Big reduction on Annual Passholder discounts at Walt Disney World mini-golf courses and boat rentals


Active Member
My fiancee and I are young. I'm 25, she's 24. We have APs and this was our absolute favorite non-park thing to do. We'd go after a day at the parks around 10 or so at night and there would be virtually no one there. We'd grab a beer (they sell them at Winter Summerland!) and shoot a round of golf. It was awesome and the best way for just the 2 of us to spend downtime together on vacation.

We went in the second week of January and I was not pleased at all with the loss of the discount. While we won't discontinue our passes because of this, it's definitely money we won't spend again. It's a shame, too. If I were a business person, I'd much rather make $14 plus the cost of 2 drinks than $0 over a silly thing like a discount.

Quality will out? *Sigh*
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Well-Known Member
It really isn't about the mini-golfing or boat rental is it? It is really about perception for many people. I would guess that most AP holders don't use (or overuse) those discounts. It does say to AP holders that their presence is no longer as important to Disney. For those of us who have had AP's for a long time we have seen a reduction of things that we used to get as AP holders from reduced discounts, no more AP only events, closing of the AP lounges, etc. Disney is entitled to do whatever it wants and AP holder are entitled to be frustrated and vote with their money. We decided not to renew our AP's a couple of months back when they come up for renewal and this just confirms that we made the right decision. Funny that we have had more contact about renewing our passes then all the other contact combined that we have had from Disney all year.


Resident Curmudgeon
We need to realize discounts are a perk of having one of the identified memberships/cards. The term "Perk" does not equal "Benefit".
This was a concept too big to grasp for some folk back when they reduced the discounts on APs at stores from 20% down to ... what is it now? 10%(?) I recall all the fuss about their APs no longer being "worth it".

Never ever buy into anything just because of the perks being offered at that time unless the immediate use of it pays for itself.

Erm, Yes but some things like AP's are bought SPECIFICALLY for the perks, Otherwise why would people buy them or Club 33 memberships...


Resident Curmudgeon
It really isn't about the mini-golfing or boat rental is it? It is really about perception for many people. I would guess that most AP holders don't use (or overuse) those discounts. It does say to AP holders that their presence is no longer as important to Disney. For those of us who have had AP's for a long time we have seen a reduction of things that we used to get as AP holders from reduced discounts, no more AP only events, closing of the AP lounges, etc. Disney is entitled to do whatever it wants and AP holder are entitled to be frustrated and vote with their money. We decided not to renew our AP's a couple of months back when they come up for renewal and this just confirms that we made the right decision. Funny that we have had more contact about renewing our passes then all the other contact combined that we have had from Disney all year.

It speaks to the larger issue that Disney wants your MONEY, Yet it does not want to DO anything to EARN your money.

Disney has been depending upon the South American tourist but with the collapse of the Oil market Brazil will be hit hard. Once again the dependence on Financial gimmicks to eke out a few more cents on the earnings statement.


Active Member


Well-Known Member
Another reminder for me why I didn't renew and purchased a DL annual pass instead! I have the lucky position of being in both LA and Orlando regularly, I'll do a DL AP for this year, after a year of DL though I'll probably be tired. Luckily Universal gives me free access to Orlando parks... I'll spend next year there.


Active Member
It's kind of funny listening to everyone complain about the stupid little things Disney takes away from the AP's. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the purpose of buying an AP the fact that it is DISCOUNTED ADMISSION TO THE THEME PARKS? Even the Premium AP breaks down to $57.43/month. So even if you go to 1-park per month, you are still getting over a 36% discount on the admission alone. Factor in the regular or seasonal AP's, and it's an even higher percentage off admission price, while every other guest is paying FULL ADMISSION to the parks. The perks are an added bonus and people should be grateful for any discount beyond park admission. No matter how much people want to argue it, Disney is ALWAYS going to make more money off of regular guests than annual passholders and non-AP's will always be their target market.

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