back from a weeks trip with some concerns


New Member
TAC said:
There you go again. You originally posted you opinion. Most, if not all, disagreed with you. You didn't like the replies, and then you post: "I want to be treated like royality." Well, guess what, that is not what Walt intended. If you 'scrimp, and work 30 hours of overtime a week...' then stay at the Grand Floridian for all I care. The parks are for EVERYONE, from the people who stay at the GF, concierge, to the people who stay at the budget 6 motel on 192. What about the families who scrimp and save for 5 years or more to take their family to Disneyworld ONCE? Maybe they should be treated better than you? If you want to be treated 'like royalty,' go to B__________gham Palace, knock on the door, and ask the Queen if you can be treated like royalty. Maybe you'll get the same response as Paris Hilton.

Amen to that, my sister worked at the All Star Music one summer, and met a family who scrimped and saved EVERY penny to come there for I think 4 days. Wanna know how long it took? 5 years. Wanna know something else? They couldn't even afford one of those Spray Fans with the water, so my sister got them a Guest Compensation pass for one. That's what DisneyWorld is all about.


New Member
I shouldnt have to wait for an hour and 50 mins to ride a ride, does anyone agree that fast pass should only be available, for resort guests?

You have early hours, you have late night hours, you have suttle buses!!

You should be happy all you had to do was wait 50 minutes!
That is nothing, try waiting 2 hours.

I always get fast pass but what did you people do before fast pass??
YOu waited right!!

Why couldn't you fast pass something else and then go wait the 50 minutes!!


New Member
zone15int said:
People spend time in line together and talk about their day. Obvious people are waay too impacient nowadays. People do not care to be in line enjoying peoples company. They can play games like quiz each other about what they have seen on their vacation so far.

:sohappy: Thats exactly what a vacation is supposed to be about. Taking your time and just enjoying the surroundings with your family or who ever is lucky enough to join you. Disney has many many things to offer, too many things for a 4-5 day vacation, so why even try to do everything? Waiting in line gives you that opportunity to just chat with your family, and enjoy their company. Some of our best memories and laugh out loud moments happened while waiting in line!! (by the way.... this is a very general "you", not directed to the original poster...).


New Member
Waiting in line gives you that opportunity to just chat with your family, and enjoy their company. Some of our best memories and laugh out loud moments happened while waiting in line!!

I totally agree!!

My husband & I were on our Honey moon and we were waiting in line for a ride in Disneyland, when Pooh walked by. I said told my husband that I wish I could see him but I didn't want to leave the line. Well Pooh must of heard me and saw our "wedding hats" and he came to us!!

Never had this ever happend to me before. I think he was going on his "break" but he quickly came over and gave me a hug while I was in line!


Well-Known Member
zone15int said:
The first time I rode Splash Mt. back when there was no Fastpass, (1995 I think) there was a three hour wait. Guess what we did?? We waited. There were eight of us in our party and two members were 8 and one was 10. People spend time in line together and talk about their day. Obvious people are waay too impacient nowadays. People do not care to be in line enjoying peoples company. They can play games like quiz each other about what they have seen on their vacation so far. If the kids get cranky just take them out and leave. They need to learn how to wait.

I was there around that time too and the wait was about 3 1/2 hours!! I agree that we had a good time talking and everything- but we kept wishing there was more shade :) LOL....
Honestly- I stay on property all the time, and I think we get enough "privalleges" to begin with- I disagree with the idea that ONLY WDW Resort Guests should be able to use the fast passes. If you want to ensure that you get a Fast pass- do what most of the people do- right when you get to the park )right when it opens) go to the ride you really want to ride, but know there will be a line at and get a fast pass then- that way you are covered. Then either wait in line for that same ride and then ride it again, or go do other rides and then come back.

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