Best Character Encounter


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Original Poster

Hey all - it's my first post, so I figured I'd start a topic!

What's the best character encounter you've ever had at one of the parks?

I have two, both with Chip and Dale:

The first was at Disneyland Paris at Christmas in 2000. I was staying at the Hotel Cheyenne by myself, and one day I was in the gift shop when Chip and Dale came through dressed in cowboy outfits. I think they were supposed to stay in the lobby with Cowgirl Minnie, but they wandered in anyway. After playing around for a few minutes with the guests, someone just outside that had just pulled up in their car honked. Well, Chip and Dale ran right out the door to greet them. I guess the British family hadn't honked on purpose, or maybe they were tired from the ride through the Chunnel, because they all got this terrified look on their faces and locked the doors! I guess they just weren't ready for two big furry rodents to accost them straight away upon their arrival!

The second was at Epcot, in the Land AP Lounge during the summer of 2002. This time I was with my family, including my sister who isn't the "Disney-est" person around. Chip and Dale came up dressed as farmers. We were just about the only people there at the time. They started playing around with us, minus my sister play-sulking on the couch. Since I was wearing a Karate-Kid style red bandanna (don't ask) that was the same as the ones that C&D had on, Chip decided that he wanted to take his from off his neck and wear it like mine. Furry fingers like his don't untie too well, so I did it for him, but it wouldn't fit around his monster dome, so he just let me wear it for a bit. At the same time, Dale came up behind me and started to try to get into my backpack. My aunt shouted out "He must be looking for chocolate!" and he got all excited and nodded. I told him that I didnt have any, but that my sister did. Chip and dale both RAN over and started to look for the candy. They thought it might be in her purse, and as soon as they grabbed it, she just let it go, and ran away. After a minute, they gave up on the purse and just went to check her again. I said, "It must be under her hat!", so they started lifting up her hat and she screamed, already having turned just as red as the hat was. We were all laughing so hard we were crying. Finally the boys gave up on the candy, and gave here the purse back.

Needless to say I printed up a big photo of her being accosted and put it on my parents' entertainment center.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
First, Welcome to the boards. The second encounter with C&D had me rolling on the floor.

I have told this story several times, and will continue to tell it every chance it get.

We honeymooned at WDW, which was our first trip to WDW. The first day, we had an early morning Character Breakfast at Cinderella Castle. We arrived before the park opened and were allowed to enter the park while everyone else stood in line waiting to get in.

We walked through an empty MK. As we approached the castle, Mickey mouse himself crossed our path with his escort. Like kids we yelled to Mickey to take his picture. Mickey and his escort stopped. The escort offered to take our picture with Mickey. We have a picture of Mickey, my wife and I in front of the castle with no one around.

I have this photo displayed proudly in our house. That is our Best Character Encounter.



Well-Known Member
Heh.... An E-Ride night last summer with Pluto. (see Avatar)

Great Photos, ended up lying flat on the ground to get the photo i wanted.... Of course something in my ankle went POP that night, putting me on crutches for a week. But definetly the most memoriable experience i have with a charcter.

Topped when i met Ariel and Cinderella back in Toontown.


Well-Known Member
We just had a memorable one with Pooh this weekend. We were at MGM and all the characters were in front of the big Sorcerer's hat in Christmas clothes. My sister was determined to get her picture taken with Pooh, since he's her favorite and she's never gotten her picture taken with him. We hopped in line and she and my cousin (both 15 year old girls) exclaimed how they'd go up to Pooh and hug him. When it was our turn, my ditzy cousin didn't realize it was our turn and she turned around to leave until we yelled at her to come back. Well, my cousin and sister did go up to him and hug him, but my cousin decided to leave the group and sit on the side because she didn't want to be in the picture. That's when Pooh went over to her, grabbed her by the hand and dragged her into the picture. We were all cracking up at that because it was just too cute :lol:.


New Member
My best Character meeting happened about 20 years ago (oh dear God! am I really that old!?!).

We were right at the front of the parade route enjoying an ice cold drink when Tigger comes along and steals it! He had us running around trying to catch him (I think that the parade was delayed a few minutes because he spent a lot of time with us).

It is a very special memory for me.


Well-Known Member
I have 2.


Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. They must have "played" with me for a good 5-7 minutes. From doing a squaredance, to the everlasting handshake, to the bunny ears behind my head, to the tummy poking ala Poppin' Fresh style.

Next was Chip & Dale (does anybody see a trend here???)

Liberty Tree Tavern for dinner...Chip proposed to my sister (on one knee and all!), Then...Dale comes over to "steal" her...Chip tosses a roll on the floor and Dale went away after it...THEN Pluto comes over...and tries to "win my sister's heart." It turned into a scuffle...involving Chip lifting a chair like a lion-tamer and Pluto charging after it :lol:


Well-Known Member
PhotoDave219 said:
Heh.... An E-Ride night last summer with Pluto. (see Avatar)

Great Photos, ended up lying flat on the ground to get the photo i wanted.... Of course something in my ankle went POP that night, putting me on crutches for a week. But definetly the most memoriable experience i have with a charcter.

Topped when i met Ariel and Cinderella back in Toontown.

Pluto said he was sorry ....geez.... :rolleyes: :p :drevil:


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the boards!

For our last year Christmas vacation, my dad brought a picture of him and Snow White sitting on the stairs in front of City Hall circa 1971. He wanted to recreate it this year, 30+ years later. We thought he'd never be able to do it, after all Disney is a business. He spoke to Guest Relations and they told him to find Snow White at "the teardrop." We did not know what the teardrop was (still dont) but we came across another CM who we asked to locate the tear drop for us. She had no clue either, yet we started talking...for a good 15-20 minute conversation. She radio walkie talkied backstage and set up a meeting for our family and Snow White on the stairs of City Hall. Meet Snow there promptly at 230pm.

We were waiting on the stairs during the parade and they must have pre-informed Snow, b/c she looked over to us, winked and blew a kiss, and mouthed "be right back."

She came back with a calvalcade of security workers and they roped off the staircase that allowed our family an exclusive photo meet and greet with Snow, recreating the picture. It was wonderful and totally magical and one of the best moments of any trip. My avater is a picture of me recreating my dad when we was my age with the ageless Snow. It was literally the best WDW related story ever.

We sent an original copy of all of our photos (the old one with Dad, the recreated ones, the individual, and family member photos with Snow) to that wonderful CM. It was the most magical time, and was def something we will never forget. It was tears of joy inducing and Snow was ever so sweet. We still cannot stop talking about it. :cool:

Then at Chef Mickey's bfast for my 21st birthday, Dale spilt my cupcake on my lap (he was attempting to feed it to me) and then continued to pick it up and wipe it off directly centered on my, umm, seated lap. :p It was kinda uncomfortable, but really really funny and we have it all on video, just like with our Snow White wonderment! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
It was not amazing like some just the coolest thing ever to me. At MNSSHP this past oct as we are getting ready to leave we look over and see Darkwing Duck. I have not seen DW in years and my gf had never seen a walkaround DW so we both gott very excited. We both started going for the camera that had been limping through the night with the batteries. As I turned it on it went dead so my gf ran to get some new ones. As she went inside I asked about Launchpad and he said he was off crashing (well you know what I mean). Just then the CM with them said they had to head in, I was crushed because there I was dressed as Superman with DW two feet away with no camera. DW saw that I really wanted a pic so he pulled the cm aside and said something to her. The cm then came over to me and said "DW wants a pic with Superman so he will wait till your camera works." I could not have been more happy both my gf and I have some great pics with him and by far one of the coolest things of the night.


Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
I have far too many favs but one of my most memorable was this past summer Walking with Mickey from Safaris to the front of DAK to pick the "First Family" into DAK.


Active Member
I have several with different characters.

Back in 2000, a a couple friends and I went to MGM after spending the weekend attending Duran Duran concerts at the House of Blues. I wore the concert t-shirt I bought to the park that day. We saw Aladdin and decided to go over because we thought he was cute. Well, Aladdin saw my shirt, got excited and said, "Did you guys go to the shows this weekend?" We said we did and gushed a bit to which he replied, "Well, I'm no Nick Rhodes, but..." It was really funny. We got a photo and after we left we all said, "Aladdin is a Duranie? Cool!" LOL!

My last visit to Magic Kingdom, I met Tigger in Toontown. I always get excited when I see Tigger as he's my favorite. I start bouncing around and squealing a bit (and I'm 30!) and all this nonsense. Tigger decided to have some fun and started bouncing with me and then gave me a huge hug. Got my photo with him (again!) and next thing I knew, he took me by the arm and mock acted like he was gonna leave with me. I just waved and said, "Bye!" Everyone was cracking up laughing. That same visit I had a little fun at the expense of Pooh's tummy (told him he needs to switch to low-cal hunny) and snuggled with Eeyore (he so FUZZY!).

I also got a hilarious photo of both myself and Prince John (from Robin Hood) s.uc.king our thumbs. (I can't believe I had to edit the word "s.uc.king" so it would show up! LOL!)

Another time at Epcot, I had fun dancing with Goofy for a few minutes. Got one of my best pics ever with him that day.

I had some fun flirting with Chip & Dale on my last Epcot visit too.

My last visit to Disneyland (15 years ago), my mom and I saw Snow White playing "Simon Says" with the Dwarfs. Ironically, Dopey won. LOL!

I swear I have more fun with the characters now than I did when I was a kid! :lol:


New Member
Oh my gosh, where do I start!? My first and one of my favorite Disney character memories was when I was about 12, and I was at Cape May Cafe at the Beach Club. Admiral Goofy (Yes it was THAT long ago!) and Roger Rabbit were both greeting and really didn't have much to do since the resturaunt was pretty dead. They both were joking around with me, Goofy took my hat, put it backwards and put me in one of those roller-baby chairs at the table. Obviously I was way too big for it but that didn't matter! Goofy and Roger Rabbit pushed me around the whole resturaunt in the chair and I couldn't stop laughing! That was definitely awesome, I still have the picture from it!

Like aimster, I also get very very excited when I see one specific character, even though I might be "friends" with Goofy, every time I see him I go up to him and say "YOU'RE MY FAVORITE!" and give him a HUGE hug :) So far, Goofy has proposed to me 3 times, but the best part was when I was eating dinner at Liberty Tree a few weeks ago with a friend of mine. Goofy got down (to what made it the 3rd time) and held my hand and proposed! Chip saw what was going on, and I ended up getting fought over by Chip and Goofy. Goofy had one arm, and Chip had the other, it was the funniest thing! What was really funny, was that Chip won! But I still <3 Goofy so much more!


New Member
Great stories guys.

The best encounter I witnessed was at MK, a rare character point with Mickey and Minnie, at early evening, on the imediate right after passing the station.

Anyway there were 2 kids in a stroller who were asleep. Mum and Dad wanted a photo, so they setup the stroller inbetween M&M. After the first photo Minnie suggested to Mickey to wake them up, so he knelt down and poked one in the eye. The kid woke up and went psycho. M&M and everyone else could not stop laughing!
I wish I got a photo of it, but i got a photo of me like 2 mins later.. (you might beable to reconise where it is)
<img src="">


Well-Known Member
Our best encounter was with Buzz & Woody a couple of years ago. My two daughters were in line when the CM announced that B & W were going inside for a break, just as my daughters were next in line to greet them. Anyway, after about 5 minutes B & W returned (to cheers from the crowd) and my daughters went to get autographs. After their books had been stamped (they're toys so they can't write :lol: ) they all turned for a photograph. Then the girls couldn't get their pen back from B & W as they played hide and seek with it, passing it between each other and hiding it behind their backs.
The encounter lasted some 5 minutes, I was fortunate to capture the whole episode on the camcorder and get a great photo at the end.
Thanks B & W :sohappy:


New Member
The best encounter my family had was the first time we brought the kids to Disney World. We had my nieces and my son and we had planned on having
breakfast in the Magic Kingdom, without a reservation. We woke up and it was
pouring outside. We went anyway and as went into Fantasyland, there under an awning was Mickey, with no other guests. The kids were ecstatic. The first character they saw was the big guy himself and they had him all to themselves.


New Member
My most memorable character moment happened about 25 years ago...I was at the ripe age of 7..but I still remember it as if it was yesterday.

My family and I were at an older character Breakfast...I don't recall the restaraunt, but I remember eating while the characters came to the table...Anyway my parents told my younger brother(he was 5 or so)that the characters were not able to speak...determined to hear a voice..When Pluto came by he squeezed his hand waiting for an ouch....Donald Duck noticed this...put him over his lap and proceeded to spank the process knocking over his this time minnie Mouse pulled Donald over acted as if she was scolding him..came over and gave my brother a hug and kiss.

it still has my family in hysterics when talking about old wdw memories.


Well-Known Member
OK this wasnt my experience but I was there to witness it ;). There was a little boy who had come up to Flik and he had the Make A Wish Button on so the greeter asked if he could go in front of us and we said sure. Well the little boy had Progeria (the disease that cuases children to age beyond their years), and the interaction between him and Flik was amazing. The mom of the little boy started crying, the greeter did, then some of us in line did. It really touched us to see Flik make this boys life good, the boy said he was gonna come back and say bye to Flik before he left and he did!
So yeah theres my story.. Or shall I say another one:)

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