anything stolen?


New Member
Original Poster
Hi There!

Just wondering has anyone had anything stolen on a ride?
back pack, purses, plush toys... ect... it would seem that since there are alot of people going in and out of rides, that would happen.

Thanks a Ton!



Well-Known Member
I'd say stuff more often gets left behind by one guest and is conveniently pocketed by another, rather than outright stolen. However, overall, I think even these incidents are few and far between.

I lost my cell phone on DL's Indiana Jones ride, and wrote it off as gone forever -- either lost in a "lava" pit or stuffed into the next rider's purse. I waited out a few rides, and to my happy amazement, a guest returning from her adventure gave my cell phone to a CM, who quickly handed it back off to me.

If there are thieves at Disney, they're more likely to be opportunistic locals rather than the typical vacationer.


Active Member
Nope. In my 12+ visits to WDW I have never had anything taken. Im sure it happens, but for the most part I think people are there to enjoy the time with their families and hopefully not thinking of stealing others.


Well-Known Member
And since the rides at Disney parks generally do not have little cubby holes at the boarding area for you to stow your stuff (like at most amusement parks), the likelihood of people stealing your stuff is even smaller. It's a good thing most of the rides at Disney are designed so you can bring your bags with you.


New Member
We actually had an amazing thing happen when we were at WDW in April...I had gone to get FastPasses for Soarin' and somehow I lost on of the passes. I went to see if anyone turned it in at the desk by the ride and had no luck...they told us to try guest husband (and I) thought that it was a waste of time, but the card had two days left on it so I wanted it back. We went to guest services and someone had actually turned it in! I couldn't even believe it!

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
We have never had anything stolen, either on the ride or from our stroller while on the ride. We take anything of value on the rides with us so we dont have to worry.


Well-Known Member
I left my backpack on Kilimanjaro and remembered about an hour later and went back and they had it for me. I had over 2k in video equipment.


New Member
It didn’t happen to me, but about 10 years ago I was at the pool at the Poly and I heard a guy yelling, “ That kid just took my camera!” In 2 seconds the bar tender (where I was sitting!) jumped over the bar and 2 life guards got him till 1 min. later security guards took him away. After it was over I asked the bartender if that happens a lot and he said every so often someone ties, but always gets caught.


Active Member
Years ago, my then-gf and I were eating outside at Pecos Bill's. She sat her purse down to eat, we finished, got up and cleared our trays. We went maybe 10 yards away towards BTMRR, when she realized that she forgot her purse. We ran back to the restaurant but it was gone. She starts to cry, saying that she's heard that there are people who live by roaming around theme parks or public spaces and swiping purses, etc. I tried to explain that it would be virutally impossible for someone to come into wdw every day and steal stuff without being noticed, but she was distraught and wouldn't listen to reason. I asked all the CM's in the area, but no luck. Later in the day, I swung by city hall (i made up some lame excuse as to why, i don't remember, but i had to because she thought it was pointless to try) and she sat down as i went to the counter. Well, after asking me a series of probing questions as to the identiy of the purse. (what does it look like, what is it made out of, what's in it? describe the items in more detail), the guy hands it right over to me! Apparently a wandering custodial spotted it and secured it in the 2 minutes that we were away. My GF sees it, and runs over. You've never seen a girl so happy when she got it back! She was crying and trying to hug the CM from across the counter!


Not old, just vintage.
I lost all my money to a guy in a mouse suit. I think his name was Mickey. It seems to happen everytime I go to WDW. :lookaroun


I haven't had anything stolen from the parks, but I think the maid tried to steal something from my room at Pop Century.

Let me explain. I had taken of those really cute sheet of Disney stamps that the USPS has been putting out lately to WDW with me to send postcards with. I had left the stamps on the little table where I had been writing postcards. When we were about to check out, I couldn't find them, and I hadn't moved them, and neither had my bf. I looked everywhere and finally found them behind the bed between the bed and the wall. My theory is that the maid figured I wouldn't miss stamps like I would miss jewelry or money or something, and she thought she could just come grab them from their hiding place after we checked out. Luckily, it wasn't anything too important (camera, money, etc), but I'm almost 100% positive the maid hid them because I had left them on the table and like I said, my bf didn't touch them. I will be more careful with my stuff that I leave in the room when I go back to Disney.


Well-Known Member
nillyp said:
I haven't had anything stolen from the parks, but I think the maid tried to steal something from my room at Pop Century.

Let me explain. I had taken of those really cute sheet of Disney stamps that the USPS has been putting out lately to WDW with me to send postcards with. I had left the stamps on the little table where I had been writing postcards. When we were about to check out, I couldn't find them, and I hadn't moved them, and neither had my bf. I looked everywhere and finally found them behind the bed between the bed and the wall. My theory is that the maid figured I wouldn't miss stamps like I would miss jewelry or money or something, and she thought she could just come grab them from their hiding place after we checked out. Luckily, it wasn't anything too important (camera, money, etc), but I'm almost 100% positive the maid hid them because I had left them on the table and like I said, my bf didn't touch them. I will be more careful with my stuff that I leave in the room when I go back to Disney.
Why would they hide them and not just take them in the first place? Doesn't really make sense. Also, I doubt anyone would take a chance of losing their job over a few stamps. *shrug*


New Member
I had someone leave a backpack in my stroller outside Dinosaur last trip! My guess is someone ran back to put it in the stroller and put it in the wrong one... I just waited around for about 10 minutes until the lady next to me started looking around like she lost something - I asked her if the backpack was hers and explained what happened - she started laughing and said thank you over and over... apparently it had her daughters medication in it and that could have been very scary to lose... Note: never leave anything that you can't live without in a stroller... not that it will get stolen or anything - but you never know when you might misplace it!


wannab@dis said:
Why would they hide them and not just take them in the first place? Doesn't really make sense. Also, I doubt anyone would take a chance of losing their job over a few stamps. *shrug*

I just figured maybe it's not stealing if I "left" the stamps there. Like, "Oh, look what this guest left. Well it's not worth contacting them, I'll just keep them". Then they could just take them without any consequence. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I can't figure how they got from the table on one side of the room to behind the bed on the other side:veryconfu


Well-Known Member
I think the general atmosphere of the place will change people and often lead to "misplaced" items being handed in.
A few years back i found an annual pass left inside the Safari FastPass which i handed to the CM near there. It only had a day left on it but still...
Also last year, i found a moblie at the front of Main Street and handed that to a CM.
Im sure this is a pretty general theme within the parks that results in very few thefts :sohappy:

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
My experience has been that people go out of their way to help return items rather than stealing them, but there is always the bad apple anywhere you go.

But in terms of having something grabbed while on a ride - no. I've not heard of it happening to anyone I know, either.

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