asinine CM's in WDW today (12/31/04)


Premium Member
billybluenose said:
on behalf of those who work on the walt disney world property:


cast members are people too. they make mistakes. they have bad days. they are forced to deal with the populations of small cities insisting that they each get treated like a princess no matter what the circumstance.

we're all doing the best we can. even on new year's eve.

are you?


billybluenose this kind of language (however it may be disguised) is not appropriate for this forum. If you cant follow simple rules, I suggest you post elsewhere.


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HADESgou said:
Prior Planning Prevents ________ Poor Performance

If you know it is going to be the busiest day or days of the year you prepare your employees for it. I say employees because it is my feeling that all of this cm problem started when management started to refer to the cm's as employees rather than cast members of the show. this does not occur in all areas but it happened when I worked there to me. it made me feel less important even though what was being said was true, that I was an employee and a cm. I am not going to go on about the down fall of cm's, well one more thing. "facial hair" don't like it on cm's. it makes most with it look made all the time.
I was there on nye and had a wonderful time and I also saw some people not having a wonderful time. its a crap shoot even on not crowded days, that is probably what is most upsetting to all of us.

Have a Happy New Year

Exactly!! Interesting insight with regard to the negative connotation of the terms "employee" versus "cast member". I do the guest service and leadership training at my current company and we refer to our people as "team members". I tell our managers all the time how important it is to treat them like members of the team rather than simply employees.


Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
. I do the guest service and leadership training at my current company and we refer to our people as "team members". I tell our managers all the time how important it is to treat them like members of the team rather than simply employees.

That sounds like what they did when i worked at Target..... :dazzle:


Well-Known Member
mkt said:
on behalf of the guests and shareholders whose financial contributions to the Walt Disney Company keep Cast Members getting paid,

I was a Cast Member for many years, and goddammit, like I said before, if I had to give good guest service on the busiest days of the year, there is NO reason that you should get away with not giving it.

Did you really have to use the Lord's name in vain?????? Use ANYTHING but that word please!!

Sorry you ran into so many rude CM's (probably stressed out from the crowds).


Well-Known Member
Well, I realize that we're all human, even WDW cm's, but the times that a cm has turned my day from really crappy to really light and fun made all the difference on a couple occasions. :) It's something I suppose all of us should strive to do, guests and cm's alike.

And hear that whistling sound? That's all the car talk flying riiiiiiiiiight over top of my head. :lol: :lookaroun I should set my... suspension on angel food cake? And throw $20's out the window... while turning in a Chrysler 300M with toys in the 63 cupholders... in the rain? :dazzle: :p


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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Original Poster
angel food cake = poorly handling american cars

$20 out the window = repair costs of english cars (in the US)

6.3 cupholders = US cars with more cupholders than seats

Chrysler 300C (not M actually) = Rear Wheel Drive (sorry Snowbelt) American Car using a Mercedes sourced suspension, so it actually handles fairly well


New Member
So this cm at GR was the owner of that Chrysler 300C that had your tripod in his trunk and blocked you in your parking spot in the Epcot parking lot? You threw him a $20 out your window and all you got back was an official Billy BlueNose Cup Holder??? NICE !!!!!! :D


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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brich said:
So this cm at GR was the owner of that Chrysler 300C that had your tripod in his trunk and blocked you in your parking spot in the Epcot parking lot? You threw him a $20 out your window and all you got back was an official Billy BlueNose Cup Holder??? NICE !!!!!! :D

now that's a wickit good stawry


Well-Known Member
mkt said:
Chrysler 300C (not M actually)

OHHHHHHHHHH! Now that's where I got lost. Yeah, I'm with ya now!!

Have I mentioned I drive a 2000 Ford Windstar? With 107,000 miles on it? Ahhh, the priveleged life is goooooooood... :cool:


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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Original Poster
MouseMadness said:
Have I mentioned I drive a 2000 Ford Windstar? With 107,000 miles on it?

I think you have set a record for most miles on a Ford Product :lol:

is it still running?


New Member
MouseMadness said:
And hear that whistling sound? That's all the car talk flying riiiiiiiiiight over top of my head. :lol: :lookaroun I should set my... suspension on angel food cake? And throw $20's out the window... while turning in a Chrysler 300M with toys in the 63 cupholders... in the rain? :dazzle: :p

Yep, you're not a guy! :kiss:


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about your run in with the Bad CM's, mkt. the world of customer service is a harsh one at that...i've been in retail for only 5 years and have seen my share of rude and just plain mean people

in the same vain...i just don't understand the guests who come to WDW and have this pre-exisitng anger. i mean, you could of had a terrible time on your flight, lost baggage, kids being a pain, etc...but once you arrive to WDW you should let it all slide. you are here on a vacation...don't take your anger and frustration out on those who are only there to assist you.

just my humble opinion...the rant is over :D


Active Member
Anyone who watches "The Apprentice" where Trump said the boss should never let their staff see him/her stressed...well, the guests should not be made aware that a cast member is having a bad day personally. If the cast member is rude to the guest and it shows, apparently that cast member is not doing a very good job of playing his role at what is supposed to be a "happy" place to visit.


New Member
On our trip this past Thanksgiving we only had one poor CM experience in 6 magical days at the parks. I also want to apologize to the wonderful CM's that my wife was incredibly rude to. She had a very short fuse because she was tired from walking. I blasted her for it which I probably shouldn't have but once I made her realize what a pain in the butt she was being she usually calmed down. Now if only CM's could do that to rude guests (like my wife :lookaroun )...... Basically keep up the good work. It does not go unnoticed. :sohappy:

If anyone see Judson at the Crystal palace tell him he rocks! He started off our vacation in the most Disney like was imaginable. Thanks Judson.

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