Weeeelllllllllllllllll, since the end of the contest is drawing near, and I believe the winner is going to be the person in the lead right now, I feel it's safe to talk about which ones I liked and other things without the danger of swaying votes.
First off, a great big thank you to those who voted for me! I realize after seeing it over and over that it didn't have much of a "Disney" feel to it, but more of a sleek design quality, which is more likely than not a bad thing for a Disney website.
Past that, I would also like to say that even though I didn't vote for Quentin Disney's banner, I do think it deserved to win. It HAS that Disney feel I referred to above, and also a great initial eye-catching appeal. So, congrats to her on a job very well done!
A few others also caught my eye and were in my top three, and possibly even #1 spot :lookaroun , were Wilson, Plutis, and Grizzly Hall. HOWEVER, I was shocked to see that another banner was excluded from the top 15, which may have even been my pick for number 1 had it been an option. DisneyCP2000 submitted the "pixie dust banner", as I call it
, and it was damn good. So, even though yours didn't get in, I still want to say AWESOME banner!
I guess that about covers all I want to say.
GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!! Looking forward to the next contest! Whatever that may be..........................:lookaroun