Baggage Tags for Magic Express?

Has anyone who is planning on using the new Magic Express service received the tags for luggage yet? I am leaving on May 17th and hope to get them soon so if I have a reservation problem I can fix it well before I leave.

I apologize if this has been asked before. I ran a search and didn't find anything.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Wannabelle, I just finished up a formal typed letter to Disney. Including those above problems and the Thursday evening where several (at least 100) of us were left at MGM for an hour and a half. Somehow someone forgot us and they instead sent the buses to pick up the all star guests. My husband actually video taped several empty buses passing us by with us all yelling for someone to stop so we could ask for help! but that was the only bus glitch of the trip!

We live in Illinois and from June '04 to May '05 we have paid for just over 32 days at Disney resorts, this trip was the first that had multiple problems and my husband and I both agree that if they don't get these glitches worked out we will just find our own transportation to and from the airport if we fly in. When travelling w/ small children cheapest isn't necessarily easiest or the best.
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Well-Known Member
Agreed there Dwarful. I was more willing to gamble on my up and coming trip as I am going only with an adult friend of mine, both myself and the friend go to Disney multiple times a year and we arent in any great rush so it isnt a problem for us!!! I am still packing my little carry on sack and hopefully I will just be severely overprepared!!!!!!!
As far as alternate modes of transport, you may want to consider Quicksilver Limo service. Pam uses them all the time and raves about them. Also several people from the boards have used them both prior to DME and during the mess to expedite their trips and from what I have read they were outstanding!!!
Keep us updated on what Guest Relations says about this one. I am a bit more peeved about the person knocking on the door at 2:30am!!!!!!!!! That was just WRONG!!!!!!!!! Especially as you had requested to hold the luggage until the following morning!!!! DUH!!!!!!!!! Belle
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Well-Known Member
Unless things really change, I guess this addresses my concerns about arriving at MCO at 9:45 p.m. It looks like Quick Silver will be our best option to get our luggage at a reasonable time.
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New Member
For Canadians (maybe others)

Hi there,

For us up North, I was told by CM's that our tags are sent out on the same schedule as Travel Agents (21 Days in advance) to make sure we get them up here. This may apply to others as well. This is what multiple CM's have told me but I can't confirm it from anyone else on here.


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New Member
swimmom said:
Unless things really change, I guess this addresses my concerns about arriving at MCO at 9:45 p.m. It looks like Quick Silver will be our best option to get our luggage at a reasonable time.

Our flight comes in at 8:53...

I'm a little worried
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Well-Known Member
microconn said:
Hi there,

For us up North, I was told by CM's that our tags are sent out on the same schedule as Travel Agents (21 Days in advance) to make sure we get them up here. This may apply to others as well. This is what multiple CM's have told me but I can't confirm it from anyone else on here.


consider that information confirmed. I got my tags last week sometime and I Am leaving Saturday. They did get to my travel agent about 20 days ahead of time though. Belle
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Well-Known Member
If we had known then what we know now, I would have used QuickSilver OR I would have had my husband grab the luggage while I was checking in to get in line for the bus to the resort. If you opt to get your own bags then DONT use the baggage tags you receive. Just tell them they never arrived or that you prefer to handle you own luggage. They will then put the luggage on the same bus you ride to your resort. I would especially do this if you are arriving late in the evening.
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Well-Known Member
The company responsible for sending out DME information is now required (assuming flight information has been entered) to ship out the booklet at least 21 days prior to arrival regardless of the address (personal home or Travel Agency.) We are currently told at the reservation center to still advise guest to expect the DME travel documents separate from all other documents, and about 5 days prior to arrival, however, most guest and travel agents are now receiving them about 10-15 days in advance. Pam, can you vouch for this?

The DME service has improved dramatically from the first week. The luggage delivery is currently on average about 2 hours behind the guest. The goal is 30 minutes behind the guest, so the bags will reach the room itself before most guest do. This is an average, so if you are arriving outside of peak times (peak is late morning to late afternoon) your luggage delivery has been much faster. Those who are arriving after 8 pm, should no longer have any problems as long as your DME luggage tags are firmly attached.

My best advice is to call 407-W-DISNEY (if you booked directly with Disney) about 30 days prior to ensure your flight information is entered and accurate. If you booked by a travel agent, you should contact them. Once you get your DME booklet with the tags, be sure to secure them firmly to your checked luggage, and bring a light change of clothes in your carry-on. Start having fun in the parks as soon as you register at your resort. After you have ridden on Soarin' a few times, your luggage should have been delivered to your room by the time you get there.

Hope this helps! :sohappy:
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New Member
I am starting to get really nervous about using Magic Express. My DH and I arrive Friday. I have called to to verify that we are in the system, and the girl on the phone confirmed all my info, and that yes, we are in the system. However, we still have not gotten bag tags. I just spoke to our travel agent today, and she has not gotten them. I thought the bag tags were arriving on time now, so I'm not sure what is going on with ours.

This is a short trip for us (coming back Monday), so I really don't want to spend all of Friday dealing with worring about where our luggage is, and how quickly we and our luggage are going to get to the resort.

Any suggestions? Words of reassurance?

I am sooooo looking forward to this trip, and just wish I didn't have to worry about this. I am really starting to wish we had paid the extra to book Mears or something.
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Well-Known Member
Mears in terms of a motor coach shuttle isnt an option as it no longer goes on WDW property. The only option you do have is for a towncar service or a taxi. Between the two I would choose the towncar option. My understanding is that the two are almost equal in price, and the towncar is waiting for you when you come down into baggage claim. The man is at the bottom of the escalator with a card with your name on it, helps you with the baggabe to the car, takes your party only to the resort of your choice. They also will do a 1/2 hour grocery stop at a local supermarket to pick up whatever!!! I think it is about $90.00 round trip but if you are operating under a time constraint it may be the way to go. Many people including Pam of Kingdom Konsultants use Quicksilver Limo service. The phone number to book their service is Customer Service:
Toll Free: 1-888-GO-TO-WDW (468-6939) - USA and Canada

Local call: (407) 299-1434.
The other option that someone else had mentioned was to go to the sign in desk tell them you are pulling your own luggage and it will be put on the shuttle with you and not delivered separately. Go to Baggage claim, grab your bags, go back to the DME shuttle and hop on!! That might be a nice middle ground , cost effective, and alleviate some of your worries!!!
Good luck and have a great time!!!! Belle
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New Member
Thanks Belle! I didn't realize Mears was no longer going to WDW property, but I suppose that makes sense since they are sort of the ones behind Magic Express. We had always used them on past trips, so that was the name I thought of. Quicksilver sounds great. I'll have to keep that in mind.

I would be totally okay with grabbing my own luggage. In fact, I'd almost rather. I'm just glad to know that at least we're in the system.
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Well-Known Member
I think grabbing your luggage and hopping on the DME makes sense for you. It seems like it wouldnt be so bad to do that. Just make sure that you check in with the people at the airport ( People in blue blazers and Mickey hands point the way!!) and let them know what you are doing so they can properly schedule you for the appropriate bus!!!! I will be at Disney the same time as you and actually some of the people on this board are having a Mini Meet in MGM on Sunday the 22nd. Do you plan on beig in the area? Belle
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
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JPVonDrake said:
The company responsible for sending out DME information is now required (assuming flight information has been entered) to ship out the booklet at least 21 days prior to arrival regardless of the address (personal home or Travel Agency.) We are currently told at the reservation center to still advise guest to expect the DME travel documents separate from all other documents, and about 5 days prior to arrival, however, most guest and travel agents are now receiving them about 10-15 days in advance. Pam, can you vouch for this?

The DME service has improved dramatically from the first week. The luggage delivery is currently on average about 2 hours behind the guest. The goal is 30 minutes behind the guest, so the bags will reach the room itself before most guest do. This is an average, so if you are arriving outside of peak times (peak is late morning to late afternoon) your luggage delivery has been much faster. Those who are arriving after 8 pm, should no longer have any problems as long as your DME luggage tags are firmly attached.

My best advice is to call 407-W-DISNEY (if you booked directly with Disney) about 30 days prior to ensure your flight information is entered and accurate. If you booked by a travel agent, you should contact them. Once you get your DME booklet with the tags, be sure to secure them firmly to your checked luggage, and bring a light change of clothes in your carry-on. Start having fun in the parks as soon as you register at your resort. After you have ridden on Soarin' a few times, your luggage should have been delivered to your room by the time you get there.

Hope this helps! :sohappy:

Hey JP,

I have looked into this and I am being told that DME is SEVERELY behind in getting the booklets out to people. I am told that it's more like 7 days in advance than 21. So that means a travel agent will get them 7 days prior and then try to get them to the client before they leave.

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Well-Known Member
I am arriving at WDW on June 4, I just got off the phone withe central reservations and the gentleman there said we may or may not get our MGE stuff before we leave due to computer issues, he said if the docs are ready they will be fedexed as soon as they are ready. So just keeping my fingers crossed.
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Well-Known Member
Bluewaves said:
I am arriving at WDW on June 4, I just got off the phone withe central reservations and the gentleman there said we may or may not get our MGE stuff before we leave due to computer issues, he said if the docs are ready they will be fedexed as soon as they are ready. So just keeping my fingers crossed.

that is exactly what we were told back in early May. The fedex parcel never did arrive, so I guess it was never really sent. If you are arriving late in the evening, you may want to just grab your own luggage and have them put it on the bus with you. We didn't do that ( didn't realize we could until after the fact) and they brought our luggage to us at 220AM even though i had specifically asked them to hold it until at least 6am. Good luck, hopefully everything will go smoothly for you. enjoy your trip.
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New Member
I just got back from the World on Monday and had never received by package prior to arriving. For those of you who are worried about it, don't sweat it. When I checked into the DME desk, I explained that I never got my package and what my bagged looked like and gave them my luggage claim info.

I got my luggage sent to my room anyway. I'm sure the luggage tags are easier for them to retrieve, but I still didn't have a problem getting my luggage both in Orland or NY. Other than the fact that the animals handling my bag on the airline broke one of my zippers off, it was a pretty cool experience. I checked my bag at my hotel the day I was leaving and got my boarding passes. Next time I saw my bag, I was in NY.
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Magical Express Tags---Generic?? or Not??

Hello Everyone,

Were leaving in 7 days for our trip and was curious about these tags. I have family also going, and they got the same tags in the mail...but they look genaric. They look the same as the previous year, just a diffrent logo printed on them. I don't see anything that is unique to me, my party or the resort we are staying at....they look just like the standard tags as last year.

My first question/concern is how does Disney not get this confused with all the other luggage....because reading each person't name written on the tag would be a little time consuming...I was thinking it would be a little more high-tech like a digital scanned bar-code that has all our info stored on it.

Me being an IT person it just sounds easier...not so "high-tech" or "magical" as disney likes to put it.

Here's a photo of the tags I got:
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Well-Known Member
capellt said:
Hello Everyone,

Were leaving in 7 days for our trip and was curious about these tags. I have family also going, and they got the same tags in the mail...but they look genaric. They look the same as the previous year, just a diffrent logo printed on them. I don't see anything that is unique to me, my party or the resort we are staying at....they look just like the standard tags as last year.

My first question/concern is how does Disney not get this confused with all the other luggage....because reading each person't name written on the tag would be a little time consuming...I was thinking it would be a little more high-tech like a digital scanned bar-code that has all our info stored on it.

Me being an IT person it just sounds easier...not so "high-tech" or "magical" as disney likes to put it.

Here's a photo of the tags I got:

I'll be happy to assist...

I see that you are on a Walt Disney Vacation Package. What you have received and posted a picture of is your Walt Disney Travel Company Souvenir Tags, that came with your travel documents. You can save them or used them it doesn't matter, as they are not part of DME.

You should receive in a separate mailing your Disney's Magical Express documents, about 3-5 days prior to your arrival date. Included are yellow paper stick on luggage tags that you attach to each piece of checked baggage. You will receive 2 per guest. They will have 3 different bar codes, as well as your resort name and the lead guest name on your reservation among other information. With the luggage tags attached, your luggage will be pulled directly from the plane and go through security separately then loaded onto a delivery truck to your resort.

If by chance you do not receive your luggage tags in time, don't worry. When you arrive at Orlando International Airport, you will be greeted by Disney Cast Members in blue blazers and white Mickey gloves. Let them know you did not receive your luggage tags and they will ask you for your luggage claim tickets the airline gave you. Your luggage will still be pulled by Disney from baggage claim and delivered to your room.

Hope this helps and enjoy your vacation! :sohappy:
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Active Member
Just got back from Walt Disney World.

We never received our luggage tags prior to the trip. I decided to have my husband grab the luggage while I checked in with DME. Just to let everyone know, the DME is located on level 1 by the rental car desks. This is important to let know if you decide to grab your bags yourself. When I checked in with DME, they gave me a certificate for a free pin and lanyard since we were pulling our bags ourselves and had never received the tags. I thought that was very nice of Disney.

After I went and found my husband at baggage claim, we were back down to DME and were able to get right onto a bus that was only going straight to our resort. We arrived at our resort about 45 minutes after departing our plane.

Going back wasn't as great, however not bad. We did the resort airport check in thing. Was very easy to do in the morning. We were told we would be on the 4:10 bus for our 7:05 flight. The 4:10 bus never really came, and we finally boarded a bus at 4:50 that was mainly full of people from another resort. We were able to get on that bus because we did not have our luggage with us. Another bus pulled up as we were about to leave the resort. And for some reason, the movie playing on the bus was Shark Tales. I didn't think this was a Disney movie?

All and all, a good DME experience. Still has some kinks, but I see it's potential, and our bags arrived safely back in Dallas.
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