Safari Giraffe
New Member
Wilt Dasney said:Yep, I hear ya. I usually nibble around the edges of the nails. It doesn't hurt as long as I stick with the top layer of skin, but I inevitably end up going a little too far and drawing blood (wow, how gross is this?) I'll stop for a while and feel so proud because my fingers look so nice, and then before I know it, it's back to looking like I let puppies and babies teeth on me for money. It makes my mom so mad when she sees me. We definitely need a treatment group. :lol:
Let's not even get started on my Mom's reaction to all this!!!! It is even more important for me to have nice hands because I am a female and we are expected to have nice dainty hands. It probably would help with my job too as open wounds are an entry way for bacteria and germs. I have many times drawn blood.
I can honestly say that my fingers/hands always look good in Disney because I am away from the "everyday life" and enjoying myself (stress-free). But we can't stay in Disney forever. I would like to start a treatment group. What should we call our little group?
I'm kinda glad I am not the only one who suffers from this terrible affliction.