My least favorite Marvel movie
They should have just named it "Back to the Future 4"
My gripes
- Sorry, I've never connected with Hawkeye... I know he puts his family first and loses them... but I never feel compassion for him. His weird relationship with Natasha... he acts like a loyal solider in one film, off the hook the next, etc. They try to make him such a central character but I feel the least attachment and buy-in for him
- Every problem people had with Captain Marvel... they repeated and were even worse for her in this film. Continuity? Oh we'll just pop her in and out and say 'she was busy'. Girl Power flaunting? That group moment in the big battle.. so forced. The haircut? Why go butch... so random. Mary Sue? Again she just is nearly invincible... until she's not.. and then she is.. and just pops in and out without any real purpose. Total bolt-on character
- The whole premise of grab the stones... use them here.. but then have to send them back... meh.. didn't work for me. Why does it have to be some 'exact moment' and all this secrecy... and then... all that gets thrown away.. and yet, no impact?
- The connected minds thing that tips thanos off... meh.. normally I'll give you one or two passes of blind faith.. but this film overdrew on that account
- The 'see the person in your past that you've been dying to see again..' thing.. WAY too cliche and played out... but they do it.. not once.. but three or four times? Again.. do it once or twice.. but to watch what seems like EVERYONE go through the same predictable thing over and over.. ugh. This is where the movie's runtime should have been shortened
- Why is Thanos WITHOUT any infinity stones basically just as powerful as Thanos WITH infinity stones?
- Every other film... people can't touch infinity stones without something dramatic or life altering happening. Here? They are often handled like pieces of candy... anyone can hold or pass them around without any consequence.
- The entire 'ah ha!' moment when Stark steals the stones... was just 'too easy' to make any sense to me. 1) Stones going INTO the gauntlet is like... dramatic boom moments... even when thanos removes one.. big deal. Here... Stark pulls them ALL OUT without any tell and Thanos can't even tell? Does not compute
- We get this big deal about creating a gauntlet for the stones... and what it means to wear it (remember the first gauntlet even had to be forged by the rarity of the forge that made thor's hammer... by the power of a supernova)... and here the Avengers make one in the lab? Oh.. and then Tony makes ANOTHER with his nano-tech suit... during the battle no less?
- Half the universe is back after FIVE YEARS and basically limited government... and nearly right away everyone is back in high school high fiving? rly?
This film suffers from tired cliches... easy cop outs... repeating itself.. and disrespects challenges the MCU built up themselves.
The humor in the film didn't land nearly as well as other films... Thor was the only one I think that worked more often than not.
It really felt like they had to come up with a way to get closure.. but instead of having a reveal of their big plot.. they instead had to come up with one and it was not good.
Can we at least come up with something better than the classic Star Trek time travel fix?