Anybody ride Primevil Whirl yet?

Mr. Toad

Active Member
I think you both make some good points. The Animal Kingdom is more than a zoo and I love wandering around the park. It is a different experience than a zoo, the over all themes in the lands alone set it apart from the zoo experience. I don't think Disney was really trying to make a Disney Zoo when they built it.

However, as innovative as the animal exhibits are, there are zoos that are building or have built similar exhibits. The Bronx Zoo recently opened Congo Gorilla Forest. I have not visited it but from what the website shows it looks impressive. I wouldn't be surprised if they modelled it after the Pangani Forest Exploration Trail. The Atlanta Zoo also has a very nice Gorilla exhibit. It is not as nice as AK (from a human's perspective - didn't ask the gorillas) but it is divided into four areas (the gorillas are separated into family groups as I recall) and the gorillas can roam anywhere they want in their area. They have similar exhibits for other animals too. Sometimes we would go to an area and the animals would be completely out of site and if you wanted to see them then you waited for them to decide to come to that area. They also had zoo employees at the main viewing areas to answer questions about the animals. Disney seems to have become a model for major zoos on how to "do it right".

I think that as Animal Kingdom expands it will need to keep a balance between rides and animal exhibits. This is why I think the addition of Dino-Rama was probably a good thing. I don't know if I am particularly sold on the designs. Part of me thinks they look a bit cheap for Disney but another part of me thinks they may come off as being silly and cute. I will remain open minded until I see it in person.

As for the train ride, well I love trains but it would be nice if it didn't drop you off somewhere that the only way out is to take the train back. That was a little frustrating. And it isn't that unique either. The Atlanta Zoo has a steam train (not sure what you see from it) and the Turtleback Zoo (a small zoo here in NJ) used to have a train but I think the zoo is closed now.

As for nighttime stuff at AK, it would not surprise me if someday they do this. Right now there is not enough to do at AK to open it at night. This would require more rides and if Beastly Kingdom is ever built then they may have what they need. I have been in the park at night (a conference event) and it has really beautiful lighting. Add a few more big name rides and another full service restaurant (this one owned by Disney) and they may very well decide to keep it open all day. If they do build an awesome coaster or some other major thrill ride they may need to keep it open at night to handle the crowds. The other parks may be available at night but if you bought a day pass for AK you can't get in them.

Mr. Toad

Active Member
Oh yeah, and to answer the original question, no I haven't ridden Primeval Whirl yet but I am looking forward to doing so in May.


New Member
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Mr. Toad brings up some excelent points.

I totally 100% agree that some of the exibits in the park are available at your local zoo, I've said that with examples such as Discovery trails, Conservation Station, Pochahontis or Flights of Wonder.

However what makes Animal Kingdom more then your local zoo is the extras. I have never been to the zoos (or even websites) you mentioned. I am sure some places have similarities to Pangani or Maharajah trails, but they aren't at just any local zoo.

Animal Kingdom also does have E-tickets unlike your local zoo.

As for the "train" situation, it's true that if you take it, you need to take it back. That's pretty much true in any transporation system in the world. I suppose if you could walk back, the theory could better be explained, but why walk back (not that you can, I'm just saying if you could). The train is not set up like in Magic Kingdom, where it's a transporation system from land to land. It's set up more like the rafts that take you to Tom Sawyer Island. I've never heard a complaint about having to take the rafts back, just because you have to. There is no reason to duplicate a railraod system as a transportation means in Animal Kingdom, that idea was already done at Magic Kingdom.

That's pretty much my point, why duplicate ideas that have already been done?

I still don't think it was ever Disney's intent to keep the park open late at night. Sure they could, they just don't have a reason to. Unlike other zoos or animal parks, Disney has the advantage of Animal Kingdom being only one of 4 major parks on it's resort. They have 19 hotels & Downtown Disney to keep you entertained at night. Sea World (just one example) is desperate to keep you in, so they try stuff like this, but only because they don't have another park to send you to.

So I again will say, yes it's good for Animal Kingdom to expand, but not at the expense of losing it's roots. The major "rides" they had fit in well, a safari ride shows you the animals of Africa. Kali River Rapids teaches about preservation of land (ok not directly related to animals, but indirectly majorly connected). It's Tough To Be A Bug shows the Disney side of entertainment in the park, it teaches about the bug's world, while adding some humor and Disney entertainment. Dinosour (formerly CTX, which never should have been changed), is pure fantasy, but it fits in Dinoland. After all since the creatures are extinct, they can't actually do a Safari. But what in the world did I learn from Primevil Whirl? I felt like I was at a carnival. Dino cardboard does not teach me of the beatutiful prehistoric world they lived in. The attraction Dinosaur does make an attempt, while telling a classic Disney story.

Analize all you want, but Dino-rama was the park's "cheap" attempt to fix a problem. Most cheap attempts never succeed, they just suck up money that could have been better speant.

Will I ride? Well sure it's there and I paid my admission, but do I think Disney did a good thing? Sorry.... no I don't.


New Member
nighttime events...

It's funny that we are beginning to bring up nighttime events, and noone has mentioned the simple explanation I always give if anyone asks why it closes so early : I was under the impression that the animals needed sleep!

I may be totally off base here, but I thought that a majority of the animals were keenly aware of humans being in the park and if Disney were to keep the park open longer into the night it would cause problems with the animals' natural cycles, preventing them from getting enough sleep. I know this might sound silly, but there are many species that require more sleep than humans at 8 hours a night (or whatever it is - I think 8 hours for younger folk is crap, they need more sleep - but hey, I don't have M.D. after my name so this is pure opinion)

Like I said, I'm not sure whether I read this or it was just my logical assumption - lots of times I have trouble differentiating between the two on older issues - but I think either way it brings back a point that we need to all keep in mind. I would rather have smaller, less noisy attractions and fewer operating hours than harm any of those animals in the name of profit.


Well-Known Member
many people are not interested in animals. Regardless of that, the park NEEDS to make money and you cannot MAKE people like animals. If you are not a nature buff or have no interest in animals, you will not like Conservation Station. That is simply the way it is. If you don't believe that Animal Kingdom is a "half-day park", you need to start visiting the park at the end of the day and seeing how many guests are there. Disney realizes that there are not enough attractions--a reason why the park originally was open 7 am to 7 pm and is now open 9 am to 5 pm. By the way, if you think Chester and Hester's opened shop in 1998, you are missing the story. That would be like saying The Hollywood Tower Hotel opened in 1994.


New Member
Original Poster
You are absolutelty correct, it was brought up in this thread before, (but it's getting pretty long)

Firworks (or whatever) would scare the heck out of the animals, the park is located far enough away for any of the activites at Disney MGM studios, Epcot, or Magic Kingdom. to affect them.

That's exactly why I doubt we will ever see a nighttime show at Animal Kingdom, simply no reason to deal with the animal situation, when all the other parks already offer nighttime activities.


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by DogsRule!
many people are not interested in animals. Regardless of that, the park NEEDS to make money and you cannot MAKE people like animals. If you are not a nature buff or have no interest in animals, you will not like Conservation Station. That is simply the way it is. If you don't believe that Animal Kingdom is a "half-day park", you need to start visiting the park at the end of the day and seeing how many guests are there. Disney realizes that there are not enough attractions--a reason why the park originally was open 7 am to 7 pm and is now open 9 am to 5 pm. By the way, if you think Chester and Hester's opened shop in 1998, you are missing the story. That would be like saying The Hollywood Tower Hotel opened in 1994.

LOL, I am at the park about once a week, every time I'm there at 2-3 it's still packed, the parade helped the situation tremendously.

I agree that most people are not nature buffs and bore quickly with things like conservation station. It's really sad to me that people come to the animal park to look for rides.

But the park hour switch had to do with toursim trends, not a unique problem with Animal Kingdom, all park hours were reduced. They are in fact extended right now till 6:00 (from the normal 5:00 closoing)

So what is the story of Chester and Hester, I understand the story of TOT fine, it was a TV show, hosted by Rod Serling, the hotel had a "Twilight zone" affect the elevator, and guests were sudden;y missing.

I don't know much about Chester and Hester though. Did I miss some TV show they are supposed to be from? All I know is they opened a shop in Dinoland in 1998.

Mr. Toad

Active Member
At the conference event I went to they did have a pyrotechnics display but I think it was all ground based stuff. They were also running Tarzan Rocks (which seemed loud) and had a band playing (also loud). They could always go with a parade like Spectromagic. As for people being near disturbing the animals - why is this not a problem at the Animal Kingdom Lodge where the animals are actually out at night?

Personally, I would rather have AK stay mostly animals with the rides being like Kilamanjaro Safaris. Don't get me wrong, I love Kali River Rapids and Dinosaur but I want the park to stay more animal focused. But they do have to get people in the gate and make money so I think they will need to add more traditional rides if they want to keep adding animal attractions. Hopefully they will put most of them in Beastly Kingdom so those of us that want to see the animals won't have to deal with the crowds as much.

As for the train, I hadn't thought of it like the rafts to Tom Sawyer Island but now I see your point. I guess I just didn't think Conservation Station was worth the wait for the train. Tom Sawyer Island is worth the wait for the raft for me. Also, for some strange reason trains just seem like they should be transportation as well as an attraction to me.


New Member
Chester and Hester are not based on any TV show or anything.

Like most attractions and stories told in areas outside of Fantasyland. They are original stories.

If you want to learn the story of Chester and Hester you find it yourself by looking and reading everything you can in Dinoland.

But here is a summary.

Chester and Hester, owned a ride side gas station. Some Dino-bones are discovered nearby.

The area, is then taken over and and a dig site, set up by the Dino-Institute and the Grand Students and professors brought in to handle the dig. Chester and Hester, not to be out done expands the gas station, and starts selling all sort of Dinosaur related gifts and trinkets to the people coming to the Institute.

The Grad Students, live in Resturantasaurs. The Dino Institute eventual makes enough money and creates the Time Rover, and offers paid tours back to "Dino-Time", the ride now known as Dinosaur.

Seeing that the Time Rover tour are making so much money, Chester builds Dino-Rama, as a roadside attraction, to try and get people to spend money with him instead of the institute.


New Member
Conservation station will be worth the ride, once they add the Soarin' Ride :) (crosses fingers)

Anyways, I've practically given up on this post.

Some closing thoughts before I go back to my imagineering boards and hide..

-Dino-Rama is not a bad thing. Most people so far have enjoyed it, and more will enjoy it as it opens publically.
-DinoLand U.S.A. Does need some sort of educational area. Perhaps making the dino exlporation trail a bit more..educational with more exhibits and such would help even the balance between Rides and Educational attractions
-Dino Rama is just a filler for beastly kingdom, sort of like an appetizer. The main course will be brought out eventually.
-Nighttime show..Thats another discussion. I'll let that one sleep, I'm to tired, and I have to work.. :)

I think those above things are things I believe we can agree on..


New Member
Original Poster
I understand the story, of Chester and Hester, as far as Animal Kingdom is concened.

The park added charecters for a shop. Sure there are plaques around, but most of the story is made up by us the guests that try to rationaize who they are.

They aren't classic charecters like Snow White, Ariel, or Cruella De Vil! If the guests have to invent the story to explain their exisitence, it pretty much defeats the purpose.

As to the comparison of Tom Sawyer Island and Conservation station, I hold them equal in value. I guess many get bored learning about animals in an animal park, but just as many get bored looking at forts and caves on the island. I love Tom's Island, spent the entire morning there just the other day, but it's at the Magic Kingdom. I can spend just as much time if not more at Conservation Station, at an animal park, I like to learn about animals!


After all the debate over Animal Kingdom and Dino-Rama, this is going to seem trivial. Do the 'clock hands' and 'twilight zone looking swirls', etc. move?! Do they spin?!


Well-Known Member
Yes, objects move and spin. As for the Animal Kingdom hours being shortened, it was NOT due to the cuts post sept 11th. The park was open 7 to 7. About a year after park opening, in 1999, hours went back to 8 to 6. There was simply not enough to do there for twelve hours.

Mr. Toad

Active Member
It's amazing how sometimes you read and read about something from various sources and then suddenly one day it just clicks. I feel so stupid! I finally get the joke of Primeval Whirl's design. I actually like the idea now.


New Member
So according to you all new attractions have to based on the standard array of Disney Characters. Somehow and new areas or attractions not based on them are not either equal are deserving of recognition.

I would like to know what Disney film any of the original, Non-Fantasyland, attractions were based on.

You can't, they are all completely original, none of them were based on an existing work.

The first, Film based attraction added outside of Fantasyland, was Star Tours, next after the was Splash Mountain.

It is only a recent development, and then only used at sparingly, that attractions have some sort of pre-existing tie in.


New Member

It makes you a little dizzy but not to bad. It only spins probably a little less than half of the ride. I think the spinning enhances the ride though. I am not big on spinning rides but this one did not bother me.


New Member
If you want it to spin alot, try and find a rather "Large
peson to ride with.

If you can't manage that, be sure to put the 2 largest people on one side, and the two smallest people on the other.

That will cuase it to spin the most.

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