Well-Known Member
Funny - I heard so much negative stuff, I thought for sure I'd hate Avatar...only watched it so Pandora would make more sense when we visited. I ended up loving it - not just the characters and the beauty of world itself, but the bigger message behind the script of living in harmony with the land.
On the other hand, I know almost everyone will think I'm nuts, but I hated Star Wars. And this is someone who likes sci fi genre and most movies within it, as well as being a strong trekkie fan. I REALLY wanted to like it....I tried SO hard to like it, because I wanted to share everyone's excitement at the new land coming. Forced myself to watch 5 of them - but no dice.
I just felt like I was seeing the same storyline and battles over and over on every film. The script itself seemed so wooden and an afterthought to the battle scenes. Really bummed about that.I honestly can't connect to what everyone loves so much about that series. I wish I could.
I can only assume that the five Star Wars movies you watched were all three prequels and both Ewok movies.