Blue Man Group


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Hey Everyone :wave:

I was just wondering if anyone has seen the Blue Man Group at Citywalk? I was given tickets to a show as a Valentine's gift. I'm very excited but I just wanted to hear some opinions if there are any since I haven't heard anything yet. What to expect, how long it is, all that jazz :animwink:


Active Member
I have seen the show three times total (once at New York's Astor Plaza and twice here at Citywalk). I had barely even heard of the Blue Man Group before I saw the show a few years ago in New York, and immediately following it, I became fascinated with the music, the show and the group itself.

Citywalk's show is longer and larger than any others out currently, and let me say that it shows. I highly recommend you arrive early to the show to get in and see the complex before it fills up. As odd as it sounds, I even recommend that you visit the restroom inside of the lobby, as it features a custom Blue Man Group audio track, relevant to setting... :animwink:

The show itself can only be described as a wonder for the eyes, ears, mind and spirit. Its combination of comedy, visual effects, live performances and audience interaction makes for one incredible experience that you will most likely want to come back for again.

Just a hint for those of you that enjoy art made live, the Blue Man Group painting (you will know what I am referring to early into the show) sells for $50, and only one is made per show. To buy it, you must be the first to the sales counter at the end of the show, and be ready to buy it on the spot, because it becomes a near-mad dash to get to the item (I know, as I nearly killed myself trying to get it my second time around after losing it to a faster adult back in July). I have mine hanging on my wall in my room, and I don't regret paying a little extra for this wonderful souvenir.

But, back to the show... I think you'll definitely enjoy it (everyone I have taken with me to see it loved the show). Have a good time! :wave:


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Thank you so much for that wonderful post! That was exactly what I was hoping to see :animwink: I was excited before but now I'm really excited so thank you! I was pretty much a blank slate when it came to knowing anything about this show (comedy? what? lol) so that helped a lot. I'll even be sure to visit the bathroom :lol:
I went to See them Last September, Not really knowing what to expect.
one word - Fantastic! it was totally differnt to what I was expecting, since the show Ive Managed to get most of the BMG CD's DVD's.
Im thinking of seeing BMG in Las Vegas when I go in May


Well-Known Member
Best show in Orlando, hands down.

BTW, it's actually just a medium sized show, the Vegas show and the touring How To Be A Megastar Tour 2.0 show are much bigger (in terms of band and stage).


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I'm so excited! Thanks for the input... I'm heading down there in an hour or so for tonight's show and I can't wait :sohappy:


New Member
I'm so excited! Thanks for the input... I'm heading down there in an hour or so for tonight's show and I can't wait :sohappy:


Hope you enjoyed the show.

My partner & I went last September on the recommendation of our holiday rep but she said she couldn't really describe it but had heard it was good.

After seeing it I understand why she couldn't describe it other than most amazing show and well worth seeing again and again we go back this September and I am planning to see it aagin!



Active Member
Big BMG fan here. The orlando show is not bad. Not my favorite, but worth it for a first-timer. How many Rock Concert Movements do you know? :D


Well-Known Member
I'll be seeing their tour in Tallahassee in about a month. Do they use any special effects in their Orlando version that they're not able to do with the traveling shows?


Well-Known Member
I'll be seeing their tour in Tallahassee in about a month. Do they use any special effects in their Orlando version that they're not able to do with the traveling shows?

the orlando show is worth seeing at least once..

I know i want to go abck and see it a 2nd time soon...

It was nice from their Orlando show after seeing their new york show the previous spring break.


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Just got back and I loved it!! I can see why it's so hard to describe but I thought it was fantastic. To hear that there are better BMG shows out there... hm, I can see this becoming expensive :lol:


Well-Known Member
I'll be seeing their tour in Tallahassee in about a month. Do they use any special effects in their Orlando version that they're not able to do with the traveling shows?

The traveling show is about them going into our world and experiencing being a rock star.

In the stage shows... we enter the Blue Man's world. Yes, pretty much only 10% of the show is the same between the stage and touring show.


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The tour is coming to my town soon. :lookaroun

There goes a good chunk of change from my wallet. :lol: Couldn't have picked a better time to become a fan I guess!

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