Back from our first time at Disney World!

Mstr Gra-c

Active Member
We went to the Wonderworks Museum.. which was pretty cool

Seaworld and Universal Studios. I wish we would have checked out Hollywood, but we had to leave.

Well did you go to Epcot or DHS?
The reason i ask is because IMHO and what my family has done for years is we treat Disney as its own destinantion. We generally go every few years. We go for 6 or 7 days. We ALWAYS stay at a Resort, generally the POLY. We give ourselves TIME...lots of TIME. And we ALWAYS go in October. Never Spring or Summer. That the crowds are less and its not as warm.

That way if someone wants to be rude and cut in line or push and shove...just get out of there way and let them be a jerk...because you have all the time in the world.


Active Member
We had friends that went last week and said the same thing, they found out that it was Florida School vacation week so probably why so crowded. They said never again they would double check when the vacation was next time.

Actually Orlando schools are off this week and many other counties have the week of Easter off.
Ouch, only five rides is rough, but Disney can be overwhelming for first-timers. If you get back to Disney on a regular basis you will quickly figure out how to manage time and develop a strategy for doing everything you want to do.

I completely agree with you on the part of rude people; unfortunately during all the fun that my family and I have at the theme parks there is always a reminder of how rude and disrespectful some can be.


New Member
Just being at the "Happiest Place On Earth" you would think the visitors there with their children would be happy. I can't tell you how many times we were shoved, pushed, nudged, cut in front of, etc... from people rushing from here to there. The other visitors did have an influence on my overall attitude of the park.

Right when we got there to get on the ferry some lady comes barreling through with her kids and shoves her coffee all over my shirt. That pretty much started off my day. Especially after she is yelling Move people Move
Yes! I totally agree with you on this, last time I visited the world not to offend anyone about this, but I witnessed a man who must have been 400 lbs on a scooter completely plow into a small child without a care in the world and kept going as if he had the right of way:eek: Sorry but most people walk! rather than sit on a scooter sheesh, unless you have a disadvantage I dont see why that is nessicary you're at a theme park! People in the parks these days are pretty ignorant if you ask me, and ruin the experience for everyone else but what matters is that you make it a good vacation for yourself. The people pushing, shoving ect. obveously don't know how to have a good time without being total trolls :rolleyes:


Active Member
I guess taking into account the baby swap, feedings, diaper changing, walking, took time... Maybe next time without the baby.
Well, that will surely fill a good part of your day! :) But you also got to many of the "other attractions". Just walking down Main Street is an attraction to me. I'm sure a first timer could spend at least an hour doing just that.

I've got to say that rude pushy people really set me off when I’m at WDW as well.:fork:

The last time we were there, my DS and I took the time to grab a FP for TM. When we returned at our appointed time we moved through the FP line at a good pace. When we finally reach the point in the line where we had to stop for a brief time, some idiot jumped line from the stand-by line with his kid to right in front of us. Well…take a good look at my picture and tell me if you think I have trouble letting rude people know what I think. Needless to say, he moved back to where he belonged in his original line to the delight of my surrounding fellow happy vacationers without any cast member assistance.:cool:

My point is I’m there on vacation like everyone else with a good happy attitude ready to just have a good time. It would not be the first time however that I’ve encountered a real butt head when I’m politely enjoying my family vacation. I realize life is full of people who just think of themselves. I deal with it and move on while trying my best to not let it affect how I treat those I love. As far as crowds at WDW go…my favorite time of the year is the week after Thanksgiving. The crowds are relatively light, and the Christmas decorations are to die for! Give it a try won’t be disappointed. One last thought, since it’s as expensive as it is, we didn’t take our kids to WDW until they were old enough to appreciate a trip like this. Since then we’ve even invested in DVC so we can do this more often. The shore or the mountains is one thing, but an amusement park with a baby…well…you know what I mean.:shrug:

Anyway, give it another try; there are some great people here with fantastic ideas on how to have a great time at the “Happiest Place On Earth”. Listen to them…they’ll tell ya’.:sohappy:


New Member
My wife and I were there last week, too. I will admit it was more crowded than I expected. However, staying on sight gives you a big advantage. We take the bus and get dropped off at the gate so you don't have to do the ferry or monorail. We got there for park opening and headed direcctly for Frontierland where we rode Thunder Railroad twice and Splash Mountain. We then rode Haunted Mansion, TTA, Buzz Lightyear and saw Philharmagic all before noon. After a break at the hotel for the afternoon, we went back for Spectromagic and Wishes and were able to ride Jungle Cruise, POC, and the train around the park. It's all in the planning. It also helps that we did not have young children. We did all this with only one Fastpass.


I'm sorry that you were a little disappointed. Disney is definiely not something you can do in a day. If you go the next time your baby will be older and it will be a bit easier. Don't give up on Disney.:)


I went with my daughter on some kiddie rollercoaster.. not sure of the name

Buzz Lightyear
Haunted Mansion
Splash Mountain
Thunder Mountain

Walked through Swiss Family Tree

That was it

Well, at least 5 of the attractions you went on were by far the three best in the park!

No Pirates??? Oh geez!!!

Eh, if I was in MK for one day, Pirates is waaaaay down on my lists of things to do since the overhaul.


New Member
Is it just me being over sensitive or are more people than ever hanging around at the fast pass entrances blocking the way until their ticket time is valid?


New Member
Is it just me being over sensitive or are more people than ever hanging around at the fast pass entrances blocking the way until their ticket time is valid?
NO, you are definitively right on, and most of the time they dont speak english, nor do they have any manners.

My dad and I were literally 1 minute from our soarin time (we went there when the park opened, got FP's ate and then we were 1 minute early) they wouldnt let us in even though no one was coming and my dad was getting a touch irritated (he was like 'by the time we get 1/2 way through the FP queue, its gonna b our time'). STILL I pulled him away from the front of the FP wait area, idk to me it's just rude to just stand there n block the CM's views and the future FPer's entrance.

Another thing, 5 rides in 12 hours, you cant be serious. Either you had bad time management (b/c it was your 1st time at disney and thats understandible) or disney needs to quit crying about the economy. They have less employees, less hotel buildings to patrol, and just b/c there are less people staying on site doesnt mean that the economy is bad and ohh poor disney there making no money, it means the WDW executives did a TERRIBLE job with fund location and they are begining to pay for it now.

This is the begining of bad times for WDW unless they turn things around and fast. Disney thrived b/c of the lack of competation, its more difficult to compete with a theme park because they more or less compliment each other (people go to universal, disney, and sea world all on one trip), on the other hand hotels are 100% competation. You stay at one or the other, so selling off your land and letting people build RIGHT NEXT to your hotels inside of YOUR property is a TERRIBLE misuse of power. Cutting out projects, cutting back projects, cutting out referbs all = less guests at hotels, theme parks, resturants, etc. Why cant the executives see this? We need someone with imagination and someone who isnt 60+ in those positions to make decisions. rant end


Active Member
Sry to hear about your trip, definitely not a prime season to go due to local crowds because of the break.

i was at EPCOT on monday evening for dinner and only two restaurants and reservations available... definitely packed

well next time you start planning feel free to come on here and ask around about vacation times, we'll be happy to help you out :)

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