Be Nice to the CM

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Wow...I'm afraid I would have snickered at her. Sorry, I find ridiculously inflated stupidity more funny than troubling. And I dealt with my share in my CM days.


New Member
Originally posted by DispatchInhibit
I am sorry , normally people do not get to me, but this really upset me, I SWEAR I am just a pawn in the fastpass game, i do not make the rules. So please, the next time you find yourself as a guest in a standyby line, please remember the posted wait time, you had the option of a fast pass, and I am just doing my job. and please, be nice to you local cast member..thank you.


I have to hand it to ya, at least ya kept your cool, something I cannot imagine myself doing. You guys and gals do a great job of crowd control and are respected by the masses...don't let one obnoxious fool get ya down.

If you're there in late June, I'll buy ya a frozen Coke!:wave:


Well-Known Member
Keep your head up. You are just doing your job. If you are calm and level headed and talk to her in a normal Disney manner, than you have done your job correctly. To other guests, YOU will look like the one who is in charge. And you are. She was wrong and she proved that to other people in the line. Don't feel bad for any reason. Keep up your good work and don't let those unruley guests get to you.

I have had guests do the same to me. But just remember that they have to go by your rules. If not, they are rejected from the park. Say it with a calm but firm voice. Just try to keep it from being a scene in front of other guests. Act like this thing happens all the time and you can handle it. As a CM, we learn to know everything we can about our surroundings and operations. If not, we at least act like we do. That's part of the show. That's part of being a CM.

Be strong. I know you will be great! :kiss:


Well-Known Member
Yes, I'm sorry that you had to endure that abuse but remember to just keep your cool, count to ten, and just smile. I don't understand when people yell as if that will make a person move any faster.

"Oh my Gosh!! Thank you ever so much for yelling at me at the top of your lungs ma'am. Why, I'll just take you and your friends and family to the front of the line."

There is this sense of entitlement in some people that is just astounding!!


Account Suspended
I'm a corporate trainer and I teach some classes on how to deal with difficult customers (aka "guests"). It sounds like you did a great job dealing with this one. One thing that may be of interest is that there actually is a part of our brains that is reponsible for basic survival instincts such as fleeing when frightened or fighting when angry. When a person becomes irate, it is believed that this part of the brain takes over and it is nearly impossible to reason with the individual (Believe it or not, psychologists actually refer to this as "lizard brain" or "reptile brain" because the part of the brain that's in control is not much more complex than that of a reptile). The best way to handle this type of situation is to apologize (which is what you did) and let the person vent. This doesn't mean to take their abuse, but letting them vent will help diffuse the situation. There are also some "hot buttons" you can avoid in this situation. One of those is to avoid offering an explanation that includes "inside" terminology. Of course, I wasn't there, but explaining to the guest that you had a "ratio to stick to" could possibly set off an already irate guest in some situations. And as nitpicky as it sounds, try to avoid beginning a sentence with "Well..." when explaining or apologizing. It can be taken negatively by an irate guest because it can come across as sounding insincere, or the guest will assume that anything that follows "Well,..." is going to be an excuse. Many customer service professionals refer to that as a "red" word when dealing with angry customers.

Hope that helps! Hang in there! It's CMs like you that set the standard for so many others....and keep the non-difficult guests coming back!


Account Suspended
Wow, there's a whole science related to dealing with irate morons? Cool.

Like I said in another post, I don't know how some of you CM's can do it. It is probably only 10% or less of the entire crowd that is hard to deal with but it is those encounters that tend to stick with you long after you have left for the day.


Nothing like getting screamed at when you're just trying to do your job :rolleyes:

I work with the public also and I have been in your shoes. I feel for you! It sounds like you handled it very well. Bravo!


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear that someone tried to ruin your day, but look on the bright side: at least you don't have to live with her!!:D

People in stand-by lines can be down right rude. Last July we had a fastpass for Peter Pan and got stopped at the merge point so some stand-by folks could go. When it was our turn to go the lady they stopped in the stand-by line started poking a finger in my chest saying I should have to wait like everyone else. I told her so could have gotten a fastpass, EVERYONE has access to them and remove your finger before she loses it. Her ranting and raving scared and upset my daughter. But that was soon remedied by purchasing a dole whip!

IMO - people are at their worst in the stand-by lines when it hot outside.

Keep up the good work DispatchInhibit and don't let the ignorant bring you down!

ucf disneyfan

New Member
I had a guy at Splash merge this weekend call me an A@#hole because I smiled at him. He had a "No Strings Attached" card for one complimentary entrance to an attraction and he kept going on about how it was his compensation for having a lousy day. When I tryed to take the card from him he refused to give it up. I told him his pass could only be used once and so he said he'd use it on another ride. So I nicely showed him to the exit when he screamed at me and told me to stop smiling. So I nicely just waved and said "Have a nice day sir".


New Member
wow... I wonder what ever happened to people treating other people the way that they themselves wish to be treated... that woman should learn some basic prinicples... I think you handled the situation wonderfully... :)


New Member
I think that all of the CM's do a great job despite having to deal with the occasional ignorant guest. I work in law enforcement and deal with those types on a daily basis. I for one appreciate the job you all do. I have even gone so far in my many trips to WDW to let managers know when a CM has put forth some extra effort to make me and my family feel more welcome. Keep doing what you do and don't let one jerk get you down!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
And another sort of CM to be nice to are the greeters that go out with the characters. There job is hard as well. I am friends with Pluto and when he was going off to the backstage to go get a drink of water,everyone started to boo and hiss at the greeter. She told eveyone that Pluto would be out in 5 minutes that he needed to get soemthing to drink, I mean come on the poor god was out there for 30 min. As Pluto was going off stage a little boy kicked Pluto (which hurt him very badly btw :cry: ), the greeter told him to stop the boy continued to to kick and pull at Pluto. The gretter told the parents and the parents said well thats Plutos punishment for going to get water !!!!!! Well needless to say we got them kicked out of the park:king: . So yeah be careful what you do you never know what the cast member (or even if there managers are watching ) can do. Be nice lets see you stand in the sun with a weird looking costume on in the summer. Cant we all just get along.................



Well-Known Member
I can't stand those kinds of people!! They really said that "Pluto's punishment for leaving"??? Maybe next time, Pluto should just stand there until he/she passes out and then the greeter can yell "There are you glad, now you've killed Pluto!"

It never fails, every time I go to the park I always see a nasty/rude guest. Hardly ever seen nasty/rude CM's. I wish all the nasty/rude guests could be asked to leave. I have been in the standyby line at TOT and it seemed to take forever because of all the Fastpasses BUT I didn't say a word. I could have gotten a FP, but I chose RnR instead.


Well-Known Member
Yeah they did!! Can you believe that!! Poor Pluto when they got in Pluto was limping from the kick he had gotten and was thirsty as he drank that water fast. Some people..

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