Backlash against Kathleen Kennedy and Star Wars in general


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Many Star Wars fans have not been happy with the direction of the last two films, The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. Leading up to the opening of Solo, I have seen an onslaught of online articles and videos from critics of not only Star Wars but more so of Kathleen Kennedy. Most sight her strict control over the production but also her liberal/feminsim "agenda" seeping into the stories.

Let me state that I enjoyed TFA and TLJ and I have no issue whatsoever with a female (Rey) playing the lead. I think Daisy Ridley has done a terrific job so far. Do I think both movies could have been better? Sure, but you could say that about almost any film. You can definitely sense the feminist aspects of both films but it has not seemed too overwhelming (IMO). Same for Rogue One (which I enjoyed very much). But with Solo and the announcement of one of the characters being "pansexual" (I wont spoil which one, but most people know by now), it seems Kennedy is being targeted even more. Perhaps because she is in control of the Star Wars Universe and the stories.

I personally do not feel that a characters sexual orientation has anything whatsoever to add the story, especially considering the definition of pansexual. I have not seen Solo yet, but for Lawrence Kasdan to announce this (before the movie premiered) feels forced upon us for no reason other than to promote some agenda. Regardless of "the world we live in", I just want to enjoy seeing a Star Wars film and savor the imaginary world and stories I have grown up with and not be reminded of political and social issues of Earth.

I look forward to seeing Solo and will not be joining the #Boycot Starwars movement as I feel it is just as silly as the announcement of a pansexual character. How do you feel about the Star Wars series and the direction it is heading? How do yo feel Kennedy is doing at the helm? Thanks for reading and lets keep the discussion mature.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I am fine with the current direction.

While I was not all that interested in Solo's backstory and thought there were other subjects and characters more worthy of a film, I still enjoyed the movie quite a bit and can't wait for more.

What I have never understood is hating a movie because the story did not go the way you wanted it to.


Well-Known Member
I am fine with the current direction.

While I was not all that interested in Solo's backstory and thought there were other subjects and characters more worthy of a film, I still enjoyed the movie quite a bit and can't wait for more.

What I have never understood is hating a movie because the story did not go the way you wanted it to.

My only complaint would be that the first one followed the same storyline as "A New Hope". I enjoyed TLJ but they could have cut a little of the part in the casino.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
My only complaint would be that the first one followed the same storyline as "A New Hope". I enjoyed TLJ but they could have cut a little of the part in the casino.
That felt kind of lazy to me as well. IMHO they essentially gave the fans exactly what they wanted which was Episode 4 with different characters.

The casino scene was a bit much. It was effective in illustrating a particular plot point, but that same point could have been made with much less time and spectacle.


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I am fine with the current direction.

While I was not all that interested in Solo's backstory and thought there were other subjects and characters more worthy of a film, I still enjoyed the movie quite a bit and can't wait for more.

What I have never understood is hating a movie because the story did not go the way you wanted it to.
Solo seems to be getting positive reviews, at least from the unbiased sources that are not fuming about the last few installments. I was never to curious about Solos backstory either but the trailers look pretty good IMO.

And yes, it boggles the mind that people get seriously upset because they don't get the story they wanted or expected. It seemed many people wanted more answers but wouldn't that not allow for future stories to be told. I don't need every question answered in the second movie of a series. I think people are operating on the assumption that there will only be three movies with Rey, Kylo, Fin, etc. Perhaps there will be more. No need to rush everything.


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My only complaint would be that the first one followed the same storyline as "A New Hope". I enjoyed TLJ but they could have cut a little of the part in the casino.
As @Master Yoda said, they gave fans what they wanted which was Episode 4 w/ new characters. Had they gone a different direction, people would have found fault in that as well. The casino was a bit long IMO as well. I would have truly likes to have seen Han, Luke and Lea reunited at least once, but I'm not upset about it, and who knows, we may still get that.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Solo seems to be getting positive reviews, at least from the unbiased sources that are not fuming about the last few installments. I was never to curious about Solos backstory either but the trailers look pretty good IMO.

And yes, it boggles the mind that people get seriously upset because they don't get the story they wanted or expected. It seemed many people wanted more answers but wouldn't that not allow for future stories to be told. I don't need every question answered in the second movie of a series. I think people are operating on the assumption that there will only be three movies with Rey, Kylo, Fin, etc. Perhaps there will be more. No need to rush everything.
Like every SW film since Episode 1, I saw it the night is came out. It is a very enjoyable SW flick. My only real criticism was Alden Ehrenreich acting performance. It felt like he did his own thing vs replicating Ford's performance, nuances, etc.

Donald Glover absolutely nailed Billy Dee Williams' performance in Empire and Jedi.


Well-Known Member
With events that are actually important in the world occurring each day, I find it silly to boycott a company over characters in a space movie, especially when the "issues" that are apparently so offensive to some people are not front-and-center and have nothing to do with the plot.

As for it being some kind of "agenda" to show women and people of color as main characters and heroic figures, then I guess I'm perfectly okay with said "agenda." I have yet to hear a convincing argument against it, while there are far more reasons for an increase in representation in popular culture.

Remember the lines in the new Star Wars movies where it was pointed out that someone was a hero or more important because they were female or non-Caucasian? No? Me either. They don't exist. All of this outrage says more about the people who are fanning the flames than it does about Lucasfilm.


Well-Known Member
My problem with Star Wars right now is that there is too much, fans will get burnt out on the constant churning out of movies, tv shows and merchandise. They need to slow down a little.
Totally agree. Disney has made their money back. They need to slow down and focus on only making films that have a reason for existing beyond short-term gain. Star Wars lasted as long as it has because each new film was a highly-anticipated event (even the Prequels, regardless of their quality in relation to the original films). Churning out backstory films that nobody is asking for is a surefire way of diluting the franchise and causing fatigue. Solo is not expected to meet box office expectations and has performed terribly internationally. That could be due to its troubled production and uncharismatic lead, but it could also partly be due to it being unnecessary.


Well-Known Member
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Assassination of the Last Jedi by the Coward Rian Johnson

The Luke that fans were expecting:

The Luke that Rian Johnson forced upon us:

And sweet baby jesus, did they really have to give that walrus thing human-looking ?

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
With events that are actually important in the world occurring each day, I find it silly to boycott a company over characters in a space movie, especially when the "issues" that are apparently so offensive to some people are not front-and-center and have nothing to do with the plot.

As for it being some kind of "agenda" to show women and people of color as main characters and heroic figures, then I guess I'm perfectly okay with said "agenda." I have yet to hear a convincing argument against it, while there are far more reasons for an increase in representation in popular culture.

Remember the lines in the new Star Wars movies where it was pointed out that someone was a hero or more important because they were female or non-Caucasian? No? Me either. They don't exist. All of this outrage says more about the people who are fanning the flames than it does about Lucasfilm.

When racisim, sexisim or any other negative "isim" is there it needs to be called out, but they don't need to be fabricated.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Assassination of the Last Jedi by the Coward Rian Johnson

The Luke that fans were expecting:

The Luke that Rian Johnson forced upon us:

And sweet baby jesus, did they really have to give that walrus thing human-looking *******?
My personal opinion of the character...A whiny little punk with incredible power that will on occasion pull his head out of his own backside and be awesome.

I did not really want him to be that, but when the chips are really down, he can be counted on to crawl into his shell.


Well-Known Member
Last Jedi was amazing. The Star Wars fanbase will hate absolutetly everything new added to Star Wars at this point lol.
I can see some problems with its structure and writing, but thought it was a fantastic addition to the canon. I would much rather see new stories and forward momentum than constant callbacks to previous films. While I really enjoyed Force Awakens, I really wished it had been less of a rehash of the first film. I see why it was done. The Prequels were ambitious, but ultimately failed because there were no characters who seemed real and about whom you cared. They really caused a lot of damage that Force Awakens had to make up for in order for any of the new films to be successful. In hindsight, I see Force Awakens as a way of saying, "Hey, old fans. We know that you've been burned and we know that you're nervous because you love Star Wars and this is the first film being made that wasn't guided by George Lucas. We're going to take it easy and set up new characters that we think you'll like, whilst not rocking the boat right out of the gate." It worked, at least on me. I was done after the Prequels, but TFA brought me back as a fan.

The Last Jedi, to me, was the perfect place to go after that. It remained fun, while being honest about what it's like to age. All of us start out with high ambitions and feel like we are something special. When we're young we feel invulnerable, infallible, and like the world is full of possibilities. As we age, we learn that none of those are true. Every action has consequences and nobody is infallible. You do the best you can to positively influence the lives of the people with whom you come into contact and accept that it's very possible and likely that the noblest intentions don't always work out. Let's face it, by Return of the Jedi, Luke had become arrogant. All of them had. They felt like they had won against the odds and were capable of everything. Things didn't pan out they way they had hoped. Luke wasn't capable of training more Jedi as he was so sure that everything was a black or white situation that he wasn't prepared to handle times when reality proved that the world is never 100% good or evil. Ben Solo was the child and nephew of the "Saviors of the Galaxy." He had access to enormous power that he wasn't prepared to handle. He was able to see the faults in his parents and uncle because he was close to them, but everyone else treated them like they were untouchable legends. How was he supposed to live up to that? He was a teenager questioning the world they way every teenager does, but his mother was too busy rebuilding the Republic, his father neglected him and remained too self-centered, and his uncle was a "chosen one" who felt like he shouldn't be questioned. No wonder things went sour. The first two movies of the new trilogy are about what they should be about: consequences. The old characters are experiencing the consequences of their prior choices, with fatal consequences, and the new characters are trying to move forward and make their world their own. That's how life works. Will the new characters make mistakes? Absolutely. The one thing that always remains throughout all of the Star Wars films, however, is hope. There is always hope that people will strive to do the best they can to make the world (galaxy) a little better than they found it.

Sorry. Long rant. I just really like where the first two "main" movies have gone. I hope that isn't undone by JJ Abrams trying to play it safe in the last one.


Well-Known Member
Like every SW film since Episode 1, I saw it the night is came out. It is a very enjoyable SW flick. My only real criticism was Alden Ehrenreich acting performance. It felt like he did his own thing vs replicating Ford's performance, nuances, etc.

Donald Glover absolutely nailed Billy Dee Williams' performance in Empire and Jedi.
That didn't really bother me, mainly because I got so into the story that I didn't try to compare the solos. After watching the movie I compare it to a book. After New Hope came out several books came out about the heros. When I read a book I don't really visualize the people I just visualize a character (hard to explain) and enjoy learning more about them so even though it didn't look like him or act like him.. I didn't care. The story was good enough that I just enjoyed the ride. I recommend every star wars fan to see it.


Premium Member
This thread has “lock and load” potential.

Here’s my stance: Kathy Kennedy has failed and should be replaced immediately...

She’s not strong or creative enough to stand up to the Disney management...which is 100% necessary...and she’s caught between Spielberg, Lucas and everybody’s sister at this point.

They need a feige...plain and simple.

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