Anyone new updates about changes to Imagination.


Active Member
Loved the original, and hope someday it could return to something of that caliber.

I think Kodak is a huge weight on the building, and a new sponsor desperately needs to be found before any major work would be done. Although, if it wasn't for the rumored Fuji bid a few years back we wouldn't have wound up with this mess...

I know Disney would never go for it, but I think it'd be a riot for a Pharmaceutical company to pick it up. Upside is they'd have plenty of cash to fund it, but you'd have to deal with "Journey into Imagination, presented by Xanax!"

Personally I think the best company to swoop in would be something like Hewlett Packard, or a book Publishing company, like Walden (though they might not be so happy about Narnia being dropped) or Scholastic.

I could see it now "Travel with Figment through classic pieces of literature" (kind of reminiscent of how Figment would imagine being a knight, director, astronaut, etc.) They could even take a jab at a certain boy wizard...


Active Member
The original Figment ride is my favorite attraction in the history of Epcot!

I did not care for the second version, and I was glad that they at least acknowledged their mistake enough to put Figment back in the ride and bring back the catchy and addictive "One Little Spark" theme song.

The current version, now that cute-as-a-button Figment and his song are back, is my favorite attraction in current Epcot, and second favorite in the history of Epcot!

I would like to see the original brought back, but to me the current version is "bad" only in the context of not being as good as the original.

If I had never seen the original, the current version would be my all-time Epcot favorite!

So you think Journey into Imagination with Figment is better than Horizons? Hmm... that's a new one. LOL

David S.

So you think Journey into Imagination with Figment is better than Horizons? Hmm... that's a new one. LOL

No need to laugh as everone is entitled to their own opinions.

I liked Horizons, but yes, I enjoy Figment more!

I am not saying Figment is "better" in the sense that EVERYONE should find it better, or that it is "technologically better".

I'm just saying I enjoy Figment more, because it has more of the elements that make an attraction my favorite - namely, CUTENESS, whimsy, charm, a happy, catchy theme song, and a cute, lovable character. And did I mention CUTENESS?!

It makes me feel Warm and Fuzzy inside, and 8 years old again! It appeals to my Inner Child!

Even though I agree that the current version is not as good as the original, IMO it IS the cutest, most whimsical, and most FANTASY-based attraction in current Epcot. And my tastes skew heavily towards cuteness and Fantasy!

My favorites are based intuitively on how something makes me FEEL. It is not based on a cerebral process of evaluating how much effort, technology, or money went into something.

Having said that, I DO love Horizons. I thought it was a warm and inspiring sequel to Carousel Of Progress and one of my favorites in early Future World. It was probably my 3rd or 4th favorite of the original Future World of 82-83, behind only Figment, Kitchen Kabaret, and possibly World Of Motion. And I prefer it easily over Mission Space and Test Track.

Just not more than my beloved Figgy! :)

My current Epcot faves: (you'll notice I gravitate towards "cute")


1) Journey Into Imagination With Figment
2) The Seas With Nemo and Friends*
3) Gran Fiesta Tour
4) Maelstrom
5) Universe Of Energy
6) Living With the Land
7) Honey, I Shunk the Audience**
8) Soarin'
9) Impressions de France


1) Test Track

* This is just based on the cute and charming ride. If evaluating the whole Pavilion, The Seas moves ahead of the Imagination pavillion on the strength of the live animals

** I know HISTA is currently "on hiatus". My rankings are based on what was there on my last visit.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I don't like the current Imagination ride at all. When I read other people raving about it, I thought, "Wha-??" :shrug: But then I found out that it was originally quite different. And THEN I saw a video of the original ride, and it was amazing. Why on earth did Disney change it???

Figment is a wonderful, original character and I hope his ride is upgraded soon.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Over the last two months I have probably been on that attraction 20 - 30 times, it is such a shame when you hear comments such as "This is the most boring ride I have ever been on" "What am I doing here" and a common one "When the heck did they do to this!" Just a shame the right ears are not hearing these statements enough.

I am a huge fan of the original and do feel a little sad of what has become of the pavilion, on the other hand Figment will always be my favourite character, he was the first Character I ever met and the first plush toy I was ever bought hence the amount of times I can sit through the thing.

I realize this is an odd thought, but maybe...Figment could be the mascot for Beastly Kingdom (if it ever comes into being). Like Tinkerbell is the mascot for Fantasyland, and Capt. Jack Sparrow is the (unofficial) mascot for'd be cool to see Figment's role expanded like that. Just a thought.


Active Member
From what I can remember, what has been discussed around here is that once EO finishes its run the whole place will go through a massive rehab, including the Magic Eye Theater and the ride.

There are also rumors that Kodak may be leaving. :shrug:


Well-Known Member

Meet me in the park next Saturday evening ;)

I'll be there anyway. I've "heard" rumors but they are just that, rumors. But I haven't actually "seen" anything to make me think it's being put forth. If it was a concept art then it's only blue sky. Until it is duplicated in many forms and worked on by WDI in many different ways, it remains blue sky.


Park History nut
Premium Member
I want in on this. Although I think we'll be at AK on Saturday and I'm aware of your anti Animal Kingdom stance.
Don`t knock it too much.... We`ll be going to DAK for a half day the following week :D

One of our tradtitions on arrival is either Cosmic Rays and Wishes, or Electric Umbrella and ROE, and it so happens there is a meet including some peeps I`ve not seen since Epcots 25th at Epcot that evening. So Epcot it is.


Well-Known Member
ok, so when i went in 1999 i never got to ride it. i have a feeling it was down for the major change at that time? and then in 2001 i never rode it, i have no idea why tho...

anyway, i watched a youtube video of the current attraction, and then out of curiosity watched a video of the original...

... why WHY WHY on earth did they change it!?!? and make it so... sparse and 'flat looking'?
I heard from a castmember... not the most reliable source... that HISTA wasnt coming back and to look for news on the pavillion towards the end of 2011... maybe D23 convintion in 2011?

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