asinine CM's in WDW today (12/31/04)


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mkt said:
I think you have set a record for most miles on a Ford Product :lol:

is it still running?

We once had a Mercury Sable (cousin to Ford Taurus) with over 200,000 miles on it. It didn't make it much farther, like maybe 201,000. It was my first car though (I was sorta given it until I bought my car, a 1998 Ford Contour that now has 97,000 miles on it).

We tend to literally drive our cars until parts fall off. Then we give them to charity. By the time we get rid of them, they're usually worth more as a tax write off than a trade in.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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diddy_mouse said:
in the same vain...i just don't understand the guests who come to WDW and have this pre-exisitng anger. i mean, you could of had a terrible time on your flight, lost baggage, kids being a pain, etc...but once you arrive to WDW you should let it all slide. you are here on a vacation...don't take your anger and frustration out on those who are only there to assist you.

I was in a great mood.. albeit a hurried one.. until the beginning of my AP fiasco.

I've just read all of the posts that were written in response to my post, and I am completely shocked at how many of you got it completely wrong.

First of all, I NEVER defended cast member rudeness.

Second of all, I'd like to address a few folks who took it upon themselves to personally attack me.

Static X - what? did you even read my post? if my play by play breakdown was me acting like a teenager instead of someone 1 1/2 (very long) years away from 30, then what does naming yourself after a crap band tell us about you?

Tramp - my boss actually thinks I'm a quality employee, you know why? because I'm able to do my job well and provide excellent customer service at all times. even in the face of irrationality.

Pixie Duster - I am well aware of what "cast" means and the importance of good show. that's why I vent my true feelings in breakrooms and messageboards!

Nick - if I didn't like it, I would leave. the fact is, I love my job. even when I have to deal with folks who think that an annual pass, hotel card, or cast member ID is a license to cry like a baby whenever they are told "no."

MKT - I apologize if I've gotten this all wrong and you are just a sweet as pie human being just looking for a magical expirience here and there... but I expect not. I'm going to guess tiy are an ex-cast member who is now taking out your frustrations on every current cast member by pointing out every time they don't smile when they should or bend over backward when you ask. like I said, we're all just doing the best we can. are you?

It's time to remember the magic... and the patience, manners, and common sense!

you favoritist poster ever!


New Member
Plane Crazy said:
Why does one go to Epcot on New Year's Eve for only one hour... and bring with him a tripod which he does not want to carry with him?

That's what I was thinking. Even if you had to go for "just an hour", you know very well, just getting in and out of the parking lot is going to take longer than that on New Years Eve.

I know you, (MKT) have been a CM before, but if you can tell me you never had a bad day, even when you were working......well, God Bless You.

I love living in a place where bad customer service 1 time out of 50 is a catastrophe.


Well-Known Member
BriJul said:
... but if you can tell me you never had a bad day, even when you were working......well, God Bless You.

Everyone has bad days occasionally. But, the difference is whether or not you let it reflect in your work. Maybe their car broke down, maybe their fish had just died, maybe traffic was bad coming into work, maybe they would have rather been at a party,... None of that should matter when you're on stage and working with the guests. I hold those same expectations for anywhere, not just WDW. I now work for Target and guests constantly seem to compliment me on being pleasant. It's just part of my work ethics. I had a wreck on the way to work about a month ago. I was, needless to say, in a rotten mood when I finally arrived at work. Despite my mood (and being a little shaken up), I didn't let it affect my overall job performance.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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billybluenose said:
MKT - I apologize if I've gotten this all wrong and you are just a sweet as pie human being just looking for a magical expirience here and there... but I expect not. I'm going to guess tiy are an ex-cast member who is now taking out your frustrations on every current cast member by pointing out every time they don't smile when they should or bend over backward when you ask. like I said, we're all just doing the best we can. are you?

I do the best I can, and as Barnum posted, I cut a lot of slack, however I still feel as I was treated wrongly. And it's not a matter of me nitpicking the CM's, but as an ex-CM who worked his ______ off to always be at the very least nice and understanding, I feel that all CM's should


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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BriJul said:
I know you, (MKT) have been a CM before, but if you can tell me you never had a bad day, even when you were working......well, God Bless You.

I did have bad days... I just didn't pass them onto the guest. BTW, thanks for the red present


Well-Known Member

* Maturity shows in the way you conduct yourself...even when you respond to another's post. The comment about Static X's name shows a lack thereof.
I'm not condoning their post, just commenting on your response.
* If you truely care about the conditions, you would restrain yourself from venting in 'breakrooms' as well. As a manager myself, I find one of the hardest problems to address is negativity in the breakroom. What is a new CM supposed to think when someone else is 'bashing' policy/procedure or conduct and creating stereotypical challenges that everyone may not agree with.
* I will say this again...but more to the point...
MKT has built a solid reputation with this site, current CM's, former CM's, and guests. For you to outwardly attack assumed motives on your behalf, without researching the individual, is carelessness. It only hurts your reputation. Others will find it extremely difficult to respond to you in a mature nature with haste posts such as this. MKT is human, yes. You DO NOT know the circumstances in which he has been through, nor have you had the opportunity to meet him face to face and discuss his motives and personality. I will suggest at this venture to let it go. Familiarize yourself with the individuals on this website before you attack anyone's character.

I, nor anyone here with tenure, will not attack you or your character unless you invite it.

Good luck, billy. I sincerely hope your frustrations are not visible towards the guests and look forward to meeting you face to face to better understand your motives as well.



Well-Known Member
Bob. I have to disagree with the break room bit. There are those of us, who can go into the break room, vent out all the anger that gets built up dealing with rude guests, clueless guests, bad hours, etc. Then return onstage with a smile on our face and provide the best service possible.

The new person should not think that everyone at Disney is full of magic 24/7 and were all on large amounts of happy pixie dust. Rather than should be told that not everyone is happy, this is a job and like any job you have your ups and downs. The key to remember is to not take it personal, be polite and friendly with the guests and cast and when you get down in the dumps, find something that cheers you up and do it.

I'd also add that all that unhappiness in the break room exists for a reason find the source of the problem and fix it, instead of giving out the company line. If you can't fix it, apologies to your cast and tell them you can't, offer to present it to someone who can. If they can't do it, tell your cast, say I'm sorry guys but I've tried and we just can't change this. Maybe we can find some other way to make this a little easier for you. If most of the time you find that one person makes more noise than others, address it with that person in private. Ask them how things are, what is it they are unhappy with and explore solutions. Maybe they need to move to another area, maybe they just feel that have no "Control" over anything and should be placed in charge of a simple project etc.

I'm not accusing you of ignoring things. I don't know you, so I'm offering these suggestions to everyone here. There is only one way all of us; CM's and Management can make our work live better. By talking and working on the problems we face, openly and honestly and with fear of judgment.


Well-Known Member

Yes, I agree. Maybe I should have clarified it a little more...

There is a difference between venting common frustrations about the work vs. individuals and policies/changes.

I'm all for 'flaming' the idiot who jammed the ticket into the turnstile, only to make the next half-hour of my life go incredibly slow...

I have a hard time supporting the one who talks trash of supervisors/other employees or changes that are full earshot of others and not-so-tenured associates. How does one maintain a positive workforce and workplace for the masses when others are destroying everything you are trying to do?

Granted, everything is circumstancial.


Well-Known Member
mkt, my comment on guests and rudeness wasn't in relation to you personally :)...i felt for your situation and kinda went off on a tangent on other guests who are rude for no apparent reason


Well-Known Member
billybluenose said:
I've just read all of the posts that were written in response to my post, and I am completely shocked at how many of you got it completely wrong.

First of all, I NEVER defended cast member rudeness.

Second of all, I'd like to address a few folks who took it upon themselves to personally attack me.

Static X - what? did you even read my post? if my play by play breakdown was me acting like a teenager instead of someone 1 1/2 (very long) years away from 30, then what does naming yourself after a crap band tell us about you?

Tramp - my boss actually thinks I'm a quality employee, you know why? because I'm able to do my job well and provide excellent customer service at all times. even in the face of irrationality.

Pixie Duster - I am well aware of what "cast" means and the importance of good show. that's why I vent my true feelings in breakrooms and messageboards!

Nick - if I didn't like it, I would leave. the fact is, I love my job. even when I have to deal with folks who think that an annual pass, hotel card, or cast member ID is a license to cry like a baby whenever they are told "no."

MKT - I apologize if I've gotten this all wrong and you are just a sweet as pie human being just looking for a magical expirience here and there... but I expect not. I'm going to guess tiy are an ex-cast member who is now taking out your frustrations on every current cast member by pointing out every time they don't smile when they should or bend over backward when you ask. like I said, we're all just doing the best we can. are you?

It's time to remember the magic... and the patience, manners, and common sense!

you favoritist poster ever!

Actually, I was talking about your unnessasary language. Now your opinion on the band Static-X is yours. I could care less about it. But I will respect it. Whatever you want to think about me by my username is your business. Think what you want. I like rock and Static-X. You won't pull me down to your level by arguing with you. But you are still a lot older than the way you are acting. Now act like the adult you are. Please?

Have a nice day. :wave:

BTW. I didn't attack you. You personally attacked Rob. You acted like a jackass teenager.


Perhaps this isn't the best place to start this up again, it seems like things have calmed down a bit but on our last trip 12/1 - 12/5 to WDW, we had several occurrences of rude cast members too, at both the MK and at MGM. Surprisingly, I mentioned something the Guest Relations at MK and they gave me an email address. The person I spoke with there said that they had had a number of recent complaints about cast members (although he didn't go into any incidents) and that I should e-mail my thoughts and/or the happenings to this guest service website. Believe me, it took a lot for me to do that. We've been DVC members and I've ranted and raved about how much we love Disney to everyone I know. I've sent a lot of business to the DVC office too and I didn't want the others that I referred to be treated the same way. Apparently, the guest services really didn't care. I checked the box that said that I would like someone to get back to me regarding my letter and I have never heard back from them. Believe me, I totally understand everyone having a bad day once in a while but to have an occurence each day that we were there for our Christmas trip, it was just unbelievable. We're heading back next weekend to see how things are and I might just have to stop referring friends and family to DVC until I'm :) again.


Well-Known Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
I don't think there's any doubt that there are thousands of great cms employed by Disney, and probably just hundreds, if that, poor ones. But is it me, or does Rob seem to encounter all the poor ones?
I don't think that Rob only encounters the poor CM's. I think that ...Let me reword that...I KNOW that alot of CM's are great folks, I myself have encountered good and poor ones..I ALWAYS recognize a CM for doing a great job, for going out of their way, and I always say Thank You...I know from experience that a good and kind word makes all the difference, and I also know from personal experience that communication between CM's on ANY level on ANY day can be lacking (TRUST me, I KNOW), and finding someone who is a superior can be difficult even on the slowest days, and I have worked every holiday up to 60 hours a week in every job I have ever had! There is no excuse for bad show...PERIOD. Turning a guest experience around takes but little effort, and a smiling face. If you can't handle it...LEAVE...Oh yeah...When I went thru Traditions, when we were at lunch in the employee area of the park, a CM was very vocal about her displeasure with her job...BAD show for new CM'S!

Hiya Trampy! :kiss:


New Member
billybluenose said:
MKT - I apologize if I've gotten this all wrong and you are just a sweet as pie human being just looking for a magical expirience here and there... but I expect not. I'm going to guess tiy are an ex-cast member who is now taking out your frustrations on every current cast member by pointing out every time they don't smile when they should or bend over backward when you ask.

See all those green squares MKT has? They ain't for nothing, pal.


New Member
Indy95 said:
See all those green squares MKT has? They ain't for nothing, pal.
They aren't all earned out of great posts either.

There was a time when most everyone was padding everyone else's rep points for absolutely no reason at all.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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TURKEY said:
They aren't all earned out of great posts either.

There was a time when most everyone was padding everyone else's rep points for absolutely no reason at all.

Yup.. and that got me 2 Green Squares... wowza.

Now I have 6.. I earned those other 4 (and if scores were on the 100, I'd have 8 right now)
billybluenose said:
by pointing out every time they don't smile

I have a reverse story. I work at a well known human service organzation. I got a complaint about 2 years ago about one of my staff members that smiled too much while receiving a complaint from a member. The male member was yelling and threating the female staff member because we had cancelled his child from something (I forget what day camp, swim lessons, youth sport?) for nonpayment.

How can you smile too much? His exact words were, "I wanted to wipe that sickeningly sweet smile off of her face". Huh? He was yelling and physically threatening her. It was the only thing she could do to hold off the anger that I'm sure was bubbling in her (and the tears -- mostly out of shock that did fall later -- but only in the staff area away from the public).

On a side note, we still deal with this "gentleman" every few weeks. It's sad how if you threaten and intimidate enough people high enough up you get whatever it is you want. (even if you it goes aganist safety issues).



Well-Known Member
Dakotadogy said:
How can you smile too much? His exact words were, "I wanted to wipe that sickeningly sweet smile off of her face". Huh? He was yelling and physically threatening her. It was the only thing she could do to hold off the anger that I'm sure was bubbling in her (and the tears -- mostly out of shock that did fall later -- but only in the staff area away from the public).
I did the same thing when I was an assistant maganer at a ice rink. He thereaten the same thing and said sir i can take that as a threat and have you thrown out for it, these are our rules and if you do not like them then we do not need his business. We funny enough his daughter like skating so much he enrolled her in lessons and every time he saw me he went the other direction and could never look me in the face again when he had to pay. It was great!
BriJul said:
I love living in a place where bad customer service 1 time out of 50 is a catastrophe.

haha. The thing with Disney though, is that people have come to expect exceptional guest service every time they come to Disney, and for good reason. They pay a ton of money to come. Why shouldn't they be treated like royalty? Sometimes guests end up being jerks to cast members (and I am not talking about MKT's situation here), but that may be because of other things that happened to them throughout the day. When I encounter guests like this, I do whatever I can to try to help them out and try to make their day a bit better. This is how I would want to be treated.

EDIT: I think I just realized that my post either doesn't make sense or has nothing to do with the discussion. I am not sure which, so I will leave it, but go ahead and ignore it if you wish.

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