Another CM arrested


Active Member

That popup if clicked on instals a nasty spyware removal tool that is malware also. Its a pain in the but to remove.

That popup was fake.

I think this is happening more because of the ahrd time they are having finding employees.
Just think of it this way: They're finding the bad apples sooner and quicker now than ever (I think).
This way, there'd be less sickos and more sane people at the parks. :)


This makes me sick, but it also breaks my heart to know there are such sick and evil people. Of course, Disney, like every other employer does everything they can to thoroughly screen every prospective employee. These people are just very, very good at hiding their true nature.


New Member
Is that his employee pic? If thats his book in pic the SOB is SMILING! :fork:

Look I'm in Law Enforcement and too a small degree have become used to ALOT of stuff but this type of crime just never gets easier to handle. But it was posted earlier, we fight the good fight, but the Judge's keep letting them out! In Indiana you WILL do more time for Check Deception then this type of crime. Unfortunately seems our hands are more tied now then ever!:veryconfu


New Member
Is that his employee pic? If thats his book in pic the SOB is SMILING! :fork:

Look I'm in Law Enforcement and too a small degree have become used to ALOT of stuff but this type of crime just never gets easier to handle. But it was posted earlier, we fight the good fight, but the Judge's keep letting them out! In Indiana you WILL do more time for Check Deception then this type of crime. Unfortunately seems our hands are more tied now then ever!:veryconfu

i think its his employee pic


New Member

I know this guy too! I would talk to him via IM around 8 years ago along with WDW Magic's Steve and one other nice fellow. He was just an Internet friend who loved Disney (lived in Jacksonville at the time). He even came to my wedding! I knew that he had moved to the Orlando area but did not know that he was a fellow CM. I lost touch with him after I became pregnant with my 1st child. I guess its a good thing that we lost touch. I cannot imagine how I would have lived with myself if I had kept in touch and had let him near my children then found out about his arrest! I guess we grow apart from people for a reason!


Active Member
I'm just glad they caught the guy if he's really guilty, understanding that he hasn't had his trial yet. It doesn't matter to me where he worked, people who exploit children are everywhere in our society in every walk of life, I understand that fact. Unfortunately, I have one that has moved in across the street, a convicted child molester. I found him on our state police website that IDs these people that have been caught. I watch his house constantly, it disturbs me that I have to do this but I want to keep my two young daughters safe. There was another guy in my neighborhood who was coaching kids sports who was IDed by a mother who recognized him from the website, he had already been convicted and was supposed to stay away from kids. Soon after it hit the local newspaper someone burned his house down, scary stuff. I had a guy who worked for me a few years ago get busted for child ography, it was a shock. I thought the guy was a little weird, but would never have suspected that of him. He was living with a girlfriend who had young children, and she came across some pictures he had hidden and called the cops. I don't know if the pics were her kids or someone elses. The thing that really bothers me is for everyone they catch, how many are still out there, lurking in the shadows, occupying positions of trust and familiarity? I can't protect every child in the world, I would if I could, but I'll do my best to keep mine safe, ever watchful, ever viligent. I don't hold Disney responsible, if they haven't been convicted there is know way I know of to screen them out.


New Member
I don't think so... I doubt Disney would release it. More than likely, it's his DMV pic

yeah im pretty sure it wasnt it his DMV pic...because he didn't own a car and had to get rides from random CMs and rumor was its cause he didnt have a license


Well-Known Member
yeah im pretty sure it wasnt it his DMV pic...because he didn't own a car and had to get rides from random CMs and rumor was its cause he didnt have a license

You can get a non driver ID card from them though. He may not have had a car or he could have had a suspended license. :shrug:


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
You can get a non driver ID card from them though. He may not have had a car or he could have had a suspended license. :shrug:
He has a car and a license. Plus, Florida keeps pictures on file. Even if your license is suspended, they still keep your photo on file.

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