Well-Known Member
A second opinion is still (another) professional with a degree doing its job, just like having a say isn't as extreme as overruling the expert.Getting a second opinion and having a say in our medical treatment is standard practice in America also, we aren’t a trusting lot.
And the lengths some people go to find a hairdresser that can do their hair “just how they want it” borders on neurotic.
This level of interference of parents into schools is way more extreme than that and imho, a direct claim that the schooled professional isnt capable of doing its job for that part.
The entire human society kinda relies on a system where each one takes a different role and does that kind of work for the community, so the entire group can excel because there's level of efficiency in that ...|
This almost is a way back with so many parents being busy with educating ... Maybe America will prosper as the land of the free and homescholing educational system. Flip the system! Full say in what your kids learn. Just each kid at home!
No more problems with school lunches etc etc. (no more school shootings is there isnt any school left?).
Didnt the pandemic proof how hard it can be to do teach ánd do your own job?