August 2008: Trip Report by the Numbers

7 Days. 2,962 Pictures Taken. 3 “Dreams” Received. 1 Bedroom Villa at Saratoga Springs Resort. 2 Dole Whips. 1 Looming Hurricane. 19 Consecutive Hours in Magic Kingdom. 3 Hours of Sleep Thereafter. 5 Rides on Toy Story Mania in One Day. 1 Great Time.

I’m sure I could come up with more numbers to illustrate the theme, but I think those embody the poignant portions of the trip well.

We began our first day a little later than past trips—this year we were in Indianapolis staying with Sarah’s parents, who were able to get us to the airport in about a half hour, compared with the three hour transit time of past trips in order to get from Valparaiso to Chicago Midway Airport via an assortment of trains. So the extra sleep that came with getting up at 6 a.m. versus the normal 3:30 a.m. was nice.

Prior to catching the flight, we played around in the airport taking pictures of ourselves and my Figment plush in various poses. We were quite thrilled by this, although it seemed some other patrons of the airport might’ve thought we were a little odd. Scrooges.


Once we got in the air we made use of the free drink coupons that came with our frequent flier flight from Southwest. This coupled with looking through my old WDW books made for a really quick flight. Before we knew it, we had landed in MCO.

The line for Disney’s Magical Express was longer than I’d ever seen. Luckily for me, Sarah waited in the line while I played around, taking more pictures. All told, it took about an hour from the time we got in the DME check in line until we got on the bus.

We arrived at Saratoga Springs Resort about three hours prior to check-in where we met our friend, Nick, who is a cast member at Space Mountain. There was no issue with the early arrival—we even received a free upgrade to a one bedroom villa. I’m not sure if this is a “standard” upgrade during slow times, but it’s the second year in a row that we’ve received the free upgrade at SSR. If they give the free upgrade as a tactic to get people to invest in DVC, it certainly is working, because we’re sold.

After getting settled into the room and watching the Top 7 a few times (more like having the Top 7 play as background music), we got ready and headed to Downtown Disney, where we would catch a bus for Animal Kingdom Lodge where we would be having dinner at Boma.

We arrived a bit early, so we had some time to peruse the lobby prior to dinner. Like most of the Disney Resorts, AKL’s theming is wholly immersive. I’m not sure that we’d ever stay there given its proximity to the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, and the Studios, but it certainly is impressive.
Boma lived up to its reputation. For a buffet, the food was quite unique, and good. It’s conservative enough to appeal to a wide range of palates, yet there is a bit of edge to the menu. All told, not something you’d expect from a buffet. The restaurant itself has somewhat low lighting, giving the restaurant a somewhat romantic ambience. Again, definitely not what you’d typically expect from a buffet. I was thoroughly impressed with the place.

After Boma, we headed back to the resort and made a couple drinks before heading out to Pleasure Island. Truth be told, our only previous time at PI was only mediocre, but this time we decided to forgo the sparsely populated dance clubs (I hate the whole club scene anyway, and about the only way I can tolerate it is if they are sparsely populated, but I was still quite pleased not to be “clubbing”) and spend the night at Adventurer’s Club.

The decision turned out to be a great one. Sarah, Nick, and I all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Spending the entire night there definitely improved the experience, as there were plenty of running jokes that you would’ve missed if not there the entire evening. My only complaint is the number of people who were obviously regulars. I’m not saying I have a problem with people who regularly attend the AC, it was the way they carried on. I’m glad you all attend the show regularly and know all of the gags and have your own themed attire, but I paid to see and hear the performers, not hear and see you try to upstage them. This didn’t affect the experience much, but was just a bit aggravating. We had such a good time that we decided to alter our plans a bit to go back later in the week. My only regret was not taking my D40 to get some good pictures of PI and the AC. But I figured it was a safer bet to take a cheap P&S just in case anything were to happen. We got back to our room around 1:30 a.m., and went to bed immediately.
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Great trip report and pictures. You guys are so cute together but I have to say your trip report wore me out. :snore: :lol:


New Member
Awesome trip report. What camera are you using and how do you manage to get those great night-time-pictures?

Our Nikon Digital camera hates the night!


New Member
You are my hero!!
First, let me say that you two are such a good looking couple. Second, your photos and trip report was a joy to read...

I want to hang out with you man!


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Figment - one of the best trip reports I've read in a while - well done!

You're camera-skills are AMAZING!!

Question - do you use a tripod for night shots?

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Goodness gracious me! 4:00 AM?! :eek: Wow, that is one long day of magic! :lol:

Great report, and some very nice pictures. (Seriously? Over 2900 pics?! That is truly amazing. :eek:)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks for a wonderful trip report. PHOTOGRAPHER! That should be your next job. The photos that you took were fabulous, I especially love the Spectromagic one. And I've loved the photo layouts you have shared on the magically manipulated picture thread. I really hope to do something similar when we return this year, though I'm not quite sure I'm at your level yet! :animwink: I admit to being curious to see how the Blizzard Beach page will turn out, perhaps you will share? :)

Hopefully I will have some luck bumping into Gorjus on our trip in 12 days. I would really like to tell her thank you in person for all the great insight she provides on the board about Photopass. I also hope to run into Rainfully at the Luau to give another shout out. There are definitely some wonderful cast members on here.

I definitely will post the Photoshop layouts as I make them. I probably won't start for another month or so, as I have to convert a lot of them still, and I am really busy with school.

Awesome trip report. What camera are you using and how do you manage to get those great night-time-pictures?

Our Nikon Digital camera hates the night!

I use a Nikon D40. The reason the night pictures turn out so well is because I use a tripod and a remote shutter release (which you want to use, or a timer, because pushing the shutter moves the camera enough to take away from the crispness of the shot).

You are my hero!!
First, let me say that you two are such a good looking couple. Second, your photos and trip report was a joy to read...

I want to hang out with you man!

Thanks! We try to have a good time.

looks you have a great time, like said above, what camera are you using? Very nice pictures.

Figment - one of the best trip reports I've read in a while - well done!

You're camera-skills are AMAZING!!

Question - do you use a tripod for night shots?

See above.

Goodness gracious me! 4:00 AM?! :eek: Wow, that is one long day of magic! :lol:

Great report, and some very nice pictures. (Seriously? Over 2900 pics?! That is truly amazing. :eek:)

Heck yeah, 4 a.m.! I never drink caffeine any other time of the year except at WDW, but it definitely comes in handy at about midnight and then the next morning at 9 a.m.!


Well-Known Member
Great report! Loved the pics. I am so looking forward to my next trip in October! However, I will get some :snore: on my trip! No way could I keep up with you two. I don't know how anyone could! :wave:


Well-Known Member
It's because they are so young. Oh to be a kid again.............. :)

IHeck yeah, 4 a.m.! I never drink caffeine any other time of the year except at WDW, but it definitely comes in handy at about midnight and then the next morning at 9 a.m.!

What? Aren't you still in college? Isn't caffeine a food group?


Well-Known Member
Great photos, great trip report and very nice to bump into you on the monorail hearding to the Magic Kingdom. Didn't think I would bump into anyone from this board.

I, like you, did as much as I could do during my 5-day trip and "date with Tropical Storm Fay." It's amazing how little sleep I got every day (anywhere between 3-5 hours) and every morning I felt quite rested and was ready to sieze the day.


mickey's mamu

New Member

I so enjoyed reading your trip report and have really been impressed with all your photos with the new D40. Enjoy those marathon days in the parks while you're young. I wish I could still do things like that! I'm sure my husband and I's upcoming trip will be much slower paced, but we are hoping to get some of those night shots after closing. Yours are just amazing. Thanks for sharing.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Great report! Loved the pics. I am so looking forward to my next trip in October! However, I will get some :snore: on my trip! No way could I keep up with you two. I don't know how anyone could! :wave:

We can barely keep up with the pace most of the time!

It's because they are so young. Oh to be a kid again.............. :)

What? Aren't you still in college? Isn't caffeine a food group?

Not for me. I'm not really into the whole "studying" scene.

Nice two are very photogenic...


Great photos, great trip report and very nice to bump into you on the monorail hearding to the Magic Kingdom. Didn't think I would bump into anyone from this board.

I, like you, did as much as I could do during my 5-day trip and "date with Tropical Storm Fay." It's amazing how little sleep I got every day (anywhere between 3-5 hours) and every morning I felt quite rested and was ready to sieze the day.


So that was you. When you said your username, I couldn't quite put an avatar to the name. Now it clicked--good to see you, too!


I so enjoyed reading your trip report and have really been impressed with all your photos with the new D40. Enjoy those marathon days in the parks while you're young. I wish I could still do things like that! I'm sure my husband and I's upcoming trip will be much slower paced, but we are hoping to get some of those night shots after closing. Yours are just amazing. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks. We 'condition' for our trips to Disney, so hopefully we'll be able to keep this up for some time. Kids may slow the whole process down, but by that time, I guess we can have "family trips" where we bring our parents along. Wouldn't it be convenient if the children and the grandparents happened to get tired at the same time... :drevil:


Well-Known Member
Not for me. I'm not really into the whole "studying" scene.

:ROFLOL:Funny! Remind me not to keep you on retainer. :lookaroun (I actually have no idea what that means, but I've always wanted to say it.)

You must know where you are working after you graduate. Still an amazing, fast paced trip, even if you did have to go "on" caffine to keep up the pace.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
:ROFLOL:Funny! Remind me not to keep you on retainer. :lookaroun (I actually have no idea what that means, but I've always wanted to say it.)

You must know where you are working after you graduate. Still an amazing, fast paced trip, even if you did have to go "on" caffine to keep up the pace.

Lack of studying doesn't necessarily amount to sub-par grades, so you could still keep me on retainer. I may be distracted by WDWMagic when researching your case, but you won't get billed for that! :drevil:

(By the way, unless you're involved in a lot of litigation, that may not be cost effective for you. Individuals pay retainer to keep a lawyer that they hire, companies and crime-oriented rappers keep lawyers on retainer so they have "priority". :))


Well-Known Member
Great trip report. I absolutely loved that picture you took of the tea cups. It was very artsy. Glad you all had such a good time.


:sohappy:Stayed up late last night reading your report, couldn't go to sleep had to keep reading, had me captivated. Report was amazing, loved all the fabulous pics and detail of the trip. You look like a cute couple and it is fantastic you both are DISNEY MAD! I haven't been to WDW in years and I don't remember it being open passed midnight, what time was it open to during your visit?? We are visiting end of June for 2 weeks next year, I wonder if it is open late then too......

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