Biggest new Disney grievance?

Biggest new Disney grievance?

  • Paid skip-the-line (Genie+)

  • Introduction of more prix fixe menus

  • Certain thematic choices and directions

  • Service-related grievances

  • Increasing hotel and

  • Further technology integration (mobile ordering, DAS, virtual queues, skip-the-line on phone)

  • Certain cut experiences haven't returned

  • Park reservation system/park hopping restrictions

  • Eliminated perks (Magic Express, Extra Magic Hours, etc)

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.


Well-Known Member
Is it?

I’m not really sure
For the money they charge to enter the parks, yes, something is always better than nothing. I'm not going there for a geography lesson, I'm going there to be entertained. If whatever is put there is good, than I am happy. I try to unburden myself of my sometimes overwhelming desire to be accurate and just want to be entertained.


Premium Member
For the money they charge to enter the parks, yes, something is always better than nothing. I'm not going there for a geography lesson, I'm going there to be entertained. If whatever is put there is good, than I am happy. I try to unburden myself of my sometimes overwhelming desire to be accurate and just want to be entertained.
Not really into that whole “Epcot” thing, huh?


Well-Known Member
Not really into that whole “Epcot” thing, huh?
I was when it existed, but EPCOT Ctr. is gone and for a reason that can't be fixed, so I want to enjoy whatever creativity they can come up with. EPCOT was, and still is my favorite park. It's just different now... not awful, just different. To me what happened to Norway is vastly better that the Japanese Pavilion which is primarily Pokémon. I don't go to WDW to shop. Never have and never will.


Well-Known Member
Virtual queues that sell out instantly.

I cannot fathom booking a trip because they advertised a new attraction only to find out it's completely inaccessible.

Let people wait in standby. We understand there will be a long wait for Tron or whatever. Let those who value riding pay with their time.
Omg yes.
If I want to wait in a 4 hour line for tron.....let me.
Otherwise it's roll the dice or pay the mouse. So greasy. This is carnival tactics at its finest.

It's nonsense and totally not customer service driven.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, the premium price always included premium perks (Magical Express, FastPass (included) that you could book well in advance to [generally] ensure you got on your top three picks at each park [and with a FastPass line that usually got you on with minimal/no waiting], ability to book restaurants 6 months in advance so you weren't trying to finagle reservations right up to your travel date, Magic Bands included, luggage handled by Disney from the airport to your hotel room). Now, all of that is gone but the premium price still exists (and has gone up). People used to complain about how much planning you had to do in advance, but I liked that... I liked having all my reservations booked and my FastPasses assigned well in advance of my trip... I liked having that last three months before vacation to not have to worry about (at least that aspect of) planning. Now, I feel like I'm on edge right up until travel (and even while at the parks) to make sure I can get on the rides I want and eat at the places I want. I liked knowing well in advance of going that I already had a FastPass for the new must see ride and a reservation at the new must see restaurant... so for me, paid FastPass and Elimination of Perks are my top gripes, but if I had to pick one over the other, it would be paid FastPasses...

Exactly. My grievance is my inability to arrive with a plan! Who knows which rides will be available and when nowadays.

It really bothers me when people complain about too much planning now when there is almost none. Just park reservations.

Festivus! The airing of the grievances! The feats of strength! Thanks @SplashZander for the nice holiday thread.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
I'd like to change my answer since I've gotten into such heated debates...

...Changing my answer to "Lack of thematic integrity at EPCOT."

...Not for further discussion. lol. Don't want to spam. But it is relevant here.


Well-Known Member
It matters to me, especially when we are specifically talking about individual likes or dislikes. and it was true. I don't care if someone dislikes something as long as it's for the right, truthful reason. IP's rank up there with the most useless and incorrect thoughts that ever existed. I only brought up the retail space as an "also" topic. I never said it had anything to do with the IP topic. My pet peeve with that subject is that everything ever created is an IP unless a computer came up with it on it's own. So the constant concern about it is just beyond my ability to just let it go because YOU don't like the discussion.

Disney had an era of retail stores on Main Street. It still has them but not outside retail, just Disney's. Everything in the original was either direct from a movie, be it live action or animated or had the name of some outside business attached. It had synergy and connection to something. WDW was almost a carbon copy of Disneyland, but by then the only thing new was not there until a few years later when Space Mtn., Pirates and Haunted mansion was an original Disney creation. That was the first real change in and both shared the era of Omni-movers continued that through the more original creations shown in EPCOT.

EPCOT was the first, after the original DL to be created from scratch. It didn't rely on Disney movies or animation, but even then relied on the money and influence of outside sponsorship... from the original DL, but story lines were new. That concept, as well meaning as it was, also was a short lived success but within a decade had lost it's charm and became a festival of drunks lands and they eventually had to basically downsize while adding "IP's" to try and breath some life into the place and that helped.

All that was followed by DHS which needed the support of MGM movies to even have anything to see. Talk about your IP's. MGM was one of the biggest. The whole park relied on MGM, Star Wars, TV shows (all IP's). It has new life now because of Toy Story Land (Pixar) and Star Wars Land (Lucas) but now they own both so therefore it is the thing that everyone wanted. A good source owned and operated by TWDC but even what Disney creates using it or any thing else is an IP.

Then "Oh Lordy" Omni Movers became yesterdays technology and tears start to fall because of screens. All screens did was expand the ability to create immersive shows and stay current. Due to the fact that Disney owns about 90% of all the entertainment venues worth having EVERYTHING IS NOW AN IP. And even though what we get now is an owned Disney brain tank of now Disney IP's. It is no longer someone else's idea it is Disney's.

Some of the things have stayed in that Disney will welcome a sponsor with open arms but it isn't the same world it once was and those pots of gold are much harder to find. So, I'm sorry that you don't like to hear about the thought that the IP's might be a plus, doesn't mean that they shouldn't be there. Without them WDW would be a huge hotel resort with no other use.

Sorry to reply so much later, but— and I don't mean to offend you —I didn't ask if it matters to you. I said it wasn't relevant. If someone criticizes Disney's use of film IPs in the parks, and you respond by saying that "Well, Disneyland/Walt did it in 1955," then you are using an appeal to authority fallacy. Just because Walt did something in 1955 does not mean it was the right decision then or the right decision now.

It's really quite a simple calculus. Intellectual properties created specifically with the parks in mind will possess certain creative advantages compared to intellectual properties that were created for completely different mediums of entertainment, like film. That doesn't mean film IP automatically ruins any park that you put it in. But original ideas are usually going to be creatively superior.
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Well-Known Member
Sorry to reply so much later, but— and I don't mean to offend you —I didn't ask if it matters to you. I said it wasn't relevant. If someone criticizes Disney's use of film IPs in the parks, and you respond by saying that "Well, Disneyland/Walt did it in 1955," then you are using an appeal to authority fallacy. Just because Walt did something in 1955 does not mean it was the right decision then or the right decision now.

It's really quite a simple calculus. Intellectual properties created specifically with the parks in mind will possess certain creative advantages compared to intellectual properties that were created for completely different mediums of entertainment, like film. That doesn't mean film IP automatically ruins any park that you put it in. But original ideas are usually going to be creatively superior.
OT sorry, but I love your avatar. I guess i'm a bit of a meta fan.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to reply so much later, but— and I don't mean to offend you —I didn't ask if it matters to you. I said it wasn't relevant. If someone criticizes Disney's use of film IPs in the parks, and you respond by saying that "Well, Disneyland/Walt did it in 1955," then you are using an appeal to authority fallacy. Just because Walt did something in 1955 does not mean it was the right decision then or the right decision now.

It's really quite a simple calculus. Intellectual properties created specifically with the parks in mind will possess certain creative advantages compared to intellectual properties that were created for completely different mediums of entertainment, like film. That doesn't mean film IP automatically ruins any park that you put it in. But original ideas are usually going to be creatively superior.
I wasn't offended, I was amazed that anyone can feel that the guy who invented theme parks was wrong and you guys are right and know how it should be. If you don't compare the early day, what do you compare it too? They decide what they want the rules to be as to how or what they identify a park to contain and if they or we think that Walt knew what he wanted and how he wanted it then who are we, or even they, to question his wisdom in the matter. You cannot be a more accurately experienced person to make that determination than the guy who created it.

Anyway, no matter what we all have to realize what Disney's goals are now and understand why they do what they do. It isn't our decision or our prerogative to say it's wrong. Only they know what and why they are doing things the way they do, We only have one thing that we can do about that and that is to no longer support them financially. So why waste the energy second guessing those whose job it is to make policy and decisions based around their philosophy,


Well-Known Member
I wasn't offended, I was amazed that anyone can feel that the guy who invented theme parks was wrong and you guys are right and know how it should be. If you don't compare the early day, what do you compare it too? They decide what they want the rules to be as to how or what they identify a park to contain and if they or we think that Walt knew what he wanted and how he wanted it then who are we, or even they, to question his wisdom in the matter. You cannot be a more accurately experienced person to make that determination than the guy who created it.

Anyway, no matter what we all have to realize what Disney's goals are now and understand why they do what they do. It isn't our decision or our prerogative to say it's wrong. Only they know what and why they are doing things the way they do, We only have one thing that we can do about that and that is to no longer support them financially. So why waste the energy second guessing those whose job it is to make policy and decisions based around their philosophy,

Why is it that people on this site seem so intent on saying that all criticism is fundamentally unnecessary. Like do I really need to go into why it isn't just a "waste of energy" to criticize Disney? That "go or don't go, but shut up about it" isn't a good way to refute someone's argument.

Anyways, I am noticing you have some very bizarre views on authority. We should not question authority— Disney or Walt —because it isn't our place. I do not feel that way. And an appeal to authority, even if it's the person who created theme parks, IS a logical fallacy. That is an abject fact which cannot be refuted. And your comments across the board constitute logical fallacies used to dismiss opposing arguments.


Active Member
Early theme park entry and extra magic hours should not be perks, the parks used to open early, the whole park, and be open late for everyone. There are are so many resorts on Disney property now the number of early entry people is larger than ever and now they only open a handful of attractions open early. So every line is huge even though you get in early because not all attractions are open. Back in the day the parks just opened early, the whole park, now they try to call it a perk when only select rides open early. This is what is contributing to the over crowding, obviously on purpose so everyone buys out the genie plus. Extend Evening hours has been the same problem too many resorts so too many people, the Magic Kingdom used to just stay open till 12am-1am every night most of the year for everyone, now its a perk, and only if you stay on site. They've added so many resorts and keep adding more, currently an expansion to the Polynesian. Every onsite hotel addition is only contributing to the over crowding, on top of the restricted hours and restricted park hopping makes the crowds worse than they have ever been with no end in site. No one apparently does any math, so when attendance increases they add attractions to accommodate. You add a hotel you best be adding more attractions, onsite hotels have exponentially out paced attractions in the Iger era for Disney World. Restriction to park hopping is also adding to the over crowding, if one park was over crowded you had the option to leave to another park early in the day, now your stuck. Did they lower the park hopping price to accommodate the restriction? Nope. They want the over crowding if they are not doing these simple things to help alleviate some of it.
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Well-Known Member
Why is it that people on this site seem so intent on saying that all criticism is fundamentally unnecessary. Like do I really need to go into why it isn't just a "waste of energy" to criticize Disney? That "go or don't go, but shut up about it" isn't a good way to refute someone's argument.

Anyways, I am noticing you have some very bizarre views on authority. We should not question authority— Disney or Walt —because it isn't our place. I do not feel that way. And an appeal to authority, even if it's the person who created theme parks, IS a logical fallacy. That is an abject fact which cannot be refuted. And your comments across the board constitute logical fallacies used to dismiss opposing arguments.
Man O' Man, you are so far off in your assumptions about what I am or am not that I'm after this I'm just going to move on.

Have a happy living in fantasy world day. I hope all your wishes come true and things will change to meet your approval. Bit of advice though... Don't hold your breath while you are waiting. It is fundamentally unnecessary because of two things. The first is that, at least for the foreseeable future, it will not be changing because they are staying at a degree of operation that has existed since day one when it comes to IP usage. Second, there is a major discrepancy about the definition of the words "the way it should be". We all have our internal definition about what a Disney Park should be and it is as varied as snowflakes. We get involved in armchair imagineering and have no idea why things are being done, but we all think we know what it should be. It is the same bogus complaint over and over and over again filled with misinformation about what was and what it should be. You are somehow able to express your distain for what is happening that you don't agree with and then get all judgemental about my personality because it is different than yours. The whole process is just useless.
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Well-Known Member
I like the direction the company is taking as far as diversity and inclusion is concerned, but I really miss free FP+.
Diversity?, Inclusion? Direction the company is taking? TWDC has always been inclusive, I have said it before and I will repeat, TWDC see's everyone in two ways either you have money hence you are welcome to this happy place or you don't have money so don't bother there is nothing for you, that is until you get some money. All the rest is smoke and mirrors with a little noise.


Well-Known Member
I don't hate paid skip-the-line, I hate how they implemented it. It adds an unnecessary level of complexity and inconvenience to a trip, especially for infrequent visitors.

That being said, I voted for experiences that never returned. I kinda lump all the intangibles here, not just "experiences," as most people might think.

Little things that may have eaten up crowds like street entertainment. Closing shows/etc, and offering nothing to take up that traffic.
The expectation of never seeing overloaded trash cans
Pin trading the way it was, which helped occupy time
Pirate school
Filling up rides consistently to increase thru-put

And I'm commenting on MY perception, I miss the old frequency of buses. Maybe it's better now than a few months ago.

Just all the little things that made the day a little different.


Well-Known Member
Man O' Man, you are so far off in your assumptions about what I am or am not that I'm just going to move on. Have a happy living in fantasy world day. I hope all your wishes come true and things will change to meet your approval. Bit of advice though... Don't hold your breath while you are waiting.

Lol, I didn't really make very many assumptions though..? You actually said that it isn't our place to question Disney, I didn't assume that. I simply think that is a strange perspective on authority. Not to sound rude or anything


Premium Member
Diversity?, Inclusion? Direction the company is taking? TWDC has always been inclusive, I have said it before and I will repeat, TWDC see's everyone in two ways either you have money hence you are welcome to this happy place or you don't have money so don't bother there is nothing for you, that is until you get some money. All the rest is smoke and mirrors with a little noise.
I didn’t mean it was a new direction. I know the company has always been progressive. The management in place now is terrible.

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