A trackless boat ride system. That would be incredible - and unique. Everytime I look back at the concept art for this ride the possibilities for this to be an exceptional experience with lighting and AAs is tremendous.
Concerning the E-Ticket structure, I am wondering at what lenght they will go to theme this one, as theming and immersive environments are what DAK proudly boasts at every turn (except for maybe Dinoland USA
). If this ride is to truly be as though you have climbed atop an ikran (for the uninitiated, the flying thingies in the Avatar movie) in the Floating Mountains, I am wondering if the immense queu for this will be themed to caves that you climb to get to the top of one of the Floating Mountains where the ikran prefer to hang. The queu for this is either going to be exceptional or it is going to be 'meh' as they won't have gone to the lengths that they could/should have to fully immerse you in this ride. Looking at the designed queus for EE and KRR, I am betting that the queu will be exceptional.