back from a weeks trip with some concerns

What the....

I must agree with SueyBee that Fast-Pass has to be restructured. First it should only be for Resort guests staying concierge-level, with a credit score of at least 800. Plus, those people who drive extremely expensive foreign luxury vehicles and live in homes with greater than 8000 square feet can than “trump” those who are merely staying concierge-level. Furthermore, you can then send your man-servant, house maid or au’ pair to collect your fast-pass while you sit pool side and drink very expensive Disney libations.
Oh, and folks from New Jersey get there own line, primarily because I can barely get in the regular fast-pass line now!


New Member
sueybee said:
I went to epcot on weds. and made it over to Soarin at about 2pm-2:30pm and all Fast passes were unavailable for the rest of the day, I couldnt believe they went so quickly. so here would be my suggestion, if I pay good money to stay at the resort, I shouldnt have to wait for an hour and 50 mins to ride a ride

If you thought summer was bad.... dont EVER do Christmas and New Years week. Many of the fastpasses were gone by noon and on some rides, a 1.5 hour wait is just plain lucky and unheard of... like Test Track for example! I'm glad you still enjoyed it though. Just plan any future trips during the off season. The waits wont be as long and Fast pass will function "better" (although I think its fine the way it is!).


Well-Known Member
2 said:
Maybe you might want to consider staying on property. :lookaroun

With all due respect, he stated that it would not be economical for them to stay on property. People save up for years to go to the parks for just a few days, if that! FP should remain for everyone.

and I have to agree with others about changing the FP to Resort Guest only. If no other reason but the fact that I, as a CM, won't be able to get one anymore :(


Active Member
Speaking as someone who is fortunate enough to stay on-property almost every time I go to WDW, I think resort guests get PLENTY of perks (biggest one - STAYING ON SITE!). So making FPs available only to them would be... uh... *thinking of a non-censored word*... bullpoop.

While WDW has become a world-class resort (and one that I can't convince enough people to go to!), the parks are the heart and soul of the place and we start dividing guests in to haves and have-nots, then that will be the true beginning of the end of the Magic, IMHO.

I'm afraid I can't muster up any sympathy for the fact that FPs are gone by mid-afternoon (ITA with the poster who said they wouldn't have been surprised to hear that they were gone by noon).

And as for WDW sticker shock for prices, yes, the place is expensive. Part of the problem at the Pepper Market may have been the fact that you pay at the end, IIRC, so a person could be tempted to load up and then freak out about the final price... But be that as it may, I actually find that you get pretty decent value for your food dollar at WDW - it's almost always very VERY tasty, and the ridiculously gargantuan portions are usually enough to share if you're really watching your budget (and waistline!)


Well-Known Member
The pepper market was horrible as far as I was concerned. One of the reasons I will never stay at Coronado Springs ever again, even though the rest of the hotel was clean and nice and up to Disney Standards.

Fastpass is a great system, its much better than waiting 2 hrs for a ride. Its cut the standby times down and you can always just stand in the line if there are no more fast passes, I did a number of times myself in the begining of this June no ill effects. Waiting for my time at Kali was great gave me time to watch the monkees and take pictures of Everest. I was also disapointed to not see the beautiful themeing inside Kali's queue as well so its a trade off. I got to eat lunch though and went to Epcot and stood inline for 60 minutes at Soarin and complained and my fiance said knock it off I stood in line for 4 hours waiting to ride the new coaster at Cedar Point. I said I guess your right. So knock off your belly aching. 1 hour is not a bad wait time better than 2 and half hours when test rack opened and there wasn't any fast pass that first year.


New Member
sueybee said:
First I would like to start with Fastpass, I believe this needs to be modify, I went to epcot on weds. and made it over to Soarin at about 2pm-2:30pm and all Fast passes were unavailable for the rest of the day, I couldnt believe they went so quickly. so here would be my suggestion, if I pay good money to stay at the resort, I shouldnt have to wait for an hour and 50 mins to ride a ride, does anyone agree that fast pass should only be available, for resort guests?

i 100% agree with u on the whole fastpass thing!! but rumor has it that disney is goin to let hotel guest use there room keys as fast passes for anyride! u just show up to a ride, show ur room key and BAM! front of the line! just like how @ universal u can do that if u stay at one of there on-site hotels.
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sorry i made a mistake. they will STILL have the fast passes for people visiting for the day but then they add what i just stated . now idk if it's one100% tru or not but please don't make me feel bad im a newbie! :(


New Member
I can't believe what I'm reading... some of you people actually think Fastpasses should only be for the people who can afford to stay on-site!? That's revolting.

Number one, staying on-site is a huge expense. EVEN if it's in the value resort, those of us with big families cannot squeeze into one room, and booking two rooms is much more expensive than just getting a suite off-site.

Number two, what about the Floridians? What, are they supposed to book a stay in the hotel to go to Disneyland so they can enjoy fastpass.

I've NEVER had any complaints with fast pass. YOU get over then at 2:30 pm, and whine and complain.... I have one thing to say to you. GET your sorry butt there EARLIER and snag a fastpass. Or BRAVE the wait and shut up!

Either fastpasses are for everyone, or there are NO fastpasses for anybody. I hope that WDW doesn't ever change the policy of FP's being for everyone.

*deep breaths*


New Member
Original Poster
I can not believe this!

I thought these boards were to make suggestions and give opinons, I make one and I get people jumping down my throat about it, talk about how un-disney people are...for those of of you who and agreed and disagreed in a polite matter, very much appreciated, for the other's, well they can stick it :fork:


New Member
It's not very un-Disney like of any of us to post your comments. If anyone is being un-Disney like, it's you for not being able to take constructive criticism and telling everyone to "Stick it". Nice choice of words. Please don't preach to me about being "Disney-Like" I work for the company, I got preached to enough at my Traditions training class.

Secondly, last I checked...yep I was right, you asked questions and asked for opinions in your post. Don't remember? Here ya go:

I shouldnt have to wait for an hour and 50 mins to ride a ride, does anyone agree that fast pass should only be available, for resort guests?

and don't forget this one,

why did one of the dolls already have a big crack in it, that I noticed?

Yep. Those are questions. Yep. You got answers. Don't like it? Sorry.


New Member
sueybee said:
I thought these boards were to make suggestions and give opinons, I make one and I get people jumping down my throat about it, talk about how un-disney people are..
Well, when your post promotes implementation of an elitist system for the rich, which is something Walt Disney NEVER wanted for his parks then I think the replies have indeed been very Disney.


New Member
lawyergirl77 said:
Speaking as someone who is fortunate enough to stay on-property almost every time I go to WDW, I think resort guests get PLENTY of perks (biggest one - STAYING ON SITE!). So making FPs available only to them would be... uh... *thinking of a non-censored word*... bullpoop.
How can you be a lawyer? Your post displays a great degree on concern for others - hardly something we have come to expect from your profession ;) :lol:


New Member
Original Poster
I can take critizism, but people do not have to be so rude about it! Also, I am far from rich, I work for an outsource vendor for verizon wireless, so of course I am low paid, just like almost everyone else in America, and if I scrimp, work 30 hours of overtime a week and save just so I can take my parents, my sister and her family, to the happiest place on earth for the week, I see nothing wrong with thinking I should be treated like royalty there and have all the perks :0)
After reading all the many replies, perhaps I should not of even made the suggestion, but in any event I did, so I pay the piper for that one, yet in other unrelated info, I do have some questions about dvc anyone a member of it, if so could you please tell me how this works, I made it to the set up the last day before my plane left and didnt have time to take the tour, I tried asking the rep standing their about it, but it was very vague and pretty unhappy sounding, any info would be great and thanks in advance :0)


New Member
Piper paying over and onto the DVC - It's not something I've looked into so I can't help from that standpoint, but if you give the Search feature a spin there may be some topics floating about. Failing that start a fresh one, you will have more chance getting replies to a dedicated topic rather than a thread drift.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry if you believe that everyone jumped on you, but a lot of people on this forum (as you can tell) have very distinct ideas of what Disney should be like (myself included).

A lot of people have a problem with scrimping away for a trip to you well know it is not the easiest thing...and if people would like to try to save money by not staying on site, then they have the right to do that. But I also do not see why these people should be punished just because they wanted to save money on their vacation. Do I believe that Fastpass has some flaws??? Yes, BUT that does not mean that I believe Fastpass should only be available for Disney resort guests.

I am sorry that the parks were busy, but you did go at one of the busiest times of the year, and that is the price you must pay...and while I know it is not possible for everyone to go when it is more or less quiet in WDW, you knew what you were getting into when you made your trip in the middle of summer. Now, I am not trying to be rude, I am just stating a simple fact that everyone needs to realize when they are planning a trip during June and July.


New Member
(sigh).......I remember the good ol', uncomplicated days before fastpass. Where everyone had to matter who you were, or where you stayed. I tell ya, it worked for years, and years!


lawyergirl77 said:
Speaking as someone who is fortunate enough to stay on-property almost every time I go to WDW, I think resort guests get PLENTY of perks (biggest one - STAYING ON SITE!). So making FPs available only to them would be... uh... *thinking of a non-censored word*... bullpoop.

While WDW has become a world-class resort (and one that I can't convince enough people to go to!), the parks are the heart and soul of the place and we start dividing guests in to haves and have-nots, then that will be the true beginning of the end of the Magic, IMHO.

I'm afraid I can't muster up any sympathy for the fact that FPs are gone by mid-afternoon (ITA with the poster who said they wouldn't have been surprised to hear that they were gone by noon).

I agree with everything you've said. We don't go often but when we do get to go, we stay on-site. Still, I don't think it's fair to make FP exclusive to the resort guests. It just doesn't sit well with me.


Le Meh
Premium Member
TAC said:
There you go again. You originally posted you opinion. Most, if not all, disagreed with you. You didn't like the replies, and then you post: "I want to be treated like royality." Well, guess what, that is not what Walt intended. If you 'scrimp, and work 30 hours of overtime a week...' then stay at the Grand Floridian for all I care. The parks are for EVERYONE, from the people who stay at the GF, concierge, to the people who stay at the budget 6 motel on 192. What about the families who scrimp and save for 5 years or more to take their family to Disneyworld ONCE? Maybe they should be treated better than you? If you want to be treated 'like royalty,' go to B__________gham Palace, knock on the door, and ask the Queen if you can be treated like royalty. Maybe you'll get the same response as Paris Hilton.

Man, that brought a tear to my eye. :sohappy:


New Member
As far as doing Disney without fast pass.... you obviously do not have kids. Getting "pumped up" for the ride by waiting on a line..... try telling a 6 and 8 year old that the 60 minute wait for Splash Mountain in the 90 degree Florida heat is really just getting you "pumped up". Oh, Please!
I Love fast pass and personally think that anybody who doesn't take advantage of it is ridiculous. Give me a "cheaters pass" anytime.


New Member
As far as doing Disney without fast pass.... you obviously do not have kids. Getting "pumped up" for the ride by waiting on a line..... try telling a 6 and 8 year old that the 60 minute wait for Splash Mountain in the 90 degree Florida heat is really just getting you "pumped up". Oh, Please!.

The first time I rode Splash Mt. back when there was no Fastpass, (1995 I think) there was a three hour wait. Guess what we did?? We waited. There were eight of us in our party and two members were 8 and one was 10. People spend time in line together and talk about their day. Obvious people are waay too impacient nowadays. People do not care to be in line enjoying peoples company. They can play games like quiz each other about what they have seen on their vacation so far. If the kids get cranky just take them out and leave. They need to learn how to wait.

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