Another death on M:S


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I was just watching my local news where they announced that a 49 year old woman died after riding M:S. They didn't have a lot of information, but they said she was rushed to a local hospital where she later died. They didn't say a cause of death but they did say that M:S was closed until further investigation. :zipit:

My opinion:
I'm sure this woman knew she had some type of illness that could have been aggrivated by riding an intense ride like M:S. M:S is a very intense ride and there continues to be deaths in such a short period and I think that if this continues, they may be forced to close it permanently.

Here is what my news' website posted:
MIAMI (AP) -- A 49-year-old woman died Wednesday, a day after becoming ill after riding "Mission: Space" at Epcot, a ride so intense that it has motion sickness bags and several riders have been treated for chest pain.
The woman became ill after riding the rocketship ride Tuesday afternoon and was transported to Celebration Hospital, where her condition worsened and she died Wednesday, Walt Disney World spokeswoman Kim Prunty said in a statement.
The woman's identity and hometown were not immediately released, and Prunty said no additional information would be released Wednesday night.
A spokeswoman for the hospital said she had no information about the woman available.
The state Bureau of Fair Rides Inspection has been notified and will monitor an inspection of the ride, Disney officials said.
"We have closed the attraction to reconfirm proper operation of the ride," Prunty said.
One warning sign posted in 2004 in front of the ride read: "For safety you should be in good health, and free from high blood pressure, heart, back or neck problems, motion sickness or other conditions that can be aggravated by this adventure."
The $100 million Epcot space ride, one of Disney World's most popular, was closed in June after the death of a 4-year-old Pennsylvania boy but reopened after company engineers concluded it was operating normally. It spins riders in a centrifuge that subjects them to twice the normal force of gravity, and is so intense that some riders have been taken to the hospital with chest pain.
Daudi Bamuwamye Sellersville, Pa., did not meet the ride's minimum 44-inch height limit, according to the Orange County Sheriff's Office.
An autopsy concluded that the boy succumbed to an irregular heartbeat linked to natural causes. People with the condition -- idiopathic myocardial hypertrophy with fibroelastosis of the left ventricle -- are at risk for sudden death throughout their lives, especially in physically or emotionally stressful situations, medical examiner Dr. Jan Garavaglia wrote.


New Member
i hate to seem like im blaming it on someone that has passes away, but if it turns out to be an illness that this person had prior to the ride, its there fault. I mean there are plenty of times to get out of the ride and i think even too many warnings.

Dr Albert Falls

New Member
Splitdrums81, that is a very naive thing to say.

The 4-year-old who died last year, Daudi Bamuwayme, had a medical condition that was practically IMPOSSIBLE to detect prior to death. People simply aren't screened for such conditions during regular checkups. (Oh yeah, and the article was wrong, Daudi did meet the ride's height requirement)

My guess, like yours, is that this death was caused by a pre-existing medical condition. But it is totally irresponsible to "blame" the victim. You or I could have a similar, undetected medical condition and drop dead tomorrow. That doesn't make it our fault.


Well-Known Member
disneymonger said:
My opinion:
I'm sure this woman knew she had some type of illness that could have been aggrivated by riding an intense ride like M:S.
So - she committed suicide :confused: :mad:

This just has to be yet another tragic accident. Thoughts go to her family


New Member
And people are mass produced, so there are bound to be some of us born with little manufacturing defects.

My thoughts go out to the family, it is very sad to lose somone in the prime of life.


New Member
I have never ridden Mission Space (and based on the warnings never would as I KNOW it would mess me up), but my thought is that if this is a ride KNOWN to cause chest pain, vomitting, and possibly heart attacks or death, then maybe it SHOULD be closed or at the least modified.

Sometimes things are made by mankind that contribute to hastening mother nature in a bad way. Accident? Yes. Could it have been prevented? Who knows? .... but the ride is known to cause problems and needs to be reviewed for safety IMO.


New Member
>"We have closed the attraction to reconfirm proper operation of the ride," Prunty said.

Interesting comment. I don't think the ride operating improperly is the issue. The ride has so many warnings that one lady in my "Crew" said that if Gary Sinise warned her one more time she was bailing. Gary never says "this ride may operate improperly and injure you." The warnings are given all based on the normal operation of the ride.

The thing about roller coasters is that you can see them beforehand. With M:S you don't really know what you're getting until you're on it.


Well-Known Member
I love the attraction and the Disney company...but...there comes a time when you have to take a step back and realize that you DO have some responsibility. You posted those stats about deaths from Mission:Space, and how you are more likely to die by getting struck by lightning rather than Mission:Space...but look at it from a broader perspective. How many people have suffered from chest pains or illness from the attraction? Does this same stat apply to the WDW Transportation system? Do as many people get chest pains and suffer from ill feelings after they get off of the Transportation system? Sure, the extremes apply, but if people are getting chest pains, just because they didn't die doesn't mean that it didn't affect their heart!

C'mon people, I know that you guys love Disney and everything, but if this were to happen at a 6 Flags park, you know you'd be singing a different tune.

Like I said, I'm Pro-Disney and even Pro-Mission:Space...but there is a point when you need to reconsider things.


New Member
aww not again, i hate it when things like this happen on M:S, not just because its my favorite ride (at the moment,i havent been on EE YET:animwink: ).ime sorry to say that it is more often than not the persons fault for not reading the warnings.but, in the rare occurence when it cant be seen to be a threat like with the poor 4 year old ,these still arent disneys fault nor are they the persons, it was in that case a tragic accident as was, it sounds like this 1. with regards too closing the ride indefinatly,they cant do that!,its 1 of the most poular ride at disney today,but having said if they do have to 'modify' any more then it will become too much like a simulator similar to star tours. and then i fear they may have to close it down due to lack of people goin on it and it being too expensive to run. ime not blaming anyone with this i am just saying that it is more often riders effor,not that this is.


Well-Known Member
WDWFREAK53 said:
I love the attraction and the Disney company...but...there comes a time when you have to take a step back and realize that you DO have some responsibility. You posted those stats about deaths from Mission:Space, and how you are more likely to die by getting struck by lightning rather than Mission:Space...but look at it from a broader perspective. How many people have suffered from chest pains or illness from the attraction? Does this same stat apply to the WDW Transportation system? Do as many people get chest pains and suffer from ill feelings after they get off of the Transportation system? Sure, the extremes apply, but if people are getting chest pains, just because they didn't die doesn't mean that it didn't affect their heart!

C'mon people, I know that you guys love Disney and everything, but if this were to happen at a 6 Flags park, you know you'd be singing a different tune.

Like I said, I'm Pro-Disney and even Pro-Mission:Space...but there is a point when you need to reconsider things.
I see your point Brian, but at what point does Disney step in and do something? The link that Mad posted said 143 in 8,600,000 riders needed medical attention (that's .0016%).

As for the Six Flags comment, I wouldn't doubt that would happen here. Being a Disney board, you know that people here, for the most part, are protective of all that is Disney. However, even at Six Flags or other parks, these things are rarely the fault of the attraction. Undiagnosed medical conditions can lie dormant or undected in all of us, waiting for the right combination of things to trigger a problem. The article Mad linked also eluded to pre-existing conditions being present. Unlike the 4 year old boy, this woman possiblly should have known that she should not have ridden the ride.

Finally, I wouldn't be surprised if Disney does take some sort of action with the ride. I don't think they will permanently shut it down (those that are calling for that have probably never liked M:S from the outset), but I think something will be done.


Well-Known Member
Scott...143 of 8.6 million have seeked medical attention...that doesn't mean that only 143 people NEEDED medical attention or didn't feel sick or have chest pains. That number seems rather low for them to install motion-sickness bags. For instance, my family (who loves rides of all types), went on it...and 3 of the 4 of them came off of it not feeling right. These are the same people who spin the teacups as fast as they can, do all the biggest rollercoasters, and can't get enough of a thrill. I love the attraction, I just think, in an attraction like this, some things need to be done. What needs to be done...I don't know. Does this death mean the right thing to do is close it down? You really can't tone it down because then you venture away from the realism of it. Maybe waivers should be taken into consideration. I know it would really take away from the magic of it, but something definitely needs to be done (and, about the waivers, I'm definitely not for it...just tossing out suggestions).


Well-Known Member
splitdrums81 said:
i hate to seem like im blaming it on someone that has passes away, but if it turns out to be an illness that this person had prior to the ride, its there fault. I mean there are plenty of times to get out of the ride and i think even too many warnings.

Agreed. It's not Disneys fault. Its no ones really. They might not have known they had that problem. My brother-in-law went on with me and he has severe motion sickness. I told him he was an idiot and he deserved to get ill after he got off the ride. haha It actually just make him a bit nauseated. I have always been afraid of coasters and thrill rides. I went on Soarin, M:S, ToT, and RnRC. I did fine. Didn't get sick at all.


Well-Known Member
I too can get motion sickness but I still went on the ride and loved it. I have no complaints. If i were to get sick then its my own fault. But luckily I dont get sick not yet anyways i just feel really dizzy for an hour.


Well-Known Member
WDWFREAK53 said:
Scott...143 of 8.6 million have seeked medical attention...that doesn't mean that only 143 people NEEDED medical attention or didn't feel sick or have chest pains. That number seems rather low for them to install motion-sickness bags. For instance, my family (who loves rides of all types), went on it...and 3 of the 4 of them came off of it not feeling right. These are the same people who spin the teacups as fast as they can, do all the biggest rollercoasters, and can't get enough of a thrill. I love the attraction, I just think, in an attraction like this, some things need to be done. What needs to be done...I don't know. Does this death mean the right thing to do is close it down? You really can't tone it down because then you venture away from the realism of it. Maybe waivers should be taken into consideration. I know it would really take away from the magic of it, but something definitely needs to be done (and, about the waivers, I'm definitely not for it...just tossing out suggestions).
A girl came off ToT last year feeling sick and ended up in really bad shape. A lady died on a MK attraction in the last year or so (fairly sure it was PotC). Now, how many people feel sick after those two? We don't know. But I bet there's more than you think! Should those rides be shut down?

I understand your point, but I'm afraid that it would only be a starting point for a slippery slope. People die everyday in traffic accidents. Should Ford have to stop making cars? I know that seems far-fetched, but it uses very similar logic. Even better, air bags have saved many more lives than the number that have been hurt. Should the manufacturers be forced to stop production? They haven't been. They added warnings and have used measures to inform. That's what all the warning signs, videos and audio loops do.

Disney should NOT be held responsible for the mistakes (intentional or not) of everyone.


Well-Known Member
WDWFREAK53 said:
Scott...143 of 8.6 million have seeked medical attention...that doesn't mean that only 143 people NEEDED medical attention or didn't feel sick or have chest pains. That number seems rather low for them to install motion-sickness bags. For instance, my family (who loves rides of all types), went on it...and 3 of the 4 of them came off of it not feeling right. These are the same people who spin the teacups as fast as they can, do all the biggest rollercoasters, and can't get enough of a thrill. I love the attraction, I just think, in an attraction like this, some things need to be done. What needs to be done...I don't know. Does this death mean the right thing to do is close it down? You really can't tone it down because then you venture away from the realism of it. Maybe waivers should be taken into consideration. I know it would really take away from the magic of it, but something definitely needs to be done (and, about the waivers, I'm definitely not for it...just tossing out suggestions).
And here's one of the oddities of this ride--I can't ride the teacups, I can't ride things that go in a circle, I can't ride rollercoasters that twist and flip you inside out, but I can ride M:S.

And Brian, I agree with you--something needs to be done and we agree that we don't know what can or should be done.

As for more than 143 feeling sick, I agree there too; otherwise, I don't think we would have seen the motion sickness bags. But I guarantee you there are people getting sick on other rides and in other parks too, so other attractions need to be considered in making people sick, just not needing medical attention.


New Member
I went on Mission Space and I didn't feel great afterwards but it's a great ride!.I think both incidents were a tragic accident.just what i think though:)


Well-Known Member
So sad for the woman and her family.

As for M:S, it's one of my favorites - and we were disappointed that it felt 'tuned down' after previews. I don't know if it actually was or not. However, regarding the Gs, are they more than someone might feel in one of those barrell rides in Six Flags Parks where the floor drops and your pasted to the wall?

Regarding looking at the attraction, I think that's a dicy one. How many times has more than 1 person died on other Disney attractions in such short time? For the most part, haven't other Disney deaths been linked either to passenger error, ride malfunctions, or CM error (except for last summer's spate of deaths)?

It may well be the ride itself isn't the cause, but what if there is an attraction that has a tendency to wreak havoc with previously unkown conditions? As much as I love M:S, that might be a question WDW has to ask about the attraction and then consider whether any changes can be made. Disney shouldn't be a place where unknown heart or cerebral ailments are diagnosed through autopsy. . .

At any rate, I know people smarter than I will look at the issues, but those are my thoughts.


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