Bob Iger compensation for 2013


Le Meh
Premium Member
Untrue. All executive compensation is tax deductible, just like all non-executive compensation. For executives, you need to go through an additional hoop to have the compensation over $1M tax deductible, but that's all. It isn't MORE tax deductible than any other compensation. And why should it be treated differently?

It ain't the tax law that encourages huge compensation to CEOs.
It seems you speak from knowledge vs emotional pop cultural rhetoric. What a concept. Kudos to you sir.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Individual shareholders are no longer welcome at TWDC shareholders meetings irrespective of the size of holdings. There has been too much shareholder activism on subjects like shareholder approval of executive compensation, merger policy and corporate direction. Shareholders are limited to voting on items on the proxy.

The only option these days would be a bear raid, buy on drop and force election of a new BOD.
Individual shareholders are as "Welcome" at shareholders meetings as they are at any other company. Indeed, securities law requires such. As for voting, Disney, like every other public company, has rules about how to get proposals on the ballot that make it quite difficult for a small shareholder to get something on the ballot, but it isn't impossible, nor is it more difficult at Disney than other companies.

Finally, Disney, like every US public company, has a shareholder vote on executive pay. The vote is advisory and non-binding, but, if I recall, the vote was a thumbs up by a fairly wide margin.


Resident Curmudgeon
Individual shareholders are as "Welcome" at shareholders meetings as they are at any other company. Indeed, securities law requires such. As for voting, Disney, like every other public company, has rules about how to get proposals on the ballot that make it quite difficult for a small shareholder to get something on the ballot, but it isn't impossible, nor is it more difficult at Disney than other companies.

Finally, Disney, like every US public company, has a shareholder vote on executive pay. The vote is advisory and non-binding, but, if I recall, the vote was a thumbs up by a fairly wide margin.

Why do people apologize for corporate bad behavior. Folks this is NOT your parents TWDC.

Attending the TWDC shareholders meeting is invitation only and is limited to a few hundred people from institutional investors with some individual holders selected by lottery.

In 2012 it was held in a small ballroom at the Westin in Kansas City.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Probably shouldn't turn this into a political discussion.
True, true, maybe we shouldn't.

But what is annoying is when 'normal' threads are turned political, with entrenched positions in which people take heavy emotional interest. That should be avoided. But should we also avoid topics about Disney that touch on the policital? Disney and gambling is a serious issue, very political, and we discuss it. WDW's CM paychecks are discussed. That is political, even if people think the personal isn't political. And likewise, any opinion about Iger's paycheck beyond a basic factual level is bound to be political. Certainly any comment worth reading will be! We can not separate Disney from the larger world in which it operates. And maybe it would be a shame if we pretended it was!
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Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Why do people apologize for corporate bad behavior. Folks this is NOT your parents TWDC.

Attending the TWDC shareholders meeting is invitation only and is limited to a few hundred people from institutional investors with some individual holders selected by lottery.

In 2012 it was held in a small ballroom at the Westin in Kansas City.
Proxy statements are publicly available, and the invitation applies to all shareholders. While tickets must be requested (beginning a few years ago), they are distributed first come first serve and shareholders have not been shut out in large numbers.

And people who know me in my professional life would absolutely choke at the suggestions that I'm an apologist for corporate bad behavior. Indeed, your comments brought a smile to my face...thank you.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm sure Iger has also been instrumental as to why Disney has been voted the number one employer by Yahoo Finance two years running.

Just picking here but is this the same Yahoo that constantly has articles with missing information and/or pictures that are usually alluded to in the article names on the home page? Just picking is all.

I didn't even realize that this posting had this many hits. Personally, I don't understand finance nearly as well as many of you seem to. I understand that his compensation package is voted on and approved and all of that jazz. That doesn't mean that I agree with it. Of course, that goes for just about all companies, the one I work for included. The hourly workers at our distribution center got an average raise of 25 cents per hour this year while our Distribution Manager and Site Manager got 10% of their annual salary. Now, most of us figure that she(site manager) makes about 120k or more since she's in charge of our site and the one in Hammond, LA. So we're talking a bonus of at least 10k + the one shot of 401k dump @ 1.5 x annual wages. I will admit that the 401k dump was nice, since it went against what you actually grossed for the year versus your base wages. For someone like me that works a ton of overtime it was nice.

I'm tired so hopefully I don't come across as a communist or something, I just think that the CEO -vs- hourly employees thing is getting way out of hand. Anyhow, just thought I'd chime in.


Well-Known Member
True, true, maybe we shouldn't.

But what is annoying is when 'normal' threads are turned political, with entrenched positions in which people take heavy emotional interest. That should be avoided. But should we also avoid topics about Disney that touch on the policital? Disney and gambling is a serious issue, very political, and we discuss it. WDW's CM paychecks are discussed. That is political, even if people think the personal isn't political. And likewise, any opinion about Iger's paycheck beyond a basic factual level is bound to be political. Certainly any comment worth reading will be! We can not separate Disney from the larger world in which it operates. And maybe it would be a shame if we pretended it was!

One of the best posts in a very long time. And may I add its more so not that everything is political per say but that politics involve everything? How economic and social ideas and values work is how humanity works...on these forums and others we attempt to hide from the very fact of this truth. But that is arguably agreeing to not talk about humanity...people feel passion on there opinions and beliefs because they are so important to them. People should learn to have a civil conversation but the media war machines on each side of the spectrum make it almost impossible for somebody to differentiate between right and wrong. (Noteworthy if you support a specific social agenda) you are likely to lean one way or another based on that one line item. (Foolish I think) but than again we are all fools.


Well-Known Member
Just picking here but is this the same Yahoo that constantly has articles with missing information and/or pictures that are usually alluded to in the article names on the home page? Just picking is all.

I didn't even realize that this posting had this many hits. Personally, I don't understand finance nearly as well as many of you seem to. I understand that his compensation package is voted on and approved and all of that jazz. That doesn't mean that I agree with it. Of course, that goes for just about all companies, the one I work for included. The hourly workers at our distribution center got an average raise of 25 cents per hour this year while our Distribution Manager and Site Manager got 10% of their annual salary. Now, most of us figure that she(site manager) makes about 120k or more since she's in charge of our site and the one in Hammond, LA. So we're talking a bonus of at least 10k + the one shot of 401k dump @ 1.5 x annual wages. I will admit that the 401k dump was nice, since it went against what you actually grossed for the year versus your base wages. For someone like me that works a ton of overtime it was nice.

I'm tired so hopefully I don't come across as a communist or something, I just think that the CEO -vs- hourly employees thing is getting way out of hand. Anyhow, just thought I'd chime in.

Yahoo is pretty awful...hence we don't yahoo for results...we google.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
As Curtis James Jackson III (better know by his stage name 50 cent) once said...

"Get rich or die tryin"

Just kidding :joyfull: I couldn't have a conversation with you about this if I tried, my knowledge of economics is equal to that of a monkey's. I'm sure there are some issues when it comes to the different wealth tiers around the world. The way I see it money isn't everything, but it's nice to have. If you want to make a lot of money there are thousands of ways to do it, many of which just require a bit more work than your average middle class career.

I'm going out on a limb here but I don't think Iger was handed CEO on a silver platter. I'm sure he had to get the right education and work his way up the food chain, only to find he had to support the weight of one of the biggest companies in the world on his shoulders. Sure, many careers are much harder and don't have nearly as much compensation, but everyone knows how much big company CEOs can make so if you want to make that much then follow the path to become a CEO.

I'm not sure if that makes sense but that's just my point of view.
It makes perfect sense. Grammatically and rhetorically. ;)


Well-Known Member
Iger (and any other CEO) deserves whatever the Board of Directors decides to pay him. For the people with the attitude that "nobody deserves to make that much." Why not? It doesn't hurt anybody else financially except Disney Shareholders.

Many people have this idea that there is a "pie" of money and that when somebody is getting paid a lot, it takes income away from other people. That isn't how the world economy works. The total "wealth" of the world is always increasing.

You need to understand that the world economy is basically a made up system that attempts to place value on productivity (currency). If the "pie" model was true, population increase would have made every person destitute by now.

The other thing to understand is that the economy, in general, grows because people buy things that they don't really need. Evil rich people buy more of these things than common people. If everybody just purchased what they need to survive we'd be living like it was 1650 still.

Stop being jealous of other people's financial success. Money doesn't buy happiness and there are a lot of miserable rich people (hence the rate of substance abuse problems among celebrities). I'm not on the same planet of income level as a CEO and I don't want to be. I'm not willing to make the sacrifices to lifestyle and family that is required.


Well-Known Member
Iger (and any other CEO) deserves whatever the Board of Directors decides to pay him. For the people with the attitude that "nobody deserves to make that much." Why not? It doesn't hurt anybody else financially except Disney Shareholders.

Apply that to Dick Fuld.

The Mom

Premium Member
One of the best posts in a very long time. And may I add its more so not that everything is political per say but that politics involve everything? How economic and social ideas and values work is how humanity works...on these forums and others we attempt to hide from the very fact of this truth. But that is arguably agreeing to not talk about humanity...people feel passion on there opinions and beliefs because they are so important to them. People should learn to have a civil conversation but the media war machines on each side of the spectrum make it almost impossible for somebody to differentiate between right and wrong. (Noteworthy if you support a specific social agenda) you are likely to lean one way or another based on that one line item. (Foolish I think) but than again we are all fools.

I bolded a part of your post, which explains why political discussions are not allowed. People have NOT learned how to present opposing views without insults and name calling from both sides of the issue - even more so than in non-political discussions. It's hard enough keeping things civil with what should be non-controversial topics without allowing discussions that are known to start forum wars. ;)


Well-Known Member
A lot of great economic talk here!
Less we forget how incentives work....if you paid iger what many think he deserves he would tell you to pound sand....and every other high ranking official would do the same.

It's the same idea of minimum wage on the flip side. (Kills the incentive to hire) results in less people having a job at all and accelerates replacing jobs with technology and cutting hours.


Well-Known Member
I bolded a part of your post, which explains why political discussions are not allowed. People have not learned how to present opposing views without insults and name calling from both sides of the issue - even more so than in non-political discussions. It's hard enough keeping things civil with what should be non-controversial topics without allowing discussions that are known to start forum wars. ;)

Amen. If we all continue down this path of never being able to avoid forum wars how can we discuss anything? Hell it will leak into normal conversation I bet somebody here can tell me something negative about a Mickey bar. (The most superior ice cream bar on earth)

The Mom

Premium Member
Amen. If we all continue down this path of never being able to avoid forum wars how can we discuss anything? Hell it will leak into normal conversation I bet somebody here can tell me something negative about a Mickey bar. (The most superior ice cream bar on earth)

I've discovered over the years that there are some people who just like to argue regardless of the topic - and they don't really care one way or the other, they just like to stir the pot (and don't any of you replace pot with another word - I'm watching ;)). There are just some topics that make the arguments nastier than others.


Well-Known Member
I've discovered over the years that there are some people who just like to argue regardless of the topic - and they don't really care one way or the other, they just like to stir the pot (and don't any of you replace pot with another word - I'm watching ;)). There are just some topics that make the arguments nastier than others.

Just ban those people FOREVVVERRR kidding.

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