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Well-Known Member
Employee abuse as the main theme? Please. This film has a clear motive and agenda. If it didn't they would have used far more experienced people in the movie.

When you look at the movie you have about 7 ex SeaWorld employees 6 of which have something negative to say.

Daily at SeaWorld in
Orlando you have about 20 people working with the Orcas
San Anotnio you have about 20 people working with the Orcas
San Diego you have about 30 people working with the Orcas

That is about 70 people total who daily right now work with the Orcas. Then you look over the 50 year history of the SeaWorld parks... (Orlando turns 40 in December) and you realize, hey these 6 people are the exception. Anyone who has spent a significant time working at SeaWorld in Animal care has nothing but amazing things to say about their years, and decades of service.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Wow, this thread is seriously filled with ostriches that love putting their heads in the sand. Very unfortunate. Every time someone defends an animal or says something controversial about Sea World, we're accused of being part of PETA. Um, incorrect. I'm just a person with a conscience and a heart and with empathy. I've never given PETA a dime.

Seriously, just do yourself a favor and take your heads out of the sand for ten minutes and watch the beginning of Blackfish tomorrow. If, after ten minutes, you are not intrigued and decide to change the channel to your favorite sitcom, so be it, but if you go to Sea World regularly, you really should see this.
You sure read a lot into things that I post that I have never said.

As far as PETA is concerned....if it walks like a duck...


Active Member
Original Poster

It's really not fair sea world is having to put up with this.

Tilikum is the largest killer whale in captivity. An Icelandic orca---he was taken from the Icelandic Sea and now lives backstage at an entertainment venue in Florida.

Ms. Brancheau is dead. Mr. Martinez is dead. The company goes on to make millions.

And we feel sorry for---what? SeaWorld?

Please give it some more thought....

Russell Simmons is calling tonight's television broadcast of Blackfish a "game changer."

Special coverage of Blackfish on CNN both before and after the movie. I would watch, in particular, for comments from Dr. Naomi Rose.


Well-Known Member
Not at all. They had wonderful jobs. They knew it could be dangerous and they signed up for it. It's unfortunate the tragedies that occurred but that's all.
And I will not feel bad that I took my bunny outta the wild and gave him a good home. You have to think about it. Then even disney ak kindom safari should let all their animals free. No. They're all well taken care of.
It's Unfortunate accidents but don't make sea world suffer any more for it.
They're a good company.


Active Member
Original Poster
It's Unfortunate accidents but don't make sea world suffer any more for it.

What is it about a theme park show---a superfluous piece of entertainment lasting only minutes---that makes it worth the loss of human life to you? How can anyone with the minimum amount of common sense and compassion be aware of deaths and injuries associated with this program and still say---The Show Must Go On?

We need a loud wake-up call. And one is coming.....around 9 o'clock tonight.

The Shamu show has got to go.

Gabriela Cowperthwaite's BLACKFISH on CNN
Tonight. 9PM ET
Special Coverage both before and after the movie on CNN.


One Little Spark...
Why give CNN the ratings when it's been leaked on the internet in streaming HD for free?
What is it about a theme park show---a superfluous piece of entertainment lasting only minutes---that makes it worth the loss of human life to you? How can anyone with the minimum amount of common sense and compassion be aware of deaths and injuries associated with this program and still say---The Show Must Go On?
Have you asked any of the performers at Cirque de Soleis the same question?


Well-Known Member
What is it about a theme park show---a superfluous piece of entertainment lasting only minutes---that makes it worth the loss of human life to you? How can anyone with the minimum amount of common sense and compassion be aware of deaths and injuries associated with this program and still say---The Show Must Go On?

We need a loud wake-up call. And one is coming.....around 9 o'clock tonight.

The Shamu show has got to go.

Gabriela Cowperthwaite's BLACKFISH on CNN
Tonight. 9PM ET
Special Coverage both before and after the movie on CNN.
The trainers did sign up for it though. I'm sure they knew all the risks about the job, but they took it anyway. Plus as stated before, why not tell cirque de soleil that, as well as the few broadway shows that have had performer deaths and injuries such as the spiderman show?


Well-Known Member
What is it about a theme park show---a superfluous piece of entertainment lasting only minutes---that makes it worth the loss of human life to you? How can anyone with the minimum amount of common sense and compassion be aware of deaths and injuries associated with this program and still say---The Show Must Go On?

We need a loud wake-up call. And one is coming.....around 9 o'clock tonight.

The Shamu show has got to go.

Gabriela Cowperthwaite's BLACKFISH on CNN
Tonight. 9PM ET
Special Coverage both before and after the movie on CNN.
Frist of all you don’t need to keep reminding people what time this show is on. You mention it in every post and it’s been all over the news.

Once again I will repeat myself that Shamu Show is going nowhere and we got a beautiful new nighttime Shamu show waiting for us in March. The show is at max occupancy at almost all showings and SeaWorld is on pace for a record year. This is even with all the stupid blackfish coverage that’s been around all year as well. This movie is no game changer. It’s not making any changes at all. It’s the same people over and over who are extremist trying to make a point and CNN gave them a platform for it.

Why do you keep bringing up all the negative stuff on SeaWorld? Why don’t you go after zoos and all the other places and Animal Kingdom for instance.

View attachment 36731
Tilikum is the largest killer whale in captivity. An Icelandic orca---he was taken from the Icelandic Sea and now lives backstage at an entertainment venue in Florida.

Ms. Brancheau is dead. Mr. Martinez is dead. The company goes on to make millions.

And we feel sorry for---what? SeaWorld?

Please give it some more thought....

Russell Simmons is calling tonight's television broadcast of Blackfish a "game changer."

Special coverage of Blackfish on CNN both before and after the movie. I would watch, in particular, for comments from Dr. Naomi Rose.
Tili is not kept just backstage. He is in dine with Shamu almost daily and he is in underwater viewing with Trua almost all the time.

I will also say that SeaWorld is more than an entertainment venue. While yes it provides entertainment it is also a rescue center, rehabilitation center and a research center.

Also for Naomi oh boy why do we trust anything she has to say? She has a viewpoint that is all her own and she will be hammering it in to everyone I am sure. I urge you to tune in at 11 and listen to what Jack Hanna has to say. I’m sure you will just love his stance on this. Why should we trust anything more that Naomi says vs’ what Jack says?


Well-Known Member
What is it about a theme park show---a superfluous piece of entertainment lasting only minutes---that makes it worth the loss of human life to you? How can anyone with the minimum amount of common sense and compassion be aware of deaths and injuries associated with this program and still say---The Show Must Go On?

We need a loud wake-up call. And one is coming.....around 9 o'clock tonight.

The Shamu show has got to go.

Gabriela Cowperthwaite's BLACKFISH on CNN
Tonight. 9PM ET
Special Coverage both before and after the movie on CNN.
If I could dislike a post, I'd break my mouse disliking this one.


Well-Known Member

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Wild animals in captivity should be a binary thought, you are ok with it or you are not. Whether it be the animals at Sea World, Animal Kingdom, Epcot, Busch Gardens, Gatorland etc. You shouldn't just be selective about it, at the end of the day none of them are living their true natural life.
I understand your point, that hypocrisy looms nearby. I eat meat and I visit zoos. Yet I protest animal abuse.

But I don't think the issues are binary. Reality seldom is, seldom is black and white (unlike orcas!)

I would not visit a 19th century city zoo anymore. You know the ones, from the history books. Big cats in cages measuring fiteen by ten feet. Their entire lives. Nothing to play with, nothing to do. It drove them mad. Modern zoos no longer do that and I would not visit them if they did.

I think the tanks for big cetaceans are uncomfortably close to that. By default, we are landlubbers, orcas are ocean dwellers. Our environments are so vastly different that we can only give them a caricature of their natural environment. The modern equivalent of the 1850 steel cage for big cats. But whereas cats are now displayed in reasonably natural enclosures, we can not possibly hope to reasonably emulate an environment that consists of 'half the northern Pacific ocean'.


The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
People who won't take their children to Sea World, will just be missing out on a great park.
SEA truly is a great park. I do think opinion is shifting about their orca shows. More and more people who wouldn't want to be missing out on a great park stay away because of it.

Hey, DisneySea shows what you can do with the sea theme without questionable animal exploitation. ;)

SEA can also still have their manatees and sharks and manta rays if it were up to me. I do feel uncomfortable with all those polar animals perennially indoors, and some of the large cetaceans.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Seriously? This just goes to show you know nothing. SeaWorld employees are not abused. most of them are angry at the fact of what blackfish is saying. Everyone of those trainers there know what they are doing. All of these trainers just go ask them want water works returned so they can get back in the water with the whales. So get your facts straight my friend. I am friends with nearly every trainer at SeaWorld and i know they are not abused in any ways.

Also in regards to an attraction that has killed workers? Lets just look at Primeval Whirl for a few mintues and see how dangerous that has turned out for several cast members. Just operating a roller coaster and they were killed.
One of Blackfish's strongest eye-openers is that many trainers do not know what they're getting into. They are like all of us - they love these magnificent animals, and want to be close with them.

Surprisingly, there isn't all that much training involved. Interviewed SEA trainers related that if you look representable and are a good swimmer, then pretty soon you work shows. A scary thought. Nor were they informed of the many kills and attacks by the animals they were working with.

Young, idealistic, perhaps a tad vain people who are exploited and abused just as much as the massive animals they are put in a tank with for an abysmal wage.

You know Sea World's policy in the case of an attack on a trainer? Do not shoot the animal. An orca is a million dollar investment, whereas new trainers are free. Do not shoot the animal, let it kill the trainer.

There is NO ABUSE. You are going by what a documentary and other so called animal rights groups are telling you. I can go to sleep at night knowing full well that these animals at SeaWorld are given the best care in the world. From the world class vertienrary care they receive with their daily check ups to check on health, enrichment activities and more. The water is filtered through every two hours in all pools and checked to make sure it is safe and clean. When an animal doesnt want to perform they are not made to and unlike the film makes you want to think they dont starve them of fish if they dont perform. All the animals are on a set diet every day and they will get all the food they are needing. I have been in the fish room and have seen what goes into planning out their meals and all the thoughts that go into it. So stop saying they are abused.

The Shamu show is going no where. constantly the stadium of 6000 people is filled to capacity even in non peak seasons it can reach capacity. And guess what a new night time Shmau Show is coming for the 50th anniversary.

SeaWorld is not a shady corporation. You are jsut one of those people who are set in their way and will never change your mind. No matter what I tell you you will beleive what you want to beleive. Seaworld has done more for animals then you ever will do.

You also mention they only rescue turtles, manatees and birds? Wellt hey have rescued many dolphins, pilot whales and even whales. All have been returned to the sea.
Orcas are expensive, nearly impossible to come by, can no longer be caught in the wild, and are the stars of a billion dollar industry.

SEA would give them exemplary veterinary care, wouldn't they? But that is not the same as treating them right. The animals are abused and taken meticulous care of at the same time.
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Well-Known Member
Wow, it's incredible & mind blowing how some people ( I won't say names) watch movies and accept them as real. It's really what's wrong with our society today.
Like a flock of sheep being misguided. Keep believing what you see in the movies and on cnn. You're very well educated just like the masses.
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Well-Known Member
You know Sea World's policy in the case of an attack on a trainer? Do not shoot the animal. An orca is a million dollar investment, whereas new trainers are free. Do not shoot the animal, let it kill the trainer.
And who sells these orca rounds that won't have their trajectory affected by hitting water? How would SeaWorld go about teaching orca shooting?
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