Best Deluxe Resort


Well-Known Member
Hi guys me and my Mom were just planning our next trip down to Walt Disney World for my sweet 16th. This is our 13th trip but first time staying at a Deluxe Hotel. Can anyone tell me what Deluxe Hotel they like the best. Anyones opinions would be appreciated. Thank You.


New Member
We vote for the Wilderness Lodge

We just love that hotel. Fantastic lobby; only downside is the transportation - which is documented in another thread (which we've never had a problem with). Great places to eat and a wonderful pool. And, I believe, the only geyser at WDW.
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Active Member
ImaginEAR said:
Polynesian, hands down. Beautiful theme, just renovated, beach, marina, Magic Kingdom views and the monorail!

I vote for the Polynesian too! I haven't stayed there since before they renovated it, but I think it's the most beautifully themed hotel on property, it has a beautiful pool, and Ohana right at your doorstep! :slurp: And having the monorail right there is definately a nice perk.
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New Member
It depends upon what you're interested in. If you want a good location for transportation, I would recommend staying at a monorail resort- either Ploynesian, Grand Floridian, or Contemporary. I've been to the Polynesian more than once and love the island atmosphere. Plus, not only is it on the Magic Kingdom monorail, but there is a walkway from the resort to the Transportation and Ticket Center, where you can board the Epcot monorail. (You can also take the Magic Kingdom monorail to the Transportation and Ticket Center, and get the Epcot monorail that way.) Staying at a monorail resort is a very cool experiance. The bus service has never been a problem for me at the Polynesian, Either. However, the themeing and decor are a bit old fashioned and not 100% perfect as it is one of the oldest WDW resorts.

For non-monorail resorts, many people claim the Wilderness lodge is the most beautiful. I've been there but never stayed there, though I have stayed at it's counterpart in California. Boat transportation is provided to the Magic Kingdom, but many have claimed that the bus service is bad because it makes too many stops at other resorts.

I've heard a lot of good things about the Animal Kingdom lodge. It is supposed to be beautiful, with good food, and amazing views of Disney's African savannah from the rooms. Plus, the bus service is direct, (or perhaps stops at Coronado Springs now). The only negative thing I have heard is from a friend who claimed it to be "out of the way" and thus that it takes a long time to get places via the busses.

Those would be my top choices (unless you really want boat transportation to Epcot and Disney Studios, which makes the choice more difficult, and I don't have much knowledge about the Boardwalk, or the Yaht Club or Beach Club resorts.)
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Well-Known Member
Wilderness Lodge is our favorite. We love the northwest theme. Transportation can sometimes be a little slow, but with some creative thinking it can be a lot of fun too. On our last stay we only took the bus to MGM and Downtown Disney. We mostly used the boat transportation which seems to be more reliable. One night rather than returning from MGM by bus, we took the boat to Epcot, watched Illuminations, then took the monorail to TTC, then the ferry to MK, watched Wishes and took the boat to WL.
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Well-Known Member
My vote is also for the Polynesian. The atmosphere there is so inviting. O'Hana is a great restaurant for breakfast and dinner. The rooms are very large and the lagoon views are spectacular!! It is definately our favorite!!
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New Member
I have to agree that the Wilderness Lodge is very beautiful, the lobby is such a relaxing atmosphere. I agree that the transportation is not the best, the busses can be slow, but the boats are out of the question, especially during the summer, the wait was forever!!

However, I really enjoy the Boardwalk resort. I have stayed there several times. I like that I can walk or take a boat to both Epcot and MGM. In addition, I like the numerous shops, restuarants, and entertainment venues that are right at the Boardwalk resort.
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New Member
My favorite resort is the Grand Floridian, but I also love AKL. The manicured lawns and the Victorian architecture of GF gets me every time. But, don't take other people's opinions on this one. I would love to see you stay at GF because I think it is the top, but some do not like the atmosphere given off by the GF.

You and your mom should decided what is best for your family. Have you always wanted to go to Hawaii? Then stay at the Polynesian. Do you love animals and Africa? Stay at AKL. Do you think the Victorian Age would have been a time you would have liked to have grown up in? Then stay at GF.

Pick the place that suits YOUR taste, and you will love it.
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New Member
I have stayed at the Contemporary, Polynesian, and Wilderness Lodge. I like the Contemporary because of the monorail, beaches, and close walk to the Magic Kingdom. Not the most beautiful lobby or rooms but very accesible transportation!
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New Member
At your age, you'll want to be closer to Epcot and MGM/Studios than the Magic Kingdom.

I'd go Yacht/Beach Club because they have a great pool and you can walk to Epcot and take a boat to MGM. Bus to Downtown Disney isn't good. Takes too long.

Contemporary is great because you can walk to Magic Kingdom and do Monorail to Epcot.

Decide what parks you want to spend the most time in and then pick a Deluxe close by. Can't really go wrong.
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Well-Known Member
I've stayed at the Contemporary, the Polynesian and the Wilderness Lodge (too many times to count for this one) and my favorite is the WL.

I love the atmosphere, the decor the laid back feeling you get there.
I've never had a problem with transportation as some people have mentioned.
I love to take the boat to the MK or to the Contemporary to hit the monorail.
The restaurants are great and the CMs really bend over backwards to help you.

My second vote would be for the Polynesian. It really is beautiful, but my only complaint is that you have to go outside to get to everything... not fun when is pouring rain or late at night.

We will be staying at the Boardwalk this summer and I can't wait, its beautiful and I love the atmosphere there also. :wave:
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m star

New Member
njblackberry said:
And, I believe, the only geyser at WDW.

Nope, sorry, there's one (or more, i can't remember) on Big Thunder Mountain and one on Kali River Rapids

Anyway, I vote for the Polynesian. It's the most magical.
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Beach Club

My vote would be for the beach club. You can walk to Epcot take a boat to MGM and get on the Monorail at Epcot to go to MK. THe Buses really aren't that bad. It is also nice to have the Boardwalk right there. So I would pick the Beach Club.
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Best for location Boardwalk. You can walk to EPCOT and MGM and the clubs and restaurants on the boardwalk behind the resort are a blast.

Best for theme Animal kingdom Lodge. You can step out on your balcony and stare out into a 33 acre savannah with giraffes, tommies, etc roaming around. There is no other resort like it anywhere.
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