Animal Kingdom Accident

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I'd be pretty unhappy if I went to AK and the safari was shut down all day. I could understand EE closing, it's a roller coaster and if there is a technical problem, by all means, shut it down (I wouldn't be happy about it, but I'd understand.) But KS? It's trucks and animals. How could it be closed?

It would feel like if one of the Disney resort buses had a mechanical problem, so quick, let's shut down the entire transportation system.

I understand Disney has to be extra careful, but shutting down KS seems like shutting down all of AK to me. At least the incident happened later in the afternoon yesterday, so it really only closed an hour or two early. If they keep it closed today though, I feel sorry for the people visiting AK.
If there was a common problem present in all the buses that could cause a fire you can bet Disney would ground the fleet. However, in the case of the Disney buses not all are the same make and model so realistically that would never happen.

In the case of KS all the vehicles are the same make and model. Wouldn't you would expect them to shut down E:E if just one train lost a wheel so they could inspect all the other trains? A fire due to a mechanical defect on one KS vehicle will prompt the same response. Disney would have been negligent to do any less.

This also happened at around 4:00 and KS was due to close at 5:15 anyway. In actuality all they did was close the ride about an hour early. Quite a small price to pay IMHO.


Well-Known Member
Like someone else mentioned earlier, how do they do evacs in KS if say you were at the part where you cross the bridge over the alligators? Or at the part where you are leaning and looking at the hippos in the pool? Or the part when you are in the open savannah? What if there was an evac called for during those times, how would they go about doing it? What if that fire broke out during one of those times? Im pretty sure that disney had all this figured out way back in the planning stages of KS, but if any one knows I would like to know as well, because I never really thought about that until someone else mentioned it.


New Member
Also, jumping off of the truck doesn't seem like such a good idea when there are cheetahs and rhinos around[/quote]
i remember the first time we went on ks there was a man if front telling his child at the top of his voice that the animals are not real my husband wanted to give him a slap by the end of it but in his defense the hippos looked like the game hungry hippos they were all under water touching noses :lol:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I do not know officially how a KS EVAC works but there are physical and electrical barriers between the road and all the more dangerous animals. I would imagine that an EVAC would not be all that risky. Pretty much get off the truck and wait for another truck to come and pick you up. The biggest danger would more than likely be getting off the truck.


imagine if it was just a radiator hose and everyone jumped off because of some coolant smoke lol

Also, jumping off of the truck doesn't seem like such a good idea when there are cheetahs and rhinos around

Don't you know how to keep a rhino from charging?

Oh man, that was dumb. I appologize.


Active Member
Old people for the most part are nice...unless you've been to bingo night and then you'll see the dark underbelly of the elderly! But for merfs sakes get over your ancient selves! Just because you move at the pace of a semi retarded snail does not give you the right to slow down the world to your speed. We already have wheelchair ramps, handicapped parking, expectant mother parking, employee of the month parking where does it end!

You hardly ever see any old people complaning about bungee jumping hurting their hip flexor...why because they know if they got turned upside down they would lose their dentures and senior discount pass for 35 cent coffee at Mickey D's! I love old people just not when im at disney.

You are there for your kids or grandkids to enjoy the atomosphere and some mild rides. But when you get geriatric granny onto space mountain how cant you see the problems that will arise!

I've rode KS many times and the worst fear i had was not the easily exitable ride catching was the animals that wanted to eat me in the no so distant brush. Engines catch fire, old people get run over by screaming women and children, and old yeller eventually is full of oopsie daisies so get over it senior america! and Get in the fast lane grandma the bingo game is about to roll!


New Member
From what I know about KS there are "hidden barriers" all around the dangerous animals. An evac from KS should not cause any sort of danger to anyone walking down the paths. I mean, unless a giraffe charging at someone could be an issue (or any of the other animals not behind barriers), but mostly they stay away from anything out of the ordinary.



New Member
A fire Sunday on the Kilimanjaro Safari at Disney's Animal Kingdom left one woman slightly injured and the park's signature ride closed for the day, according to park officials.

Ooooohhhhhh...real scary and overblown.:rolleyes:

That headline wasn't bad , But FoxNews.Com had a bold headline that read "Massive Fire on Disney's Animal Kingdom Ride". Once clicked on the story said it was not a big deal and was out before fire crews arrived.


Well-Known Member
That headline wasn't bad , But FoxNews.Com had a bold headline that read "Massive Fire on Disney's Animal Kingdom Ride". Once clicked on the story said it was not a big deal and was out before fire crews arrived.
Well it is Fox News, what would you expect..


New Member
In response as to how to evac KS if a truck happened to be on the bridge... anyone who has been on KS can see multiple forks on the driving route, and most likely these alternate routes either route to another spot on the ride route or lead to somewhere backstage. I imagine if there is a real emergency where people need to be evac'ed, the drivers would make use of these alt routes to get past any blocked parts on the main path. It' just a thought; I have no idea how the attraction is really set up, but knowing Disney, they'd plan for these sorts of things and make them not very obvious.


New Member
In response as to how to evac KS if a truck happened to be on the bridge... anyone who has been on KS can see multiple forks on the driving route, and most likely these alternate routes either route to another spot on the ride route or lead to somewhere backstage. I imagine if there is a real emergency where people need to be evac'ed, the drivers would make use of these alt routes to get past any blocked parts on the main path. It' just a thought; I have no idea how the attraction is really set up, but knowing Disney, they'd plan for these sorts of things and make them not very obvious.

That's right. I was a KSR CM a few years back and there are several backstage exits throughout the ride. There are also electrified barriers and deep ditches that you can't see to keep guests (and animals) safe.

What I am curious about is exactly where this breakdown occured. The most dangerous place has got to be with the white rhinos (near the "ostrich egg"). They really are free roaming and could charge at a guest. Anyone know where on the ride path it happened?

Also, you just gotta LOVE the guests and their "injuries". More like trying to milk free stuff from Disney. Seriously a jump from the side of a safari truck is not going to injure anyone who didn't already have a pre-existing condition.


I love how they pipe in the other complaints at the park..I personally like the 81 year old complaining of back pain after riding nemo....HeeeLLLO your 81 years old ...things are gonna hurt !!!!! And the 77 year old reporting memory loss after going on TOT....Sorry, but I'm sure if they interveiwed every person leaving one of the Disney parks, at least every other person would have something to say..Especially after a day of walking at the parks....I had a headache after riding Aerosmith ..(well actually I had one before the ride just intensified it after I got off)....Yes sometimes by back hurts at the end of the day ,,and I'm only 31.......And yes sometimes the stomach hurts, but thats only from eating to much food at the Parks.....It happens..sorry had to vent only beacuse I found it comical!!!!!

WOOOOOHOOOO 60 more days till our Disney Cruise!!!!

lol i had memory loss after tot


Jumping from the truck?

If jumping from the truck IS the evac procedure then it needs to be rethought. It isn't an appropriate exit strategy for everyone that might ride.

If jumping is the plan then it is as flawed as the evac procedures for a monorail.

How hard would it be to attach some rigid ladders?


New Member
each and every truck has a rigged ladder either on the side or underneath. The guests started jumping ship before the cm had a chance to use it. The evac plans are not "seriously flawed" they work very well.

The fire happened right after the safi cattleguards (to the cm who asked)


That's good to know

Thank goodness they do have escape ladders.

Then it is just a problem of communicating with the guests there is a way off in a manner that doesn't excite them but informs them of what the proceedure is.


Active Member
Old people for the most part are nice...unless you've been to bingo night and then you'll see the dark underbelly of the elderly! But for merfs sakes get over your ancient selves! Just because you move at the pace of a semi retarded snail does not give you the right to slow down the world to your speed. We already have wheelchair ramps, handicapped parking, expectant mother parking, employee of the month parking where does it end!

You hardly ever see any old people complaning about bungee jumping hurting their hip flexor...why because they know if they got turned upside down they would lose their dentures and senior discount pass for 35 cent coffee at Mickey D's! I love old people just not when im at disney.

You are there for your kids or grandkids to enjoy the atomosphere and some mild rides. But when you get geriatric granny onto space mountain how cant you see the problems that will arise!

I've rode KS many times and the worst fear i had was not the easily exitable ride catching was the animals that wanted to eat me in the no so distant brush. Engines catch fire, old people get run over by screaming women and children, and old yeller eventually is full of oopsie daisies so get over it senior america! and Get in the fast lane grandma the bingo game is about to roll!
You will be one of those "old People" someday, hopefully....:zipit:

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