Premium Member
Gonna play devil's advocate here. It is a very scary thing to be a female sometimes. There are over 200,000 sexual assaults a year in the US. Statistically 1 out of 6 woman in the US will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime.
Those women walking down the street in those videos are constantly being approached by men. Some may be just nice guys but when you are being approached, catcalled or followed day after day, sorry you don't know who is safe anymore and everyone starts to look like an jerk.
So are we going to wear signs above our heads... showing our prequalifications? Or are we going to require everyone go through screening before it's 'ok' to approach someone? Or are we going to continue the trend of 'if its not an approach I want... its harassment'
is someone supposed to meet someone they've had no previous relationship with?
Most people had some common sense in terms of what was appropriate behavior between two people that don't know each other... and then there was behavior that was inappropriate because it was vulgar, or challenged someone's self or space, or just rude. Those standards have been eaten away and replaced with 'anything I didn't want'.
It can't be ignored that there is a double standard... an action taken by a man the woman is interested in, could be labeled harassment if done by someone they didn't want to approach them.
Or what if ugly men started complaining they felt uncomfortable and judged when the beautiful women cower or retreat from them in the workplace...
Bottom line... you can't let an individual define what is socially acceptable on their own. It will always lead to unrealistic extremes because some people just can't think beyond themselves.