Big changes coming to FASTPASS in March

Do you agree with the changes to the FASTPASS enforcement policy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 544 58.5%
  • No

    Votes: 233 25.1%
  • I'm going to wait and see how it works

    Votes: 153 16.5%

  • Total voters


Premium Member
An internal memo from the cast portal was posted here, I think in this thread even. I'm on my iPhone so it's not too easy to look. It was a written policy.

Correction: it was written guest RECOVERY policy. Just because a grocery store's policy isn't to charge someone if you drop a jar doesn't mean it's policy you are free to break anything in the place


Well-Known Member
Fair enough, but how about the fact that you have to cross the entire park to see FP return times at most parks? Is that poor planning on the guests part?

It sounds like this will be going away if everything is going on a smart phone. Mobile Magic appears to be the first step for this.

An internal memo from the cast portal was posted here, I think in this thread even. I'm on my iPhone so it's not too easy to look. It was a written policy.



Well-Known Member
The bit about perforations threw me for a second. Doesn't this imply there are people out there fabricating their own with home printers?


Well-Known Member
Before, it didn't matter if I had other things scheduled. I would still get FP's... We would just use them later than the window... Because that was the policy.

With the new policy, I can no longer use a FP from that window later on that night.

Actually, this "policy" you keep quoting, was never the official policy. The OFFICIAL policy was the one that is currently being enforced. What changed was the enforcement of it. They could have chosen to begin enforcing the policy again at any time. With the FP changes on the horizon, it was necessary to do so. Otherwise, the FP line would have evolved into a new standby line.

And yes, I'm sorry, but it is poor planning on your part. You know weeks or months in advance what time your ADR's are and what time you want to get a seat for a particular experience such as Wishes, MSEP or Fantasmic. Therefore, if you get to an attraction and the window being offered falls in that period and you still get one, it is your own fault due to poor planning that it will no longer be accepted. Forget about the old enforcement. This is the new enforcement and it will not change.

You don't have to like it, but it's this same sense of undeserved entitlement coming from so many guests that drives me insane. Quite frankly I don't care how much money you paid. So did every other person coming in the FP line during the correct window, yet it's always that one person who seems to think that because they shelled out thousands of dollars they're automatically entitled to not follow the rules. To them, I say, take your money elsewhere if you don't like it, and good riddance to bad rubbish.


Well-Known Member
This is the way I see it. I don't go to wdw to be worrying about planning out my fast passes around eating, changing diapers, other rides, parades, etc. we are in wdw not a job. As for those who think that rules are rules yes there are rules everywhere traffic, jobs, etc. and call me crazy but fp shouldNT be as rigid as those. Why... Cause it's vacation. Now I don't think the system is flawed and that's why this change is coming. It's going to be enforced because people in deluxes will now have less wait with a pass they'll receive for staying at deluxes. I am totally against these changes


New Member
I find it interesting...

Glad someone posted or reposted the memo...seems it's the same as what poeple have said that it doesn't say you couldn't come late...this is about semantics. Rule was be back in the window, disney obviously made a concession for those who had real reasons to miss the window. What irritates most of us are those that deliberately take them to not use them until they want. It never said that was ok. it is an abuse period that is the fact. How about this arguement, someone taking a FP for a time and not intending to use it at that time is taking away a FP for someone that wants to use it at that time and will? Seems selfish to me.

I work in the medical industry and trust me there are doctors that if you are fifteen minutes late you don't get seen, they will gladly reschedule you for another day but you mess them up they won't do you any favors...Does that mean there aren't doctors that ignore that pretty well established rule? No. Does that mean it isn't a rule at every doctor's office? No. Just because some people choose good customer service doesn't mean it is now the rule and you should be able to demand it. It was getting out of hand and I THINK that is why it is going back to the way it was, and yes I was there when it was first introduced and yes I saw it being enforced and when I was a CM in 2004 they were still instructing us to remind them to return at the right time but not cause a friends frequently turned "end of nighters" away cause it was an obvious abuse of concession.

It was never a rule you could use it whenever period...still no proof it was.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Glad someone posted or reposted the memo...seems it's the same as what poeple have said that it doesn't say you couldn't come late...this is about semantics. Rule was be back in the window, disney obviously made a concession for those who had real reasons to miss the window. What irritates most of us are those that deliberately take them to not use them until they want. It never said that was ok. it is an abuse period that is the fact. How about this arguement, someone taking a FP for a time and not intending to use it at that time is taking away a FP for someone that wants to use it at that time and will? Seems selfish to me.

I work in the medical industry and trust me there are doctors that if you are fifteen minutes late you don't get seen, they will gladly reschedule you for another day but you mess them up they won't do you any favors...Does that mean there aren't doctors that ignore that pretty well established rule? No. Does that mean it isn't a rule at every doctor's office? No. Just because some people choose good customer service doesn't mean it is now the rule and you should be able to demand it. It was getting out of hand and I THINK that is why it is going back to the way it was, and yes I was there when it was first introduced and yes I saw it being enforced and when I was a CM in 2004 they were still instructing us to remind them to return at the right time but not cause a friends frequently turned "end of nighters" away cause it was an obvious abuse of concession.

It was never a rule you could use it whenever period...still no proof it was.

While I understand the sentiment about the doctors, it seems a little harsh when it comes to someone health and possibly their life to refuse to see a patient because they were 15 minutes late. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Glad someone posted or reposted the memo...seems it's the same as what poeple have said that it doesn't say you couldn't come late...this is about semantics. Rule was be back in the window, disney obviously made a concession for those who had real reasons to miss the window. What irritates most of us are those that deliberately take them to not use them until they want. It never said that was ok. it is an abuse period that is the fact. How about this arguement, someone taking a FP for a time and not intending to use it at that time is taking away a FP for someone that wants to use it at that time and will? Seems selfish to me.

I work in the medical industry and trust me there are doctors that if you are fifteen minutes late you don't get seen, they will gladly reschedule you for another day but you mess them up they won't do you any favors...Does that mean there aren't doctors that ignore that pretty well established rule? No. Does that mean it isn't a rule at every doctor's office? No. Just because some people choose good customer service doesn't mean it is now the rule and you should be able to demand it. It was getting out of hand and I THINK that is why it is going back to the way it was, and yes I was there when it was first introduced and yes I saw it being enforced and when I was a CM in 2004 they were still instructing us to remind them to return at the right time but not cause a friends frequently turned "end of nighters" away cause it was an obvious abuse of concession.

It was never a rule you could use it whenever period...still no proof it was.

Yes, once again someone compares Fastpasses to something not even closely related. And taking a FP from someone who would use it at that time? Seriously? You don't even know what the return times are until you reach the attraction, so you're not taking anything away from anyone. Even during Spring Break the only ride that I saw FP's return time change quickly was TSMM. So if the person that was "robbed" of a certain time didn't get FP's for their "wanted" times, then maybe they plan better, because there's no reason they couldn't get FP's for a good time.

And we're not arguing that is was a rule, we're arguing that it was allowed, there's a difference.


Premium Member
And we're not arguing that is was a rule, we're arguing that it was allowed, there's a difference.

Actually that is exactly what people are saying and why the mention of the flyer again- that it was policy to not require returning in the window. But the flyer clearly states customer RECOVERY, which is what action they should take in a customer satisfaction scenario. It makes it clear the allowing of late returns was the standard customer save strategy - not that return times do not exist or meaningless. It's was the customer recovery model to allow a guest who returned late to still be allowed in as the customer satisfaction model to compensate for whatever reason that might have held them up. But in reality people were given an inch and took a mile and now stomp their feet that they don't have the same model anymore and can't adapt. Adapt back to what it used to be no less.


New Member
How do you figure using an example of an appointment oriented scenario is not the same thing? And yes it would be taking a FP from someone that wants it, when I get one I am not looking for a specific time but I am looking for the next available time, only so many are allotted for each hour, how is that hard to understand...besides your "plan better" idea applies to those who took advantage of the system before...and you've been posting since the beginning and haven't seen the hundreds of posts saying it was in writing in bold letters a rule? All I am saying is still no proof to those who claim it was a rule or policy to come back when you pleased.


New Member
EXACTLY. This FP change is only being done for one reason - to free up capacity for XPass.

So everyone is being inconvenienced so Disney can collect more $$$ out of people who want to pay to avoid the line.


Basically you are correct, and it would be the proper business decesion for Disney.


Well-Known Member
How do you figure using an example of an appointment oriented scenario is not the same thing? And yes it would be taking a FP from someone that wants it, when I get one I am not looking for a specific time but I am looking for the next available time, only so many are allotted for each hour, how is that hard to understand...besides your "plan better" idea applies to those who took advantage of the system before...and you've been posting since the beginning and haven't seen the hundreds of posts saying it was in writing in bold letters a rule? All I am saying is still no proof to those who claim it was a rule or policy to come back when you pleased.

Once again, very few attractions run out quickly, even during peak seasons such as Spring Break.

How hard is that for YOU to understand?

And I've stated before that many people here have been told by CM's AND Managers that it's ok to come back later. I've also posted a picture of FP's given to me by the DVC folks in DHS over by Starring Rolls at 9pm-ish that were for 745-845am. While it might not be "policy", it's not exactly a good way to get people to follow the windows. And once again, we were late FP users and we're ok with the change. While we don't like it, we'll use it to the best of our abilities.


Well-Known Member
Actually, this "policy" you keep quoting, was never the official policy. The OFFICIAL policy was the one that is currently being enforced. What changed was the enforcement of it. They could have chosen to begin enforcing the policy again at any time. With the FP changes on the horizon, it was necessary to do so. Otherwise, the FP line would have evolved into a new standby line.

And yes, I'm sorry, but it is poor planning on your part. You know weeks or months in advance what time your ADR's are and what time you want to get a seat for a particular experience such as Wishes, MSEP or Fantasmic. Therefore, if you get to an attraction and the window being offered falls in that period and you still get one, it is your own fault due to poor planning that it will no longer be accepted. Forget about the old enforcement. This is the new enforcement and it will not change.

You don't have to like it, but it's this same sense of undeserved entitlement coming from so many guests that drives me insane. Quite frankly I don't care how much money you paid. So did every other person coming in the FP line during the correct window, yet it's always that one person who seems to think that because they shelled out thousands of dollars they're automatically entitled to not follow the rules. To them, I say, take your money elsewhere if you don't like it, and good riddance to bad rubbish.

It wasn't poor planning. I didn't GET a FP for windows that I conflicts with.

The point is that in the PAST, I could. Now I couldn't. That's where the lost ride was.

I'm not sure if the statement about paying a lot of money to go to the parks was directed at me or not, but if it was... I haven't said anything at all about that. :shrug:

The change "is what it is"... I'm just sharing how it changed what we did while we were in the parks.

If you are/were a CM, I'm awfully surprised you would be in favor of this change... It's going to cause a heck of a lot more unhappy people at the FP return line. That's a battle I'd get pretty sick of fighting.


Well-Known Member
Actually that is exactly what people are saying and why the mention of the flyer again- that it was policy to not require returning in the window. But the flyer clearly states customer RECOVERY, which is what action they should take in a customer satisfaction scenario. It makes it clear the allowing of late returns was the standard customer save strategy - not that return times do not exist or meaningless. It's was the customer recovery model to allow a guest who returned late to still be allowed in as the customer satisfaction model to compensate for whatever reason that might have held them up. But in reality people were given an inch and took a mile and now stomp their feet that they don't have the same model anymore and can't adapt. Adapt back to what it used to be no less.

This is how I found out about late FP's:

We were rushing across the park one day years ago, trying to get there before the time was up. We ended up being just a couple minutes late. I walked up, showed the CM the FP and said something to the effect of "can we still use this?" and her reply was "sure you can. The end times on FP's don't matter. You can use them anytime before the end of the day". I was fairly surprised... I think I even remember asking a couple other CM's at FP lines later that day to confirm, and they said the same thing. It certainly wasn't framed as a "guest recovery"... It wasn't framed as a "well, try to use it in the window but if you can't, it's okay"... It was simply stated as fact. The FP's were good from the beginning of the window through the end of the day, and that was that... And that changed how we toured the parks from then on.

That was years ago, and I've heard countless CM's at FP return gates saying the same thing to people over and over and over. "The end times don't matter, they're good for the rest of the day".

It wasn't until recently that this memo from the Portal was posted, and it was posted by someone to show that Disney had put the rule in writing.

Looking at it, I'll agree... It does say it's a recovery measure... But I will say that I don't think I've ever heard or seen a CM only allow a late return as a guest recovery in the years it was allowed. It was simply the de facto rule.

I'll give you the fact that the memo states it's a "recovery measure", but you've gotta give me that that hasn't been the practice for years.


Premium Member
I'll give you the fact that the memo states it's a "recovery measure", but you've gotta give me that that hasn't been the practice for years.

Yes the enforcement has not been strict. Because people knew the recovery was to allow the guest with no challenge at all, overtime that translates into cm's telling people don't worry about it, etc. they evolved into proactively telling people, not just allowing it. It's simple human nature.

That is why the speeding analogy works so well. Just because a cop doesn't pull people over for doing 60 in a 55, that doesn't mean the speed limit of 55 doesn't exist or has changed. A cop may even tell you they won't pull people over for low amounts, it doesn't change the actual law.

Differences in enforcement and the rule itself. But the memo does show clearly that the policy in customer service situations the policy was to allow late returns.


Well-Known Member
I think a large part of the uproar from those who don't like the enforced end of the window is due to the fact that it's very hard to schedule around anything else anymore.

E.g. if you have dining reservations from 5pm-6pm, and you walk by test track and the FP's are available from 5pm-6pm, in the past this was ok, because they honored them even after 6pm. However, with enforcing end windows, you can't even request a 6pm-7pm window when it says 5pm-6pm to work around plans you already had set.

It would be a nice compromise if they had a button on top of each machine that allowed you to fast-forward the window 1 hour according to slots available in that timeframe. That way, you can more easily accomodate other things that you had pre-planned such as a dining reservation or a FP to another attraction. Doubt they'd do that since XPass will allow reserved times anyways.

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