Annoying guests on vacation...Do you say something?

87 GN

Active Member
I try to let things go since I am on vacation, but I speak up when I am rammed in the back of the feet with a stroller which happens allot in Disney and when I have my foot ran over by scooters. I've had both happen and its not fun :mad:


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
My most memorable intervention with an idiot...

I arrived at Dinosaur to find a very short line that wasn't moving but was outside the building. At the switchback a CM had asked a guest to stop and wait there [she was shortening the extended outdoor queue], he complained that he was being separated from his family but the CM insisted and told him to just wait. The CM left. After the end of the line had passed him, he continued to wait, loudly proclaiming that he'd been told to wait so he wasn't moving. :rolleyes:

I leaned forward and equally loudly explained that the CM's intruction was to wait, but not beyond the application of common sense and, in my best military command voice, ordered him to move. He moved. A few of the people between me and him in line were very vocal thanking me after we caught up with the rest of the line [to the point where he took his family out of line and left the queue].
As a courteous smoker who is trying to quit (say a prayer for me, gang), I must say that I am disappointed that so many of you recount tales of smokers lighting up in lines or other places where they should not be. Such actions are rude and inconsiderate.

Second-hand smoke does not harm people, cause cancer, and the like. That study has been debunked time and time again. However, the fact remains that some people find the smell repulsive and plain old don't like being around it. I respect that, in the same way that I don't like having people who drink liquor in my face stinking up the air around me with burps and alcohol breath.

It seems to me to be a matter of respect.

With that said, two wrongs do not make a right. If I happened to light up in an inappropriate area, I would rather someone politely to tell me that this is not the smoking area, so would I please put my cigarette out. Without fail, I would put the cigarette out and apologize profusely to everyone around, and possibly even invite everyone in my area to get a dole whip, my treat.

If someone were to forcibly remove the cigarette from my mouth, and break it, he would get taken to the ground and then receive a couple of good kicks to the ribs, plain and simple. Someone starts a fake coughing fit, he/she will get a few extra puffs of smoke blown their way.

The difference? Those actions are INTENTIONAL. My lighting up in a non-smoking area is UNINTENTIONAL. Such rude actions, like taking my cigarette or faking coughing are made to TRY and make me look foolish, when all it will take is a polite request.

I think it would be better to try and just remember we are in WDW. It is an escape from reality. Don't let a rude guest ruin it, because if you do stupid things to them, you chance ruining your own vacation or kicked out of the park.

Just alert a CM who will surely handle the matter, as an earlier post said. That's what they get paid to do.


Active Member
It seems to me to be a matter of respect.

With that said, two wrongs do not make a right. If I happened to light up in an inappropriate area, I would rather someone politely to tell me that this is not the smoking area, so would I please put my cigarette out. Without fail, I would put the cigarette out and apologize profusely to everyone around, and possibly even invite everyone in my area to get a dole whip, my treat.

If someone were to forcibly remove the cigarette from my mouth, and break it, he would get taken to the ground and then receive a couple of good kicks to the ribs, plain and simple. Someone starts a fake coughing fit, he/she will get a few extra puffs of smoke blown their way.

The difference? Those actions are INTENTIONAL. My lighting up in a non-smoking area is UNINTENTIONAL. Such rude actions, like taking my cigarette or faking coughing are made to TRY and make me look foolish, when all it will take is a polite request.

I think it would be better to try and just remember we are in WDW. It is an escape from reality. Don't let a rude guest ruin it, because if you do stupid things to them, you chance ruining your own vacation or kicked out of the park.

Just alert a CM who will surely handle the matter, as an earlier post said. That's what they get paid to do.

But see, you're a considerate person who did something accidentally, and in that case, or in the case of other considerate smokers, I totally agree with you. However, I've had experiences, both as a CM and as a guest, with many many smokers who light up in inappropriate areas, FULLY aware that they aren't in a smoking area. They just can't be bothered to find the DSA. They have no respect for anyone else, and like you said, it's a matter of respect.

People like that will more than likely ignore a polite request to move, or scoff and tell you they'll do whatever they want... etc. Or worse. When I was a CM, I had a woman threaten to put her cigarette out on ME if I made her move to a smoking area. :rolleyes:

It's those experiences with rude smokers that tend to stick in your head, and give all smokers a bad name. But I agree that the best thing to do is to get a CM to talk to them.


Premium Member
But see, you're a considerate person who did something accidentally, and in that case, or in the case of other considerate smokers, I totally agree with you. However, I've had experiences, both as a CM and as a guest, with many many smokers who light up in inappropriate areas, FULLY aware that they aren't in a smoking area. They just can't be bothered to find the DSA. They have no respect for anyone else, and like you said, it's a matter of respect.

People like that will more than likely ignore a polite request to move, or scoff and tell you they'll do whatever they want... etc. Or worse. When I was a CM, I had a woman threaten to put her cigarette out on ME if I made her move to a smoking area. :rolleyes:

It's those experiences with rude smokers that tend to stick in your head, and give all smokers a bad name. But I agree that the best thing to do is to get a CM to talk to them.

Yep. Most of the time that I see someone smoking in a queue or in a parade route, it's some 17-19 year old punk with all his/her punk friends who hates the world and wants nothing more than to make the people are him/her suffer. Either that or it's one of those redneck-type people who feels they are entitled to defy all authority because they "just paid $72 to get into this here Disney Kingdom and ain't nobody gonna tell them what they can or can't do!"

In fact, I don't think I've ever seen a regular, civilized, courteous person smoking in an undesignated area by mistake.


Well-Known Member
How on earth could you "accidently" light up in a non smoking area? Common sense tells you that if there aren't ash trays within 10 feet, it's not a smoking area.

And most people that I've seen walking around smoking don't look like they did it on accident.


Well-Known Member
As a courteous smoker who is trying to quit (say a prayer for me, gang), I must say that I am disappointed that so many of you recount tales of smokers lighting up in lines or other places where they should not be. Such actions are rude and inconsiderate.

Second-hand smoke does not harm people, cause cancer, and the like. That study has been debunked time and time again. However, the fact remains that some people find the smell repulsive and plain old don't like being around it. I respect that, in the same way that I don't like having people who drink liquor in my face stinking up the air around me with burps and alcohol breath.

It seems to me to be a matter of respect.

With that said, two wrongs do not make a right. If I happened to light up in an inappropriate area, I would rather someone politely to tell me that this is not the smoking area, so would I please put my cigarette out. Without fail, I would put the cigarette out and apologize profusely to everyone around, and possibly even invite everyone in my area to get a dole whip, my treat.

If someone were to forcibly remove the cigarette from my mouth, and break it, he would get taken to the ground and then receive a couple of good kicks to the ribs, plain and simple. Someone starts a fake coughing fit, he/she will get a few extra puffs of smoke blown their way.

The difference? Those actions are INTENTIONAL. My lighting up in a non-smoking area is UNINTENTIONAL. Such rude actions, like taking my cigarette or faking coughing are made to TRY and make me look foolish, when all it will take is a polite request.

I think it would be better to try and just remember we are in WDW. It is an escape from reality. Don't let a rude guest ruin it, because if you do stupid things to them, you chance ruining your own vacation or kicked out of the park.

Just alert a CM who will surely handle the matter, as an earlier post said. That's what they get paid to do.

Well, your taking someone down and kicking them in the ribs comment aside, I agree.

Maybe it's me, but I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt first. If someone is smoking I politely ask them to stop. If someone is cutting in line, I stop them and say "the end of the line is back there". If someone stops mid row in a theater, I say "could you please move down so everyone can fit in"

9 times out of 10 they do what I ask, and no feathers get ruffled. Of course I am 6' 4" 210 lbs, so that may have something to do with it as well. But I rarely need find the need to get agitated.

And for anybody that thinks they are going to physically confront someone, do you really want an assault charge on your record. Not to mention the person you think you can "take down" may very well be able to take you down.

I understand what you are saying, but quite honestly, my anger is not directed at someone who asks me to stop smoking because I am in the wrong area.

My anger would be directed at someone who takes my property (i.e., my cigarette from my mouth) and destroys it in my face. That I assure you will warrant me taking them down. I don't care how big they are or how big they think they are. They will go down.

And technically, my actions against them would be "battery" not "assault.":animwink:

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Everybody's a tough guy. It would be funny if that person you "took down" had any martial arts training.

Or is a Police Officer. We deal with tough guys all the time, but when all is said and done, they are not as tough as they think they are.


Well-Known Member
Everybody's a tough guy. It would be funny if that person you "took down" had any martial arts training.

Thats what I was thinking.

It has nothing to do with "bigness". I know of a few people, of both genders, who are quite small who have the ability to defend themselves quite well.



Ask then to move, dont have a fake coughing fit.

What about a real coughing fit? Smoke does make me cough. I typically hold my breath when I have to walk near a smoking area.

Thankfully I only saw one person in line smoking and they weren't near me so it wasn't an issue. I did end up walking behind some guy smoking on the way to the buses. It sucked so I slowed way down to get away from him. No biggie.

Back in '08, my cousin and friend and I ran into some very obnoxious, rude, and offensive tweens on the Tower of Terror. They screamed through the entire pre-ride (even when they were in line) and were swearing when we got into the elevator. Being hardcore Tower fans, we were ready when they went to take the picture. The girls were behind us, and we strategically covered their faces with some raised arms..

Their response?

Hence the username ;)

We used to encounter a lot of annoying people in line for Space Mountain at Disneyland (when we used to go all the time.) Usually it was obnoxious teens. Sometimes rude families with kids pushing into us repeatedly (even when we asked them to stop.)

We would do the exact same thing for photos. :) We got pretty good at sitting tall in our seats with our hands in the air.


We were just at WDW for a week and encountered a bunch of rude people (and incredibly stupid people.) We don't let it bother us though. Usually we just laugh with each other and make fun of them later on. Yeah, that makes us rude too...but at least they can't hear us. :)

I did want to correct some guy I heard talking about Disneyland though. Waiting for Philharmagic I heard him say to his friends "Really the only thing Disneyland has that Walt Disneyworld doesn't is the Matterhorn." I really just wanted to ask him if he really thought that was the only thing. But since I didn't know the guy and wasn't a part of the conversation, I kept to myself.

When we watched Philharmagic, the room wasn't full. We went to the end but then the CM told us we could move back over toward the middle if we we did.


Well-Known Member
I used to get all caught up and bothered when people showed their ignorance at the parks, but it doesn't bother me anymore. I'm looking out for myself and trying to make sure Im having fun. So I have no time worrying about the little things. Real talk.


I used to get all caught up and bothered when people showed their ignorance at the parks, but it doesn't bother me anymore. I'm looking out for myself and trying to make sure Im having fun. So I have no time worrying about the little things. Real talk.

What's in your avatar?


Well-Known Member
We were first in line to meet the next Darth a few years ago and this meat head and his wife and kid went under the ropes in front of us. He said he was there and the CM standing there was like, "um no you weren't". ANyhoo, the guy was a real hot head and he and my hubby went at it a bit and then he backed off and played the "i'm gonna complain card because i'm hispanic". That had nothing to do with it. He cut in front of MY family and was ed because we called him on it. Oh well!!

So I say that if something bothers you then yeah, say something.

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