Originally posted by Raven66
Hi everyone:wave: Just a quick question to those of you who have gone to Fantasmic! I know that if we want good seats we should be there 90 mins. early, but is it possible and do they allow for someone of the party to go pick out some seats and sit there while the others continue to tour? Any help that you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.
I don't know what Disney's policy on "saving seats" is, but as a fellow guest, I sincerely hope that you wouldn't do that.
Let me clarify that - if "mom" saves 2.5 seats while "dad" and "junior" go catch one more round of the Great Movie Ride - sure....it keeps the kid from becoming impatient and screaming and being annoying to other guests (been there).
However, if "Bob" goes in and holds 3-4 seats for his family or buddies, I would consider that very inconsiderate - VERY! I mean, if I show up at 85 minutes till the show and some kid is holding "X" number of seats for some people - I'd be mad. I took the time and effort to be there, with my whole party, to hold our seats - which gives us the privilege of having the good seats.
In my honest opinion, people who show up late, waltz in and plop down in a seat that was saved by ONE person - DO NOT deserve the right to sit in those good seats, while I, and my whole group, waited on our own, to reserve our own seats.
Anyway, i doubt Disney would let you do that, because they're constantly asking you to scoot over to allow for more and more people - you don't get to take up as much space as you'd like because you'll keep moving over. If they let you hold one seat, or two, then they'd have to let someone who wants to hold a whole ROW! Wouldn't that make you MAD?
Anyway, sorry about my soapbox - nothing against you, but I'm just warning you that if you decided to do something inconsiderate like that, you'll either be denied by Disney or have a LOT of people mad at you who took the effort to hold their own seats, or who wanted the ones you are "saving". Just put yourself in someone else's shoes :animwink: