Rumor Big Thunder Mountain to receive full retrack


Active Member
Is there any belief that getting to "Beyond" would occur on a path to the west of BTMM (as opposed to a path on the eastern side along the ROAs)? It would make the path to TBA act as the primary path to "Beyond" as well with a left turn into the queue for Tiana and a right turn (past the restrooms) to the "Beyond". On one hand, it's an easy solution for getting you to the other side of the railroad tracks without a grade crossing and it could explain why the playground under the railroad tracks was removed (to allow for more guest foot traffic space), but you'd quickly run into the coaster tracks that go from BTMRR's station to the maintenance barn. On the other side of the ride, you need to cut pretty deep into the ROA to create a ~20-30' wide path (sufficient that it would impact the path of the riverboat). Moving the maintenance shed seems like the infinitely easier option, but do they really want all that guest traffic using that path under the railroad tracks? Either direction they go, you would think they start laying the groundwork for that NOW with this closure (either moving the maintenance shed or at least working on the parts of the coaster that go along the water (to prevent another closure if/when they modify the ROA... if that isn't done at the same time)... right?
This video below asserts that the first phase of the expansion would indeed be west of Big Thunder Mountain, and also cites needed changes to the coaster maintenance building.

Out of curiosity, does anyone else believe that this is how guests will access the land behind the mountain?


Well-Known Member
I actually hope we *don't* get the explosion effects. I prefer to keep this one old school. At the very least don't use projector effects, they stick out like a sore thumb and look pretty bad.


Well-Known Member
Works for Toon Town at Disneyland with ~50foot wide path under the tracks. Under the Frontierland station is about 60' I think

This would attract far more guests than Toontown does.

Would it though? ToonTown is always packed. Not only is it insanely popular, it's also stroller central
One thing I still believe Disney is the masters at is crowd flow. I have no doubt they’ll make sure the paths are sufficient for whatever they build in BBT


Well-Known Member
I’ve ridden the BTM at Disneyland, and I would be fine with a “finale” being added, but I think they should be kept different in some way. Don’t make them almost the same.

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