Awesome Everest Update


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
since that takes up so much room inside the top of the mtn. im curious were the other switch will be? outside possible since i think you will probably exit the mtn going backwards? i suppose outside then.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
ok, on the image above, im trying to figure out were the red is coming from and why it looks to me that you may come up on the green line, then slowly go back on the red, and one last thing, is there enough room to do the switch back on that piece right below the "green/ red" line diagram that seems to jutting out for a very long distance and is screaming for attention. is that an exit point going out of the mtn?


jmaxwell007 said:
ok, on the image above, im trying to figure out were the red is coming from and why it looks to me that you may come up on the green line, then slowly go back on the red,

It is hard to describe from the angle of the photo, but from what I know, the red is a section that is not far from the top of the lift. When you get to the top, you dip down and make a large turn to the left into the dead end (the red), then backwards down a large helix type section (the green).


New Member
how the switch works

having looked at all of the recent pics and diff. viewpoints of construction i wanted to help people out about how the track layout is setup. in the pic. above the rider enters from the red line and then goes up the small incline is held there. behind them the switchtrack rotates 180 degress to the other side . they then depart the incline going backwards along the green line which goes through a large helix which then ends at another incline they are held again the other switchtrack flips, the riders are sent forward and straight ahead is now the 80 foot drop on the front of the took me a while to figure out but by studying the artwork thats how the first part of the ride goes.....hope u all have a better understanding

btw...1st time poster long time reader


New Member

also if you've already noticed or not on the clay model that can be seen here:

that when the track nears the top of the lift it makes a smooth left turn as does the red line and...when they annonced the ride they mentioned that ur train reaches the near top of the mountain and then the track it makes since that the red line would be the track right after the lift......

btw...besides the artwork has anyone seen or heard news on the decor/style of the trains...besides the fact that they are vekoma!


The only real interesting tidbit I know about the trains right now, and this was told to me by someone who saw a mock-up, is that each seat will have an individual lap bar. Similar to the ones on the newer Intamins. (Millie, Xcelerator, their hypers, etc.)
And of course, that the trains are the new Vekoma design to run on the outside of the track...but we knew that already.


New Member
the sad thing about figuring the track layout out was that the only backwards part so far is...well...short..i mean the helix is gonna be intense but thats it...and then you pull out and drop 80 feet...but i hope the rumors are true that there is another section that when u meet the yeti you go up another incline except he in ur path but right when he swings for the train u go backwards again....i hope theres more than just the helix cuz well...that doesn't really pack the punch i thought it wouldn't be a WOW WERE GOING BACKWARDS! it would be more like...(sarcasim in voice) yeah...were going backwards for two second im so scared..... no one take this into the wrong context please, its just that the teenage crowds disney is trying to pull aren't going to be so drawn.. but still i cant wait to see this baby run!


Sorry, getting into stuff I can't comment on right now.
But, bear in mind, the ride itself isn't that long.

Anyway, how long is the backward segment on Mummy?


Well-Known Member
SFSC26 ~

I also lurk more than I post, but wanted to say welcome and thank you for your explaination of EE and the photo of the model (I had not seen the model before).


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
SFSC26 said:
also if you've already noticed or not on the clay model that can be seen here:

that when the track nears the top of the lift it makes a smooth left turn as does the red line and...when they annonced the ride they mentioned that ur train reaches the near top of the mountain and then the track it makes since that the red line would be the track right after the lift......

btw...besides the artwork has anyone seen or heard news on the decor/style of the trains...besides the fact that they are vekoma!

so would the other switch be the track above the red green lines in the photo above?

ok, in the photos in this url you have....... i have see before, now in a new light since the construction is getting better, but the question i have is this, the lift is going from left to right, then the stretch of track that comes out of the mtn (bottom right) and then goes right back in, is this the backwards part or the 80 foot drop after all the backwards stuff.

sorry to ask so many ?'s, im just curious and the lack of aerial photos, it is hard to get my barrings. ok, that is it, we need to hire someone with a plane. aerial photos needed. lol


New Member
as far as i could tell from the drawn out layout for the mummy itsnt that long...but its intense...which is a good point....i just felt that all the publicity the backwards portion is getting that it could be used to blow everone away...but disney always brings a surprise to the table....also i found that many of the footers for the 80 foot drop and turn have been poured for quite some time...i was just wondering if there was a technical reason for nogettin that part of the ride done now....with the waterfall right next to it... or anything for that matter...j/w


New Member
the 80 foot drop is right after the second switch which make u go forwads and i mean right after cuz u go backwards through the helix backwards through the switch and up an incline(the second incline is the lower one u can see in the pics in page one)'ll notice that when the switch switches u go straight and now forward down the 80 foot drop......

but remember that the taller incline and switch happens right after the lift and connects into the helix...

p.s....from the lift to the 80 foot drop is all inclosed


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Disney is only doing the inside portions of the track, now. That is because they must be in place before the mountain, itself, is finished (to actually look like a mountain). The outside track can be put in whenever they want, so in order to finish this project on time or early, it is essential that the inside track be finished first.


New Member
Lee said:
Anyway, how long is the backward segment on Mummy?

Very short for the part you are actually moving. All you do is fall down a 10-20 foot hill backwards before stopping on a table.

Anyway, that is definitly the backwards switch. otice how the left park banks for no reason and then unbanks? That is because one of the directions go to or come from a the turn.


New Member
I think first track switch to go backwards is one on top and then the one below it is the switch to go forward again. I guess the Yeti will be right next to it, so it seens that you run into him twice. Just my theroy.

full_photo.asp Everest construction site. 7/18/04


New Member
looking at the artwork there is the city that sits upon a much smaller mountain which the ride goes through...i'd imagine this town/mountain rises at least 60feet in the air but why have there been no signs for the scaffolding of that part of the ride....

p.s....besides lee has anyone heard or seen anything of the trains...(i know the engine rides in the back and individual lap bars (thanks lee) but what else?


Lynx04 said:
I think first track switch to go backwards is one on top and then the one below it is the switch to go forward again. I guess the Yeti will be right next to it, so it seens that you run into him twice. Just my theroy.

Correct about the switches...wrong about the Yeti.


New Member
Lee said:
Sorry, getting into stuff I can't comment on right now.
But, bear in mind, the ride itself isn't that long.

Anyway, how long is the backward segment on Mummy?
the backward segment is incredibly short... i rode this ride for the first time this past saturday and must say i was incredibly dissapointed. its not a terrible ride, but NOTHING near what it's been hyped up to be.

as far as the whole "backward section" on that ride goes... my friend compared it to "that norway ride at epcot" -just to give ya an idea.

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