Are Unfairly Left Out of YOMD?


New Member
I think it will go to a family and I kind of hope it does. We are also a who love Disney but I do hope kids get to enjoy the biggest treats, as much as I'd love it too.


Well-Known Member
I think it will go to a family and I kind of hope it does. We are also a who love Disney but I do hope kids get to enjoy the biggest treats, as much as I'd love it too.

I agree, although I wonder about going after these demographics. Family doesn't always mean little kids. I actually am surprised there aren't a wider breadth of Dreams geared toward different age groups so that the seletion may be random but the pairing may be more "match-able" (aside from the legal issues there). Thinking a trip for two for the following year's F&W (two adults). Free Segway tour (older). A private PI party for a group. Things like that.

Hoop Raeb

Formerly known as...
Original Poster
I still think it's amazing that the morning in the park promotion "just happened" to be won by by a husband, wife, son and daughter, not to thin, not too fat, the right ages, from the midwest. What are the chances. :p


Well-Known Member
Just many years of coillege did you attend?
Were you an english major? :lol:
LMAO! Funny, I'm a strict critic who always ends up being guilty of a spelling mixup like that. (I just electronically submitted a business trip report to my boss and in the attached comments for review, I mistakenly typed "s" twice in place of two "d" 's in the word "add" - Oops!!)

Back to the OP...

I agree with the impression of there being a specific "winning" demographic, but quite honestly, I'm fine with families winning all of the nights in Cinderella Castle and having the park to themselves.

Now what I would love is to hit big on the DVC points or heck, Disney could give away the perfect prize and award me a free wedding package there - that would certainly be a big score in my position!

(How many of those million dreams are left??? We get there Dec. 27 *crosses fingers*)


Dont forget there are hundreds of nights being awarded in the castle...most probably won't get a lick of publicity after the first few as it will be old it won't matter who wins.


Well-Known Member
we actually had a conversation about this the other night. since are also we don't feel that our chances of winning the big prizes are very great. however, we feel it would be very short sited of disney to be "selective" example: we would love to win the DVC membership and while we don't have kids no, we will in the future and with the membership we may take more trips than if we didn't have one. also, i think someone would notice if the "good" prizes only went to marketable families. of couse the thought that we are being passed by will remain in our heads cause you never really know for real.



New Member
That's simply untrue. If Disney controls who wins these prizes in that manner and it is found out, that would be the largest disaster in Disney history. They'd be fined a huge amount and would take some major PR hits to the company. It would be completely illegal for them to do that. Now, they may not make that person or family one of their big poster childs or mega marketing families, so you may never see them, but they will have the same chance to win as anyone else. Otherwise Disney is breaking the law.

Disney may not control who wins....but Disney owns ABC which runs Good Morning America....they're giving away the first night give away. In the contest rules they want a, why do you think they want that?

may win a stay but they're not going to win anything that is marketable or will be used for marketing.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
We're (Dual Income, No Kids). :wave: Not that I have sour grapes or anything but don't you think that the high end prizes will go to families? I signed up just like the rest of people on the website to enter. Anyone feel the same way? :veryconfu
Ah... Keep smiling... as a former Disney employee, I'm locked out of any Disney competition, for then, now and in the furure... :D


Active Member
you just reminded me of my final in my finance class...which i just took 4 hours ago

there were several questions about ""

just thought i would share


New Member
As KCNole has been trying to explain, they CAN NOT discriminate against anyone with this giveaway. They have to follow Florida (and California) State Sweepstakes Laws and are being governed by Ernst and Young to make sure that the rules are being followed. Here is information from a Dream Squad cast member on how the prizes are awarded...

The prizes are given out completely random BUT the CM's have no control over who, what, when or where. They will get a bag that has a tag on it that says open at this time (usually about 30 minutes prior to the distribution time). When they open it there is an envelope inside that has all the information. It will say, for example, Issues 50 Dream Fastpass at the Space Mountain side A unload at 10:55am. They will then head over to Space Mountain, with synchronized watches and at exactlly 10:55am the next rocket to arrive at unload will be the first one to get the prize. They will continue issuing until all 50 have been distributed. If it is one of the bigger prizes, it works the same way only they will not know about it until about 5 minutes prior to the time. They literally have just enough time to get where they are going. With those it will be VERY specific as to who so there is no confusion... for example it will say The person in row 4 left seat of Rockin Roller Coaster ride vehicle entering the station at 12:04pm. They would get there at 12:03 and the next car to enter (after the watch turned to 12:04) they would look for that person. If there is no one in that seat, the prize will go back into the pool to be distributed at a later time. For the basic prizes it will just be the Dream Squad and perhaps a manager, for the BIG prizes they will also have an Ernst and Young representative with them to make sure that the prize is issued to the exact person that is called for on the paper.

Also in the offical rules it says something like 1,554 prizes will be awarded each day. So they are issuing at MK, Epcot, MGM, AK, DTD and Blizzard and Typhoon, so you figure there are only about 200-300 prizes being given out at say MK on any given day, so if there are 35-45,000 people in the park the odds of winning are, well...LUCK!

The fact that the "Keys to the Kingdom" family was "the perfect family" has nothing to do with anything. This was an online entry drawing Disney did not go out and "find" a family. As others have mentioned they can not discriminate against who wins, BUT they CAN pick and choose who, of the winners, gets publicized.


Well-Known Member
I've been to the parks ALOT lately, and I still haven't seen anyone other than white families with small children with Dream Fastpasses, lanyards, or ears.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Thanks Slappy. I honestly never heard of . I am glad that you followed up with soooo long ago or I would be busting you on coillege. :D

Oooohhh-kayyyy, the grammar gloves are off on you punks! Every time I get the chance to slam people on spelling or grammar issues and I usually let 'em slide, because it's just a forum, we all have things to do, we're all guilty of typing too fast & not spell-checking. Well, now you will feel my mighty wrath! Prepare for a new dimension of pain! Prepare for...oh, Welcome Back Kotter marathon is on, gotta go.

Sersiouy, though, I WAS gonna invite you along if we won the overnight trip to the Castle, and now you can just forget it. Consider that bridge burned, my friend.

n yo it culd be a lot wurse i culd nott giv a da-yam bout how i rite n nott use punktatshun or nuthin

oR i CuLd Be OnE oF ThEeS jErKs WhO MaK rEeDiNg A tRu EnDuReNcE cOnTeSt!!!!!

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Just many years of coillege did you attend?
Were you an english major? :lol:

Sorry...just couldn't pass that up.:D



Besides, English majors don't have to spell. We just have to be in touch with our emotions. We let editors worry about grunt work like spell check. :D

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