asinine CM's in WDW today (12/31/04)


New Member
kodakcastmember said:
haha. The thing with Disney though, is that people have come to expect exceptional guest service every time they come to Disney, and for good reason. They pay a ton of money to come. Why shouldn't they be treated like royalty? Sometimes guests end up being jerks to cast members (and I am not talking about MKT's situation here), but that may be because of other things that happened to them throughout the day. When I encounter guests like this, I do whatever I can to try to help them out and try to make their day a bit better. This is how I would want to be treated.

EDIT: I think I just realized that my post either doesn't make sense or has nothing to do with the discussion. I am not sure which, so I will leave it, but go ahead and ignore it if you wish.

I totally agree with you. But unfortunatley, it happens. Our last trip in November we went to the Italian Rest in Epcot. Got seated, and then were ignored for about 10 minutes, not one waiter/waitress came to us. So I gave it another 2 minutes, still no service, so we left. Ended up going to the Germany buffett and had a great time.

So for whatever reason it happens. And that is only the second time in 6 trips that the customer service was crap. But we dont let it control/consume our day like some people, (I'm not referring to anyone in this thread.) Like my Mom for example. If she goes somewhere and encounters a rude CM, she will complain about it all day. It's like it eats away at her. And to me it seems to ruin the day for her. And that is exactly what jerks want to do, ruin your day.

Eh....I'm rambling. Better stop before I get some red just out of spite.


New Member
TURKEY said:
They aren't all earned out of great posts either.

There was a time when most everyone was padding everyone else's rep points for absolutely no reason at all.

It worked for me! :lol:


billybluenose said:
on behalf of those who work on the walt disney world property:



Please only speek for yourself and not for me....

as I see it, something must have gone pretty bad for a very seaoned cast member who i'm sure has experenced alot to get upset by service such as this.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
billybluenose said:
on behalf of those who work on the walt disney world property:


cast members are people too. they make mistakes. they have bad days. they are forced to deal with the populations of small cities insisting that they each get treated like a princess no matter what the circumstance.

we're all doing the best we can. even on new year's eve.

are you?

YOU are a CM? God help us all.


Well-Known Member
I was over at Epcot not long ago and went to eat at Le Cellier. I had my Cast ID on me, but by the end of the meal, I decided that I didn't want to have the discount because they would have auto-tipped the waiter 18% which I felt he didn't deserve. He never came over during the meal to see that everything was okay with the main course. When my soup was brought out, he said that he would bring me another drink since my glass was empty, but it was over a half hour and after my meal was finished before I saw him again at all, and another five minutes after that before I got a new drink. All this was after we had been sitting for 20 minutes from the time that he came over and introduced himself to when we actually got our drinks in the first place and he took our order. Needless to say, I didn't leave him much of a tip at all for that.


Account Suspended
I'm sure that we could all sit here and nitpick the bad apples. I, for one, believe that the bad apple population is MUCH smaller than those that are truly dedicated to what they do in bringing the MAGIC to us all.

To Billy:

I certainly hope that you are working on your people skills, as well as your conflict management skills. People are going to make mistakes that's true. But as has been discussed at length, Disney has a MUCH different standard when it comes to guest service. That's something that all of us who have worked for Disney understand. And it's something that is strictly practiced and enforced each and every day. So, point is, MORE is expected of CM's for Disney than any other type of employee in the world. (well maybe except for spies and stuff. Lol) So, if you aren't prepared to accept this tremendous responsibility, maybe this isn't the job for you.

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