I’ve been a fan of Disney since I was very young. I grew up watching all of the Disney movies and pretty much enjoyed every single one. Recently a Friend of mine challenged me to go above and beyond the knowledge of just the Disney movies to learn everything I possibly can about Disney World before we go on our trip in August. He knows some of the most detailed facts about Disney World. For example, anywhere from the number of Ghosts in the Haunted Mansion to the smell that is pumped into the air while walking down Main Street. What I would like to hear from everyone out there is any detailed facts that you know that he might not know so I could stump him in the future. (I have stumped him before so he is human and doesn’t know everything! lol)
It sounds like your friend has just been reading the officially published trivia guides and other non-technical fan pages.
If you hang around here between now and August, and just read as much as you can, you'll learn more about the inner workings of WDW than you can possibly imagine.
One thread isn't going to even touch the amount of trivia the folks on here have. You just need to read the archives.
Be careful, there are plenty of people on here who have been misinformed, and who will provide "facts" they heard from a "Disney Bus Driver" (who are notorious for providing invented information). But, there are also a number of members who have forgotten more facts about WDW than you or I will ever know.
A really good source of accurate information is the
WDWMagic main site, or just by clicking on the 2nd level of menu in black at the top of this page (Attractions, Dining, etc).
You can also visit the WDW SECRETS Board in the main list of Boards on this Forum.
You can use the Search feature to find old threads about certain specific topics. Reading about specific things is going to get you further than just asking for random pieces of trivia.
Lastly, you can choose an appropriate board (WDW Parks General Discussion, WDW Tips, WDW Secrets, How Do They Do That) and post your own thread asking about a specific element you want to learn about. Again, you'll get much more detailed response to those questions that by posting a thread like this one and hoping for all of the trivia to come pouring in.
I wish you the best of luck. There's a LOT of information to gather, so don't overwhelm yourself. Just pick some key subjects and research them yourself.
And welcome to WDWMagic!