anyone been to disney in july

disney jaz

New Member
Original Poster
Just wondering if anyone could give me a heads up on what to expect of Disney in July.I've been in both march and october and loved it of course,but I was very leary of going in july.this was the only time my friend could go and I really wanted her to come.I hope i don't get scared by your replys. thanks:wave:


Not sure what you are looking for. Will it be crowded.. yes. Will it be rather warm... yes. Will there be thunderstorms... yes. However, being a Florida native and used to going to Disney in the summer, none of that stuff bothers me.

I will confess to leaving parks early sometimes, just because the pool seems to be beckoning me from the resort. Even the heat can wear me down a little so that I'm quite ready for the pool.


Well-Known Member
I went for two weeks this past July, and I personally enjoyed it. However, we beat the rush. We arrived at the parks about 15 mintues prior to opening. So we were always one step ahead of the crowd. When we finished everything we HAD to do in the parks, (which was usually around one or two, depending on if there were reservations to eat somewhere) we usually went back to the hotel for a nice relaxing swim. Then went back to park around 4. Overall it was good. The week after Thanksgiving was still my favorite time to go, however it was enjoyable to go in July. I mean, when isnt it fun? Hope that helps. :wave:


Account Suspended
In my opinion, july is the absolute worst month to go to Disney. It's hot, humid, crowded, and full of dumb people. Just save more money and go a few months after july (october or november).


Active Member
Expect Hot Weather, Humidity, and Alot of people. However you can avoid all this......Be at the park before it opens, you can get alot done the first hour, leave at noon, go to pool, shopping, naping whatever. Get a nice shower, some dinner and return to the parks. They are open late...Did I say late....I meant they close early...early in the morning on EMH nights. Look at the calandar at With midnight park closings EMH's will run till 3am certain days. Whatever you do stay till closing, you can do more in the last hour than you can all afternoon with the crowds. As far as the afternoon storms, ignore them till it starts to inside somewhere for the 15 min or so downpour then get right back at it(this is when that humidity kicks in). Enjoy


Active Member
bgammill said:
and full of dumb people.
That hurts....I will be there in July. I always heard that the dump people always go on 10/29/05 or 1/14/2005. You know what I mean, check your profile.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Top 10 reasons not to go to Disney in July:

10. Hot
9. Crowded
8. Hot and Crowded
7. Crowded and Hot
6. Large volumes of people
5. High temperatures
4. Dense attendance
3. Elevated heat levels
2. Dense attendance and Elevated heat levels

1. Hot, Crowded, Hot and Croweded, Crowded and Hot, Large volume of people, High temperatrues, dense attendance, Elevated heat levels, Dense attendance and Elevated heat levels.

Its basically just too damned hot and crowded....


Active Member
Im not sure if anyone mentioned this, and im not sure its widely known but its probally going to be pretty hot and right crowded. LOL


Le Meh
Premium Member
Brian Skinner said:
Im not sure if anyone mentioned this, and im not sure its widely known but its probally going to be pretty hot and right crowded. LOL
I kind of elluded (sp?) to that in my post, but I was somewhat vague, so I appreciate the clarification. :lol:


Well-Known Member
We actually usually go in July.

that's because we have to go when school is out and school here starts first week in August. We hate to go in June and have nothing left to look forward to for the summer.

that being said, yes, it will be hot and crowded. You can expect plenty of tour groups from south america.

But there are a number of positives, as has been mentioned above. You need to burn the candle at both ends. Be there at park opening, work the place until lunch. After lunch, go back to hotel and lie down, in the pool, in the tub, in the bed, but get off your feet!

then return about 4 or so. The parks are open relatively late. During EMH there is nothing relative about it. The MK can be open until 3 am. I've been at Epcot and Disney-MGM until 1. Even the AK was open until 10 and that's sure to be the case with EE.

The reality is, after about 2-3 days of this, you have to take a day off. This means sleeping in and not going to a park until 2 or so.

But it is entirely possible to have a great time in July.

How bad can it be, you're at Walt Disney World!


New Member
I only ever go in July...


every thing is open...

Parks are open later...

warm enough to enjoy waterparks...

I get the benefit of everything...

including a warm summer night


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's hot and crowded.

But it's Disney World. If that's when you can go, go. Drink lots of water. Take a break and go back and swim in the hotel pool or take a nap in your air conditioned hotel room mid-day. Wear sunscreen. Eat a Dole Whip (or two.) Go to a water park. Take advantage of early morning and evening touring time.

I have been in July and it wasn't as bad as I expected, and I've been in August and struggled to feel the Magic. You never know.


Well-Known Member
I've been to WDW in July and for Christmas/New Year's (multiple times each.) My own opinion is that the decrease in heat is worth the increase in attendence--go over Christmas. Both crowds and heat are exhausting--I'd rather go when the crowds are the worst but the weather is the best, instead of going when the weather's the worst and the crowds are still quite bad. If you can reschedule to a non-summer time, I'd do it.

That being said, if you're stuck in a summer time slot you'll still have a great time. Two pieces of advice: (1) Drink at least 1 large bottled water per hour. (2) Stay on-property, preferably at a MK-area or Epcot-area resort. Going back for a rest can rejuvinate your day, but if you have to go back to Pop Century or the All-Stars, you're much less likely to actually go back to your room.

Have a fun trip!


Naturally Grumpy
I always thought to avoid July, also avoid Christmas and Easter.
A couple of summers ago with the kids away at camp, DW and I did a last minute escape to WDW. Yes it was hot, it was busy, but if you get to the parks 1st thing, it is not bad at all. Then do FP for early evening, head back to the room for the 2:00 thunderstorm, have a nice dinner, then head out again. MK was always busiest, we were at Epcot on some days when I wasn't sure that the park was open, especially around World Showcase. Generally like KaliSplash said...

With a plan we've even been able to make Easter week doable. (Going against better judgement, but daughter has softball tournament at Sports that week...:eek:


Active Member
Because of school schedules we always go during the busy times, Christmas, June/July/August. I enjoy the crowds. Yes I said it, I enjoy the crowds. They are an integral part of the magic for me. Seeing the park bursting with people enjoying my favorite place, there is a certain camraderie in all that. We love helping people find things, giving advice to newbies while in line, the hustl eand bustle of the whole experience. Keep hydrated while there in the summer, don't think you'll just walk on the rides cause you won't. Enjoy the crowds. Consider them your family and you'll not be frustrated.


New Member
We went the week after the July 4th weekend, and really didn't find it that bad. There were a few days where it was crowed, but the wait lines weren't very long. Yeah it was hot...but not unbearable. Im from Canada and was expecting it to be unmanagable, but it really wasn't.

I have never been at Xmas, but from the pictures I've seen, the crowds were way larger...

besides, its gonna be busy any time..

Stay late and sleep in!! The late nights had empty parks with walk on rides!

Don't worry about when you go- You'll have a blast- and if you can't see it all, you can always go back!!


Active Member
I'm going to be going in July this year as well. I've been there in July, August, August/September (week of Labour Day), mid-December, February/March and May. Every time period has its own pros and cons ( :lol: Gotta work in the TAR reference!). I only prefer December because a) it was over my bday and b) Christmas sure is pwetty at WDW!

That being said, I love the fact that in July, parades and fireworks are almost always on, the parks are open late and that the atmosphere is just more vibrant with more people around. But then again, whenever I go to WDW, I always get to the parks early in the morning, leave for a nap in the afternoon and then head back around dinner - I just find that to be the most relaxing and effective schedule!

So yeah, there are people, it gets CRAZY hot, but you can avoid both by avoiding the parks from, say, noon to four. Or you can go, and just accept that they're going to be factors in your day... To be honest, I have never gotten irritated at a July crowd (tour groups excepted), but I have nearly lost my mind in May and Feb/March. I expected the parks to be much quieter than they were, and I wound up being disappointed. No risk of that in July, which is already an added bonus! :lol:

Finally, when it gets shtinky hot, I loves me some Typhoon Lagoon! :) It's not the same unless it's above 100 degrees with the humidity! :lol:


New Member
Well darn, my family just made reservations to go to WDW the week after July 4th...there have been alot of complaints about July so far but i guess disney is disney. and we'll be there for 7 days so we wont be in any rush...well still darn

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