Figments Friend
Well-Known Member
No more an eyesore than a fake Swiss mountain or a giant LED lit Ferris wheel (from its backside).
The floating mountains are fiberglass molds mounted on giant steel girders themed as vines.
Yes, the Anaheim politicians like to claim that they've created a "World Class Resort District!", but the reality in most of that area is far from "World Class". West Anaheim's precious sightlines beyond the Ball Road Overpass from the ARCO station and Bedbug Motel North Maingate will survive that aesthetic onslaught of a Pandora Land expansion if it happens southeast of that intersection.
The Gorgeous World Class Resort Streetscape Before Pandora Ruins It By Rising Above That Days Inn (3.1 Stars On Google!).
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Looking closer at that Days Inn on the southwest corner of Ball Road and Disneyland Drive, I had no idea there were still motels in the 2020's that had those sticky polyester bed covers. It's a "2 Star" hotel, but even with those lowered expectations it's customers rate it 3.1 stars. Something tells me the sightlines to the west beyond that roaring overpass aren't going to be a problem for this place...
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Or, if Pandora goes in the Simba parking lot as part of DCA expansion across Disneyland Drive, here's the view it will impact looking north on Disneyland Drive. You can call this view a "World Class Resort Distric!" all you want, but it still doesn't make it worth worrying about.
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Oh my gosh….major flashbacks.
My second trip to Disneyland back in the early 2000s I actually stayed at that Days Inn.
The rooms look huge in that photo, and bright.
I can speak from experience that this is not the case!
I lived, but would not consider staying there again.
The Alamo Inn was BETTER, believe it or not!
Seriously, I’ve stayed there twice and had no issues.