To be fair, those are all things that were green-lit and built when everything was going great at Disney, when the Eisner/Wells partnership was in charge. Captain Neo's list came after Wells had passed away, when things right across TWDC had begun to go downhill and there was very little sign of that downward spiral being stopped.
At the end of the day its impossible to know what might have happened had Eisner remained in charge. It could have gone either way, Eisner might have gone all out at the parks and committed millions of dollar to ensure that Disney remained ahead of the competition. Or his ego might have clouded his judgement, like it did in animation, and he might have done more harm than good in believing that he knew better than anyone else. The best things Eisner did at Disney came about when Wells was alive, he needed someone like that to reign him in and keep things on track. Without someone like Wells working with Eisner, its hard to believe that things would have gotten better given that he had surrounded himself with yes-men who would never have told him if one of his ideas was a bad one.