Believe Vs. Wishes


New Member
I'll have to go with Believe over Wishes as well. The music just seems more personable somehow, and the Wishes fireworks seem a little too big (is there even such a thing?) But overall, both are phenomenal shows.


Well-Known Member
Well now i see why i never heard of either believe or remember, never been to disneyland nor have any desire....i'll just stick to good ole disneyworld!!! And i love me its disneyworlds best nitetime show yet..aside from seeing illuminations for disneys 25th anniversary, that was unbelieveable!!


Well-Known Member
in regards to the thread title:

I have never seen Believe. I do have the music on MP3 though. I have seen Wishes twice and heard it's music on Wishes can get me all teary eyed, even just the music. Believe's music does not have that affect on me.

So.... Wishes for me.


Active Member
ISTCNavigator57 said:
Wishes not choppy? It has random breaks in the soundtrack strewn throughout the show which seems sloppy to me. .
OK those are called acts. They are hardly random. Holiday Believe has the same layout. Do you think thats SLOPPY too??


New Member
Holiday Believe really flows together, though. The only big break I've ever notice is right before it goes into the Nutcracker segment, and that's where they check wind conditions before they go into the finale.


New Member
ISTCNavigator57 said:
Wishes not choppy? It has random breaks in the soundtrack strewn throughout the show which seems sloppy to me..

Wishes is the most put-together show musically out of the two. It's not choppiness; it is perfect starts and stops. The music tells you where each segment begins and ends, and does it so perfectly that it flows.

Believe is much sloppier than Wishes by a long run. The transitions are horrible in Believe, and sometimes they are none existent.

Wishes also does a better job of incorporating all the Disney music it uses into one sound. Everything in Wishes is very orchestral, and no part of the music seems out of place. On the other hand, Believe switches back in forth between a Pop or Christian band sound to an orchestral one. And, the song is very simplistic. It drove me crazy. Whishes is scored much better.

Fireworks are to much the same to have any effect on my judgement. The only thing I could think of was that some of the fireworks fit Wishes better than Believe, and I also think that Wishes uses its building fireworks and its launch site fireworks better than Believe. They are intertwined in Wishes, and they are not in Believe.

On the emotional scale, Wishes also wins out. Right from the beginning, Wishes grabs your attention, builds you up, and drops you down throughout the show. One point in Wishes shows just how superior it is. After the Villans segment when the Blue Fairy begins to speak, it is pure magic. The music builds to one of the greatest climaxes in Disney's amazing musical history, and then releases to the main theme.

Wishes is a much more solid show mainly because of the music and storyline. Believe...There's Magic in the Stars cannot compare to Wishes- A Magical Gathering of Disney Dreams.

The Message is also much better in Wishes, and I will leave everyone with this:

"We must always believe in our wishes, for they are the magic in the world. Now, let's all put our hearts together and make a wish come true..."

Mouse's Magic

Original Poster
As being the originator of this topic I wish I could give my opinion but I can't because I have only seen "Wishes". I have seen "Believe" on the internet but I can't see myslef making a a fair judgement without seeing both live.


Well-Known Member
SpectroMan said:
Wishes is the most put-together show musically out of the two. It's not choppiness; it is perfect starts and stops. The music tells you where each segment begins and ends, and does it so perfectly that it flows.

Believe is much sloppier than Wishes by a long run. The transitions are horrible in Believe, and sometimes they are none existent.

Wishes also does a better job of incorporating all the Disney music it uses into one sound. Everything in Wishes is very orchestral, and no part of the music seems out of place. On the other hand, Believe switches back in forth between a Pop or Christian band sound to an orchestral one. And, the song is very simplistic. It drove me crazy. Whishes is scored much better.

Fireworks are to much the same to have any effect on my judgement. The only thing I could think of was that some of the fireworks fit Wishes better than Believe, and I also think that Wishes uses its building fireworks and its launch site fireworks better than Believe. They are intertwined in Wishes, and they are not in Believe.

On the emotional scale, Wishes also wins out. Right from the beginning, Wishes grabs your attention, builds you up, and drops you down throughout the show. One point in Wishes shows just how superior it is. After the Villans segment when the Blue Fairy begins to speak, it is pure magic. The music builds to one of the greatest climaxes in Disney's amazing musical history, and then releases to the main theme.

Wishes is a much more solid show mainly because of the music and storyline. Believe...There's Magic in the Stars cannot compare to Wishes- A Magical Gathering of Disney Dreams.

The Message is also much better in Wishes, and I will leave everyone with this:

"We must always believe in our wishes, for they are the magic in the world. Now, let's all put our hearts together and make a wish come true..."
You are certainly entitled to your own opinion, but most people who have seen both shows in person prefer Believe. I think having 9 different acts in a 12-minute show is simply absurd. The only break in Believe...In Holiday Magic that approaches the length of those found in Wishes is after Silent Night, which only goes back to one of my previous points--they go into that break with the sky going black and we see the shooting star effect, which is EXTREMELY effective given the song it follows. If you think the flow during Believe is bad, than you must not like the transitions in Fantasmic!, either, as they are extremely similar in format. To me, this is like comparing a paper I might get from a student that utilizes no transitions between sentences and paragraphs to one that does. All other things equal, the latter gets a higher grade than the former.

Regardless, it doesn't really matter--Believe is no more after a four-year run, and I'm sure Remember will easily out-do Wishes.

Meaning between the shows--I don't see much difference between "believe in your wishes" and "believe in your dreams." "A dream is a wish your heart makes."

One of the opening lines in Believe went along these lines: "...make a wish, and believe...there's magic in the stars"


New Member
ISTCNavigator57 said:
The only break in Believe...In Holiday Magic that approaches the length of those found in Wishes is after Silent Night, which only goes back to one of my previous points--they go into that break with the sky going black and we see the shooting star effect, which is EXTREMELY effective given the song it follows.

Just thought I'd add here that I believe this break is to check wind conditions, so it needs to be there. If you watch closely and the smoke isn't too thick, you can often see them send up a white, non-descript balloon during the gap.


New Member
ISTCNavigator57 said:
To me, this is like comparing a paper I might get from a student that utilizes no transitions between sentences and paragraphs to one that does. All other things equal, the latter gets a higher grade than the former.

Obviously, we are not on the same page. Music is a little different from writing, but not that much. Let's throw out fireworks and just look at the music.

Believe (Magic): 10 BAD transitions, a few good transitions, and 2 places where a transition is not present

Believe (Holiday): Around 8 BAD transitions, The Silent Night transtion is one of the best in the whole show, and when they go into "Remember the Magic" at the end, it is right up there with Wishes.

Wishes: 3 BAD transitions, at least 5 good transitions, and 2 places that don't have any transition, but these sections end with punch and a bang. So, it is not that bad.

Wishes, just musically, gets the top grade on my grading scale, and it seems on yours too!


Well-Known Member
SpectroMan said:
Obviously, we are not on the same page. Music is a little different from writing, but not that much. Let's throw out fireworks and just look at the music.

Believe (Magic): 10 BAD transitions, a few good transitions, and 2 places where a transition is not present

Believe (Holiday): Around 8 BAD transitions, The Silent Night transtion is one of the best in the whole show, and when they go into "Remember the Magic" at the end, it is right up there with Wishes.

Wishes: 3 BAD transitions, at least 5 good transitions, and 2 places that don't have any transition, but these sections end with punch and a bang. So, it is not that bad.

Wishes, just musically, gets the top grade on my grading scale, and it seems on yours too!
we disagree on what a good transition is. My music major friend agrees that stopping music every 60 seconds is not a good transition. It's more of a brick wall, and it is jarring. I love Wishes, but Believe is just superior. Thanks for showing maturity in giving me negative rep points.

It should be interesting to note that even in a Disney World forum, Believe is at least as popular as Wishes, if not more. That should suggest how the majority feels. Check out's comparison of the two shows.


Active Member
ISTCNavigator57 said:
Check out's comparison of the two shows.
OK it all becomes clear now. Someone who believes and probably lives and dies to read what Al Lutz or Kevin Yee has to bad mouth next. Kevin Yee's report on Wishes is so biased and full of misinformation. He would say Believe did this first and Believe was the first to do that, when in actuality it was Sorcery to do alot of the low level effects FIRST. And on top of that his review of Wishes was from the Poly. Which is like reviewing ROE from the Yacht Club.


Well-Known Member
Having watched the video of Believe today - just to see what the fuss was about - I gotta say I still don't get it. The fireworks themselves are nice enough, but...where's the storyline? The plot? Decent music? Wishes excels and is amazing to me because of the way the music syncs with the fireworks. It really follows along and just...fits.

Why even have the dull music anyway? It's listless and it doesn't add anything to the fireworks. I think Believe would have been better had I turned my speakers off.

Sorry but it's absurd to me that anyone would think poorly of Wishes. I don't know how much more could want.


Well-Known Member
boo52 said:
OK it all becomes clear now. Someone who believes and probably lives and dies to read what Al Lutz or Kevin Yee has to bad mouth next. Kevin Yee's report on Wishes is so biased and full of misinformation. He would say Believe did this first and Believe was the first to do that, when in actuality it was Sorcery to do alot of the low level effects FIRST. And on top of that his review of Wishes was from the Poly. Which is like reviewing ROE from the Yacht Club.
excuse me? Lives and dies to read what Al Lutz and Kevin Yee say? No. I don't like it when they bash Disney, but if you read their site you would realize that only Kevin Yee is being annoying now, and Al Lutz has nothing but praise for Disneyland. What I find more absurd than Kevin Yee reviewing Wishes from the Polynesian is people on this site reviewing Believe from a video.


Active Member
ISTCNavigator57 said:
What I find more absurd than Kevin Yee reviewing Wishes from the Polynesian is people on this site reviewing Believe from a video.
That is true, but I have never bad mouthed Believe and I have seen it in person many times. Being part of the Disney fireworks team I have alot of friends working on that show. But when someone bad mouths the show that me and my friends work so hard on everyday I have a problem. And this post lately has maliciously attacked Wishes.


Well-Known Member
boo52 said:
That is true, but I have never bad mouthed Believe and I have seen it in person many times. Being part of the Disney fireworks team I have alot of friends working on that show. But when someone bad mouths the show that me and my friends work so hard on everyday I have a problem. And this post lately has maliciously attacked Wishes.
So what if I want to say Wishes isn't as good as Believe? That's my prerogative. Your friends may work very hard on it, but they didn't write the music or design the show. The gentlemen responsible for that are Steve Davison, Eric Tucker, Steve Skorija, and Gregory Smith. A lot of people on this site complain about Stitch's Great Escape, but I don't see the Cast Members who work on that attraction coming on this site attacking people for voicing their opinion. I don't see Pirates CMs coming on here trashing people for saying the counterpart at Disneyland is much better, so why should it matter that I think Disneyland's fireworks are better? Until the $60 you may pay to enter the parks becomes of greater worth than the $60 I spend to enter the parks, we are both entitled to our own opinions, end of story. Don't chastise me for an opinion that is shared by many.

Maliciously attacked Wishes? It's a fireworks show. It is inanimate and I have as much of a right to express my lack of approval of it as others have to voice their lack of approval of something like Test Track, Dino-Rama, or anything else they feel is not Disney's best effort.


New Member
ISTCNavigator57 said:
we disagree on what a good transition is. My music major friend agrees that stopping music every 60 seconds is not a good transition. It's more of a brick wall, and it is jarring. I love Wishes, but Believe is just superior. Thanks for showing maturity in giving me negative rep points.

Wishes only really stops 2 times just like Believe does. To clerify: Stopping music is not a transition. I also have many musically inclined friends. They agree with me that Wishes is greatly superior to Believe. They feel that the beautiful orchestral sound of Wishes is better.

It wasn't me who gave you negative rep points. I'm sorry for who ever did, because I think this is a great discussion. We might disagree, but I would never give someone negative rep points because they have opposing views to mine. I usually give positive rep points to who ever hangs in with an argument with me this long.


Active Member
ISTCNavigator57 said:
Your friends may work very hard on it, but they didn't write the music or design the show. The gentlemen responsible for that are Steve Davison, Eric Tucker, SNIP
See there you are talking about something you know nothing about. While Steven is an acquaintance, Eric IS a friend. So on the contrary you sir are wrong. And no I don't see Attractions CM's jumping up hollering, but they also don;t work on Attractions from inception. It is different in Entertainment where alot of times we do. So there is I think alot more pride and ownership.


New Member
boo52 said:
See there you are talking about something you know nothing about. While Steven is an acquaintance, Eric IS a friend. So on the contrary you sir are wrong. And no I don't see Attractions CM's jumping up hollering, but they also don;t work on Attractions from inception. It is different in Entertainment where alot of times we do. So there is I think alot more pride and ownership.

I think what Kyle is trying to say is that everyone has different tastes. If he personally doesn't like Wishes, it's no need to take offense. It's no different than disliking something like a film in that respect. :)

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