Are we allowed this option for Fantasmic!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hi everyone:wave: Just a quick question to those of you who have gone to Fantasmic! I know that if we want good seats we should be there 90 mins. early, but is it possible and do they allow for someone of the party to go pick out some seats and sit there while the others continue to tour? Any help that you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. :D


Beta Return
Originally posted by Raven66
Hi everyone:wave: Just a quick question to those of you who have gone to Fantasmic! I know that if we want good seats we should be there 90 mins. early, but is it possible and do they allow for someone of the party to go pick out some seats and sit there while the others continue to tour? Any help that you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. :D

I don't know what Disney's policy on "saving seats" is, but as a fellow guest, I sincerely hope that you wouldn't do that.

Let me clarify that - if "mom" saves 2.5 seats while "dad" and "junior" go catch one more round of the Great Movie Ride - keeps the kid from becoming impatient and screaming and being annoying to other guests (been there).

However, if "Bob" goes in and holds 3-4 seats for his family or buddies, I would consider that very inconsiderate - VERY! I mean, if I show up at 85 minutes till the show and some kid is holding "X" number of seats for some people - I'd be mad. I took the time and effort to be there, with my whole party, to hold our seats - which gives us the privilege of having the good seats.

In my honest opinion, people who show up late, waltz in and plop down in a seat that was saved by ONE person - DO NOT deserve the right to sit in those good seats, while I, and my whole group, waited on our own, to reserve our own seats.

Anyway, i doubt Disney would let you do that, because they're constantly asking you to scoot over to allow for more and more people - you don't get to take up as much space as you'd like because you'll keep moving over. If they let you hold one seat, or two, then they'd have to let someone who wants to hold a whole ROW! Wouldn't that make you MAD?

Anyway, sorry about my soapbox - nothing against you, but I'm just warning you that if you decided to do something inconsiderate like that, you'll either be denied by Disney or have a LOT of people mad at you who took the effort to hold their own seats, or who wanted the ones you are "saving". Just put yourself in someone else's shoes :animwink:


New Member
Here's my opinion on waiting for Fantasmic that I posted in another thread: I wouldn't do the package nor would I wait an hour in line/sit on hard metal seats waiting for Fantasmic. I went to MGM this past July w/my bf and our time was limited so we rode all the rides w/no wait while everyone else was in line for Fantastmic. We walked into the theatre about 15 minutes before it started, got some snack/drinks and stood in the front "standing room only" area.

I've sat towards the front before and being higher up gave a much better view of the show. When it ended, we were the first ones to leave the theater and didn't get stuck in a mob of people. This method might not work the best for people w/little kids, though- but it worked great for 2 adults. So, in conclusion, you don't HAVE to do the package or wait in line for hours to see Fantasmic. -Stephanie


Well-Known Member
Disney "policy", if you will, for CandleLight Processional was that you could save seats for your family, only until the show actually started.

We asked the friendly CM b/c my dad and I went to get FP's for MS and we later met up with the rest, yet we werent even in the theater yet, still waiting in line to enter while the previous show eneded.

So that circumstance they allow, odd now that I think of it maybe?

BG Rugger

New Member
Me and my family have seen Fantasmic! plenty of times and we never get in line very early. Walk in 15-20 mins. before the show starts and you can still find good seats. we even go in peak season.


Well-Known Member
One thing to think about - when one person is sat on a bench, saving countless seats for the rest of their party, how do other guests feel when told that the best seat are reserved for "no shows"
Personally, I think that the CMs should be stronger when it comes to asking guests to move towards one end of the row so that others can sit down. Or, each row is filled, one by one, so that seats cannot be reserved.
In peak times, late entry cannot be guaranteed.


Account Suspended

I tell you what bugs me more than anything are the people on Main Street in MK who line up on the streets 2 hours before the parade and drape the sidewalk in their blankets to save the spot. they are SAVING A SPOT ON A SIDEWALK. not only can you not walk you cant even sit on the sidewalk because it's full an hour before the parade and there's only a few people scattered. 90% of it is saved spots that are not filled. I despise that!

Sgt Tibs

New Member
Re: saving

Originally posted by civileng68
I tell you what bugs me more than anything are the people on Main Street in MK who line up on the streets 2 hours before the parade and drape the sidewalk in their blankets to save the spot. they are SAVING A SPOT ON A SIDEWALK. not only can you not walk you cant even sit on the sidewalk because it's full an hour before the parade and there's only a few people scattered. 90% of it is saved spots that are not filled. I despise that!


In addition to that are the people that show up when the parade is starting and stand in front of everyone, just off the curb.


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Original Poster
I understand every one's point. But I guess I might have used the wrong word when I said party, that made it sound like a lot of people. It's just my husband, daughter and myself. And it wouldn't be like me sitting the 90 mins. by myself, but kids get antsy, so I thought that when she did one of us could take a walk with her or something like that. I would never save a whole row.


Well-Known Member
In some ways, I can see how this is similar to "saving a place in line" for others for any other attraction.

I would expect people to have the same reaction to saving seats as they do to folks who do that.....

My suggestion is to wait for seating to begin, go in with your whole family, take your seats, then take turns walking your daughter around the theater - down near the water, up to the refreshment area, etc. There's lots to do and see.

Also, I know people who bring games or toys to keep their kids amused. (Whatever happened to playing "I SPY" :veryconfu )??? :lol:
My nephews bring their Gameboys and my sister gives my niece a coloring book and a couple crayons to pass the time....until I come back with the popcorn and cotton candy!!!



New Member
I think seat-holding is always inappropriate, regardless of group size. The only time it should be allowed is if someone in your group has special needs... or if one parents takes a kid to the bathroom or something.

Issues like these are where I've noticed a massive decline in disney visitor behavior. You get these nasty crass women holding an entire bench for her pox-faced brood...

I'm sorry, but I arrived early for a seat... and I should be able to get one.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by BRER STITCH
My suggestion is to wait for seating to begin, go in with your whole family, take your seats, then take turns walking your daughter around the theater - down near the water, up to the refreshment area, etc. There's lots to do and see.

That was what I was planning. And I really want to thank you for being so friendly with your answer. :) I was beginning to feel like america's most wanted.:lol:

I wasn't going to go in all by myself and save the seats. But on the other hand if my daughter has to go to the bathroom, I don't think I should have to give up my seats because I would be holding them until whomever takes her comes back.


Well-Known Member
You absolutely can save seats while some of your party goes to the bathroom or buys refreshments! Don't worry at all about that!
Disney doesn't want you sitting for 90 minutes! They want people to get up and buy light up toys and refreshments!:lol:


Well-Known Member
One thing to keep in mind is that when Fantasmic reaches capacity no one will be allowed into the theater. So if your out riding and they reach a full show, you'll have to spend that 25 minutes waiting for your party to finish.


Beta Return
In response to the comment about people who come up and stand in front of those people who legitimately held CURB seats for the parade:

They'll come up and stand in front of the burb people, who have been patiently waiting and holding down their FRONT ROW seat. Then, when the parade starts, the cast member will come by and force everyone back a step, to get them out of the road. These people will then simply step back, onto the curb, forcing all the other back onto the sidewalk.

MAN, i hate that! If that happened to me, I would SO cause a scene. I would make sure that not only the cast member, but everyone around me understood that those people moved in, in front of all of us and that they should go BEHIND us all!

People are so ignorant and inconsiderate, and I'm NOT AT ALL above pointing that out in public!


New Member
You know the FANTASMIC! at disneyland theres allways the same 2 guys with a blanket layed out the size to fit 20 people they sell seats for $5. Disneyland castmembers dont do anything about it they even set up at 1pm for the 830 show they always are right in front center.


Account Suspended
My word...that's aweful...selling tickets?....'laaaaame'....'laaaaaaaame'.

Next time I'm there I'll charge them $10 for me not to report it to management. lol o.k. that wasn't funny.

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
During my visit at WDW we saved spots BUT there was always one family member inside, waiting. It's not like we just put blankets and told everyone not to sit. The CMs were fine with that, since we all arived in time for the show and filled in all the room we saved!


New Member
Fantasmic idea!


There's only one way to 'fastpass' Fantasmic, and its called 'reservations at The Brown Derby'. They hold a section of the auditorium for their dinner guests. So you can be seated at the last minute, but still get good seats. You also get to be among the first out to, since you are seated at the entrance/exit side.

Going to do it this year for one show, and if we want to see Fantasmic again, I dont mind standing for that one.


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