyage looks like fun. thats whats good about this forum, you get to know of attractions you may have missed, although i must say, adding the music video made it so realistic, im now thinking up excuses to go back to WDW tomorrow without anyone noticing!

if ya figure out let me know I wanna sneak back lol,only I wanna bring some special disney friends with me


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So when we left the pirate n pals we had a heck of a time getting bacvk to our resort,people were being directed to walk to MK(no bus or monorail running at the time)and catch a bus from mk to wherever they were headed,but cm's were having people turn back from mk to contemporary then everyone had to either take a bus to DHS or downtown disney,the problem with that was that everytime one pulled up they were too full to get on it took forever but after 5 Dhs busses and 3 downtown disney buses we finally got one to DTD and then waited for a bus to PORS now it might have not been so bad if my kids hadn't been up since 3 am and we were now pushin 11 or since i hadnt slept well plus been up since 3 am,anyway we got back ,opened the door n pretty much fell into our beds.
The next morning we slept in and then set off for Animal kingdom,although this time we found ways to amuse ourselves with the camera while we waited for a bus.

riley took this pic of hailey and i

then hailey took one of me with Ry

Riley and duffys

then one of grandma

WOOHOOO we got on a bus finally!!!!(the wait wouldn't have been so long if we weren't travelling with someone on a scooter)



Who knows where that kids parents are but i never noticed him until i looked at the pic,if I had I would've made sure he was okay .


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okay so for anyone who didn't know this trip originally began as a riley n grandma trip,however I wanted to give them their own time aswell so we split up alot but were always in the same general area so I could be available at anytime.This will explain why most pics are just of Hailey and I except at most meals or for some of the photopass pics.Another thing i should point out is that this same week 4 of my friends from one of the forums were running the TOT 10 miler and so I had planned to meet some of them so they will be mentioned in this TR as they come I call them my "magic ladies".( so basically from this site but sionce I'm posting this same tr on 2 sites i hade to include that)
Anyway with me n my girls we have always had a tradition that we go to Dinoland and get slushies and popcorn so H and I set off in that direction......



only since the theme of this trip was to try new things we decided to try the cinnamon pecans and they did not disapoint


this day I was texting back and forth with one of my magic ladies Darolyn,she was in Ak too but with Hailey it can be very difficult to plan things sometimes because she has difficulty waiting or staying still and especially in the sun,it causes major meltdowns or sometimes in the heat she has seizures.(we're still trying to find out all the causes of these seizures,it's been a very lengthy process)anyway unfortunately we didn't get to meet her that day.Hailey saw alot of things she wanted to buy with her "duffy money"(thats spending money in her terms) but she decided to get her face painted first.
so here's the before shot....

she chose the unicorn style( no surprise to some who know how much she loves my little pony)


and the big reveal....

as you can see she loved it,I did too!! so TAAAAADAAAAAAA!!!!

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