Anybody have a pin collection?


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I just started after the first time I rode EE and got the special lanyard and collectors pin. Now it's become a habit to check out all the pin shops around the parks.. I now have a pin for EE, Mission Space, Space Mountian, Thunder Mountian, Haunted Mansion, Rock'N'Roller Coaster, and the 50th Aniversary pin. I guess this concludes my adventure into Disney geekdom? :lol:


Active Member
Yeah we get about 3 every time we go. I also try and get limited edition ones like the 'own part of the park' one where it has parts of the rides... so far i have 10 of those and about 30 pins


Well-Known Member
I've got 2 lanyards filled with pins and am working on my third! Its can be an addicting hobby. I usually get at least 3 new pins each trip and I just received the Everest collectors pin as a gift from a friend. :D

My kids have theme is Minnie Mouse the other is Little Mermaid pins. I usually just get whatever strikes my fancy. I don't do the trading, but my youngest does and has picked up some great ones.


Well-Known Member
We collect the limited edition ones, or ones that we really like, last time we got a Beauty and the Beast V-Day one, and a EPCOT CENTER one from the Dave Smith Collection
I have started a pin collection; I currently have about 25 pins, but I also believe that most of those pins that are sold in the parks are extremely overpriced. However, the pin trading and collecting is an "art" at Disney and it is always interesting to see people with like a thousand pins walking throught the parks.

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Well-Known Member
I don't even want to know how many pins I have. It's that bad.

In any case, wait till you get into actual pin trading with cast members and you start keeping an eye out for cast lanyard pins. That is one very slippery slope to get on to.




Active Member
I remember when pin collecting first started I was at WDW and I was like "how dumb, I am never doing that." Well open mouth insert foot because fast forward to the present and I have three lanyards full of pins. I remember when I bought my first few pins. I wasn't buying them to start a collection, just because I thought they were cute. And then I was like "okay a few more" and now every time we go I buy at least 4-5. I always buy the annual passholder pin too.
I don't buy them for limited additions or anything. I just collect the ones I think are cute. No real rhyme or reason to it. It's very addicting.


Well-Known Member
ebay is a good place to look for pins also. You can get some of them cheaper, get retired ones and some cast pins.

Wish they would have a nice collection in the Disney Stores like they used to. :(


Premium Member
I have one lanyard that is full. I can't fit anymore on it so next time I guess I'll have to start filling my Everest lanyard.

I don't wear them around because I have so many they are super heavy.


Well-Known Member
My mom and I have about 200-250 pins between the two of us.

I never thought I'd collect pins. But I bought a Tinker Bell pin. Then the Blue Fairy. Then it was Merryweather. Then I made my dad buy me Flora and Fauna so I'd have all three good fairies. That was in February 2003.


New Member
Heck Yes

I love pin collections. i have about 30 or so. Pins are starting to get pricey if i do say so myself. But yeah, there are some really neat pins out.:sohappy:


New Member
I do!

Yes. I have a small pin collection. (about 15 pins) I only get the ones that I really, really like!
(and I just bought my first pin while not at WDW; from Ebay, I got a HM 'piece of Disney History' pin, and I heard that all 2500 of them sold out at WDW in only 6 hours!!)

So there must be a lot of Disney pin collectors out there.:rolleyes:

Edit: Just counted and I have 18!
I'll have 19 by Tuesday!


New Member
I started collecting pins in Sept. 1992 and stopped, cold turkey, in the early 2000's (no offense intended to current collectors, but it was the best things I ever did). All together, I've got about 5,000 of them...I've got some super-duper rare ones, like Disney's America, Westcot, and the like. Someday they're going to go on a wall in our yet-to-be-completed "Disney room," but until then, they sit in a corner, in dozens and dozens and DOZENS of Disney bags (grin).


New Member
Oh, it all started innocently enough, buying a pin here and there. Getting a few for the kids to, I don't even want to know how many we all have! :lol:

Slippery slope is a good description because it does get addictive. But, we make it part of the experience by collecting and trading. My kids love it......the only bad part is that I end up carrying/wearing everyone's lanyards by the end of the day....those get heavy after awhile! :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Heatherbell said:
I remember when pin collecting first started I was at WDW and I was like "how dumb, I am never doing that." Well open mouth insert foot because fast forward to the present and I have three lanyards full of pins. I remember when I bought my first few pins. I wasn't buying them to start a collection, just because I thought they were cute. And then I was like "okay a few more" and now every time we go I buy at least 4-5. I always buy the annual passholder pin too.
I don't buy them for limited additions or anything. I just collect the ones I think are cute. No real rhyme or reason to it. It's very addicting.
:lol: Me too. I always thought they were overpriced, and that there was nothing I could really do with them. But then when I started my college program, one of my coworkers wanted to start a pin collection, so I started with her. Now I brought one of those binders you can get at the parks, and I probably have just over half of it filled. I don't really have any theme to mine, I just get ones I like. Although, I probably should have a theme, maybe I'd buy less. :lol:

I have so many that I need to trade though. At the cast member pin parties you can get a grab bag, 10 pins for $10. I think I went to 2 parties and brought a bag both times. Well, obviously, for the most part, there not the best pins, but it is a good deal because you can trade them for better pins that would be more expensive, but I never got them all traded, so I'll have to next time I go.


New Member
I have about 20 from over the last three times I've went. I try to get ones that have to do with certain things like the year's theme or the resort I'm at or rides that were really fun for me! I've got the Philharmagic one, a Rock n' Rollercoaster one and a Soarin one for the rides. A Lion King one from when I preordered the DVD a few years back. Timon (my favorite character!). A HCOE one, of course and some others. I really like them, I just can't afford the 100s of them. Its hard enough for me to get to Disney every year!

Here is a question that I've always wondered... do cast members HAVE to trade you if you want a pin of theirs? I had always guessed that they wore pins that they were given, and weren't theirs, so if they were traded one, they didn't really lose anything. Is this correct?

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