Anybody ride Primevil Whirl yet?


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Anybody rode yet? I was pleasantly surprised to find out when I went to the park last Friday that it had soft opened.

It was actually a lot more fun then I was expecting. I had never been on a spinning mouse coaster. The only similar ride at all I had been on before was Mullhoand Madness at DCA.

I do think they could have done better, but it was slightly themed, had cool sound effects, and I have to admit was a lot of fun to ride.

I do hope a major expansion is next, wheter it's Beastly Kingdon, A safiari ride for Asia, or the addition of Australia.


New Member
I rode it today. It's not bad, but I just can't get over how lame the whole Chester and Hester Dinorama thing is. I'm obviously not the target audience.

I made a video of the ride, and will upload it soon. Keep an eye on the Ride Videos thread in the Digital Media & Photos Forum.


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I totally agree Disney added much more theming to it then they had to.

It's just sad to see Disney continue to lower the bar.

Sure they didn't have to add the extra themeing they did, but 20 years ago, adding an off the shelf mouse coaster would have been unheard of.

Just because you decorate an off the shelf ride really well, does not mean a whole lot to me. They took down the fossil lab and Jubillee, which were true educational exibits, to turn Animal Kingdom into a Six Flags Carnival.

Sure they made a carnival a bit better then Six Flags might, but it's still a carnival, and not what the public expects from Disney.

It's no wonder there stock continues to drop.


Well-Known Member
well...technically their stocks aren't DROPPING any more...they are kinda...stuck:) People need to start buying! However, I don't think this was a massive drop in disney quality...they at least had it in them to put Dino-Rama into an area that you could skip by...Mission:SPACE will certainly be up to the disney levels we all have come to expect...this area was never really planned to be a part of Animal Kingdom...they just kinda desided to put it in pretty quickly b/c people were getting a bit restless waiting for a new attraction...


New Member
I always laugh when someone says "Disney doesn't never uses off the shelf rides with some extra decorations.." I ALWAYS laugh..Noone says ANYTHING about the teacups, about the carousel..or about the dark rides (like peter pan and snow white..) Which are rides you can find at ANY local carnival, just dresssed up a bit better. People don't mention this because they were built under the supervision of Walt..But when Eisner builds something like this, HEAVENS NO! It's suddenly a sin..Come on guys, its no big deal, carny rides have been in disney since it opened.


New Member
Originally posted by Chad
I always laugh when someone says "Disney doesn't never uses off the shelf rides with some extra decorations.." I ALWAYS laugh..Noone says ANYTHING about the teacups, about the carousel..or about the dark rides (like peter pan and snow white..) Which are rides you can find at ANY local carnival, just dresssed up a bit better. People don't mention this because they were built under the supervision of Walt..But when Eisner builds something like this, HEAVENS NO! It's suddenly a sin..Come on guys, its no big deal, carny rides have been in disney since it opened.

I agree, but all of those rides you mentioned are in the same place-Fantasyland- which is designed to look like a carnival-type section, much like Dino-Rama is.


New Member
Actually you've got em' switched. Dino Rama is supposed to look like a carny section Fantasy Land is supposed to look like, well..a Fantasy land..Like you just walked into a storybook.


New Member
No, Fantasy land is fine. I'm just trying to make a point. Whatever Disney Did, is fine, but if Eisner does something similar, we are all chomping at the bit to attack him. It bothers me.

All though, Fantasyland definetly needs some help..Peter Pan and Snow White are awful..They need SFX updates


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err another 2 weeks before I will be going back to the parks AHH Im going through withdrawl.... Quick someone put me in line, someone stamp my hand AHHHHHH :)


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I've seen the Fantsyland comparison 100 times Chad. It's what always comes up, and I agree the careosel and the teacups are off the shelf rides as well, but there's a big difference to me, the original fantasyland is almost 50 years old, long before technology had a lot of other possibilities. While the other resorts Fantasyland's may not be as old, they are designed to replacate the idea of the original park.

Nobody is saying Disney has never used off the shelf rides, but after Fantasyland, 50 years has almost gone by, until they did choose to start doing it again. Now we have plenty at DCA, Aladdin at MK and WDS, Dinorrama at AK.

Also stock did fall last week, sure not a drastic change, and probably very little to do with Dinorama, but I still say Disney has lowered the bar.

However I do beleive Mission Space will be awesome.


Well-Known Member
I have NO problem with them releasing "off the shelf" rides...its a good filler between their MAJOR additions (ToT, RnR, M:S)...would you rather have them waste their budget on making more "original" which case they would be less frequent, or would you rather have them add some nicely themed "carny" rides in between major E tickets?


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by NowInc
....or would you rather have them add some nicely themed "carny" rides in between major E tickets?

*Bites Tounge.....HARD!!!:zipit: :zipit:* ;)


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Personally, I'd rather wait and have them do unique attractions. I can go on themeless rides anywhere. Disney used to be about quality.

It's kind of like do you want a box of Kraft macaroni for dinner, just because it can be ready in 10 minutes, or would you rather wait for a delicious home made meal? I guess it depends on how hungry you are, LOL

Nothing at all wrong with off the shelf rides, wouldn't Rock N Roller be one? I mean there is nothing unique about the launch system and coaster track, but Disney built a buidling around it and themed it faboulous, that's the difference. Space Mountain would be another example. Almost everything starts as an off the shelf ride, like all the Fantasyland attractions, but Disney did some pretty super theming to them, much better then I've seen any carnival do.

But back to the original point, I was more impressed with Primevil Whirl then I thought I would be, and it's much better then what they did over at DIsney's California Adventure with Mullholand Madness.

I'd rather have seen the jubilee and the fossil lab stay though, that's more of a dinosour feel then Dinorama is. But the public spoke, and demanded more attractions, so Disney did what they had to.


Well-Known Member
with all due respect for the company, there are still ample highly themed projects with insane budgets on the tables at this point. The problem with Animal Kingdom was, of course, time. They were not going to build some $50 million addition to animal kingdom. They were not going to build Excavator. I'm sorry, it just wasn't going to happen. Disney had no plans of major expansion at that exact point (fall 2000, when they decided to build Dino Rama). Remember, at that point, Mission: SPACE was just getting underway...disney by no means wanted to tackle two massive projects at once with three new theme parks also in the works. But now, those three theme parks are open, and for all intents and purposes, Mission: SPACE is completed. Now they can center in on the next major expansion--Beastlie. My point is: it would have been 2004 until we saw Beastlie open regardless. People were simply unwilling to have 5 years go in between attractions opening at a park. So disney built an (pardon my phrasing...but this IS a Fastpass attraction) E-ride. This will see waits like any other E-ride, so I suppose it's legit...also, allow me to pontificate a bit...rides like Pirates of the Caribbean came out very close to Disneyland's opening date, so I refuse to buy that Fantasyland has off-the-shelf-rides because no other technology was available. You know it to be a fact that WHEN a technology doesn't exist that a company would really like to see--they MAKE the technology themselves. Anything from Audio-Animatronics to Test Track to Mission: SPACE. That's what Imagineers are here for:)...done pontificating.


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I don't disagree with you at all on your rationality of why what happened, did happen.

I'm very excited about the possibility for the future.

I just don't think that Dino-rama was the best soulution. Primevil Whirl might have fastpass, but that does not mean the same thing as E-ticket. Fastpass only makes a wait for an attraction more efficient, it does not guarentee it to be have E-ticket standards.

Will people ride it? Sure! I'll be one of them, it was a lot of fun. But will people have a higher opinion of AK just because they had a fun 90 second attraction, that most other non Disney parks have? Probably not.

The question asked was would you rather wait 5 years for an attraction done well? Or have something that can be delivered quick.

I realize AK had it's issue to deliver something quickly, but a quick fix is not always the best long term solution. Nobody is going to book a trip to WDW, based on this alone, most people booking a trip won't even realize it's a newly added attraction until they get here and see it.

Why not work with what they had? They had a fossil lab, and the Jubilee.

Epcot, for example is rehabbing an attraction JIYI, at the same time, they continue the MIssion Space project. That's only taken them about 6 months to hope an improved atttraction will bring people in. Not to mention it's still the park that recd the latest major Eticket attraction, Test Track, and was still picked to get yet another.

I liked Primevil Whirl, more then I thought. But I don't think it will have any major influence on park attendence. It might make the guests that go a bit happier then before they had it, but it will make just as many others critical of Disney's new ways.

AK needed more attractions, there is no doubt, but it had this problem for over 2 years, and then took 2 years to deliver, which brings us to 2002.

I'm not disputing that Excavator would have been delivered by now, but Dino-rama took resources, and it did at least delay what may have been next on the table for AK. I just don't think that Dino-rama justifies what could have been started sooner. If an E-ticket is the solution, all the reason to get started, not smoescreen the problem with a carnival ride with some cardboard.

Nobody thinks oh I want a cool mouse coaster, what park should we go to? And then decides Animal Kingdom. It's simply going to be a nice surprise, that gives guests another 90 seconds of a spin (with a 30 minute wait or so to analize), and then walking off will wonder, "that was fun, but so what did that have to do with an Animal Kingodom?"

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