Trip Report And I am telling you, I AM going...on the Disney Dream WDWMagic Girls Cruise

Can you stand another trip report from the 1st Annual UNofficial WDWMagic Girls’ Cruise? What’s that you say? Well, I’ll just keep going anyway. Fair warning: I’m long-winded. If three words are all that’s required to get the message across, I’ll use ten.

Just so you recognize me:

On October 29, 2011, I was browsing the WDWMagic forums and guided the mouse towards the Disney Vacation Club forum. By accident, I clicked on the Disney Cruise Line forum, where I noticed a thread called “**It's UNOFFICIAL** The '13 Unofficial WDWMagic Girls Cruise!” Intrigued, I opened it up and discovered that @sweetpee_1993 and @Disneyfalcon had organized and were recruiting for a trip in September 2013. In a matter of hours, I had signed up. I was going to be celebrating my 50th birthday in July 2013, and declared that this would be an ideal birthday present from my darling husband! Saint that he is, he agreed, although I’m pretty sure he didn’t think I was serious about it until I booked my airline ticket this past February! I lined up @joanna71985 as a roommate for the cruise, and @plaz10 as my roommate for the one-night pre-cruise at Bay Lake Tower, as well as a couple of nights post-cruise at the Boardwalk.

Fast forward to Saturday, Sept. 7, 2013. I’d packed my bags the night before (and weighed them!), tucked in my cruise paperwork and my passport, and we said we’d leave the house our usual 3 hours in advance of flight time to make it to LaGuardia and through security without any last-minute rush. Suddenly, I remembered that the US Open would be playing that day--“honey, check the time of the first match!” Noon. Same time as my flight. OMG, there’s going to be massive traffic, and the tennis stadium is right next to the airport. Now we start rushing, and though I’ve traveled plenty on my own, and am usually the calm one, I realize that I don’t know where my passport is. Sheer panic. Took me almost ten minutes to find it in my purse. :rolleyes: After all that drama, we had the smoothest drive to LGA ever, no traffic, and then no security line! I never had so much time to burn at the airport.

Boarded my multi-cultural flight--sitting next to me was a young couple from Italy on their honeymoon. Behind us was a French family (mom, boy and girl directly behind, dad across the aisle from them). Before we even take off, the boy is acting up. Italian bride looks scornfully through the seat at them, to no effect. L’enfant terrible starts kicking his legs. Right into my seatback. Once the flight attendant finished the safety spiel, I asked her if it was okay for me to move into the empty aisle seat directly across from me—she glanced behind me and suggested I move right away before we took off. :joyfull: So I joined the honeymooning couple from Spain on that side of the plane, and spent the remainder of the flight with Pere’s knees giving me some unwanted lumbar support. :mad:

Arrived at MCO, scooted off the plane and onto the monorail.

This would be my first time using DME! Because I was only there for one night, though, I handled my own luggage since I didn’t want to wait for it. I swung my suitcase off the carousel, and whacked myself in the foot with the thing. Got down to Level 1 and had to pull over and dig out a band-aid so I didn’t bleed all over my shoe. [Note to self: in future, pack band-aids in carry-on.]

DME Queue.jpg

Funny, it was a Disney Cruise Line bus! I was too excited to snap a photo, and I decided to use the time on the bus to call home and let the hubs know I’d arrived safely. I’d been texting Jess @plaz10 since landing; she’d gotten in early before the room was ready, so headed into MK, but by the time I got to check-in, she was in our room at BLT. Contemporary would be the second stop on the bus. As we were pulling into Wilderness Lodge, very ominous dark clouds appeared, as you can see here (I had to get a picture of the DCL bus!!)


The moment I got my room key, the deluge began, and since both routes to Bay Lake Tower are open, I had to wait it out—

I grabbed some lunch at the Contempo Café [kid’s meal mahi-mahi sandwich with fruit]. I’d lost three pounds in preparation for the trip, and wanted to wait til I was on the boat to start packing it back on! :)

I figured there are worse places to be stuck than on the Grand Canyon Concourse:

At long last, I made it to the room, and found Jess out on the balcony, soaking in the view of SpaceshipEarth:


—it seemed as if all of the WDW resort (except for MK, of course) was spread out in front of us:

Not only could we see (from left to right as indicated by my crudely drawn arrows on the zoomed-in screen capture below) Spaceship Earth, but the Swan, the Dolphin, the Tower of Terror, Miss Tilly, and Everest.
WDW Panoramic Capture.JPG

As if we needed a good omen, a rainbow appeared:

We had a busy evening ahead of us: Jess wanted to visit the Top of the World lounge, we were joining the group dinner at 1900 Park Fare, and we also wanted to meet up with the group that was having drinks at Tambu Lounge. So we needed to get off the balcony and start getting ready for the evening!
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Resident Redhead
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Way to totally throw me under the bus (or monorail) for being late for dinner!!!

Ok it was totally my fault - I'm a sucker for a monorail ride. And a walk through EPCOT.

Awwww, let me pick you up and dust you off...:D

It's not like you had to drag me, and hey, we would have been on time if not for all the delays on the resort monorail!


Resident Redhead
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By movement.. I mean rocking/swaying of the boat :) When you are at the edges... in theory the movement should be more extreme as the boat pivots and moves through the water.

Yep, that's what I figured you meant. ;) Our room was almost dead center of the rear of the ship, not at the edges, which may explain why we didn't feel a lot of movement there. As @Mrs.Skellington mentioned, I noticed it in the theater during the shows.


Well-Known Member
Headed down to Evolution again for some after-dinner entertainment, in full denial that packing had to be done for morning. Sherry @Tiggerfanatic, Courtney @Howe, Jess @plaz10, Ashley @TiggerLuv18 and I made up a team for the 80s music trivia game, and we came in 3rd place! Mistook "Hungry Like the Wolf" for "Rio", stumbled on George Michael's "Faith", and the one that only the winner got --"Tarzan Boy", performed by Baltimora. I guarantee you I will never forget that again for as long as I live. :bookworm:

The only photo I have of the evening is the bread knife & plate from Animators. :oops:

So bummed I went back to the room early and couldn't do the trivia because I have Tarzan Boy by Baltimora on my iTunes so I KNOW we would have won if I had been there to give the answer on that one! Music trivia is my forte!!! ;)

Love the TR so far!! It's awesome to relive this cruise through the eyes of others who were there, but did some different things. Loving the aft verandah. We had a regular verandah and loved it. I'm sure we would have loved an oversized verandah even more!! :)


Well-Known Member
Just finished catching up I guess I had read it all so far besides the comments! :)

Only made it to page 3...not enough time in the day! Hoping to finish catching up tomorrow!

Finally getting around to reading everyone's trip report now that I'm done writing mine and posting it. Yours is the first!

I totally forgot you took that picture of me peeking through the window! haha

LOL'd when I remembered Tarzan and how much he wooed you in the front row. :D

I remember that French family.....god awful manners.

Thanks for hanging out with us on Nassau day! We had a lot of fun!

I totally stole your pic of the three Jess' with our hats!

And thanks for posting alot of this stuff, you remembered some details that I couldn't think of (such as mixology drinks) that I can now go back and correct! haha.

You seriously had some killer views off the aft of the boat. I have to admit I really did miss not having a

And husband wanted to come with and cheer me on for the Princess in Feb...

Definitely! And @PartOfYourWorld is doing the Princess Half in February, too! runDisney enthusiasts are also a great bunch of people to hang out with!!

I will be there running the Princess Half! Thanks for the shoutout here! :)
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Resident Redhead
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So bummed I went back to the room early and couldn't do the trivia because I have Tarzan Boy by Baltimora on my iTunes so I KNOW we would have won if I had been there to give the answer on that one! Music trivia is my forte!!! ;)

Love the TR so far!! It's awesome to relive this cruise through the eyes of others who were there, but did some different things. Loving the aft verandah. We had a regular verandah and loved it. I'm sure we would have loved an oversized verandah even more!! :)

Well, next time, you're definitely on the trivia team!! Funny thing, I actually really like that song, but it was a "name that tune" kind of thing where they only give you a few seconds of the opening, and I hear it so infrequently nowadays, I couldn't pull it up from the memory bank. Same thing with Faith--knew I knew it, but couldn't place the opening organ music. Too bad you had to get hit with an oncoming migraine that evening. :(

The aft verandah gives new meaning to the word awesome. :D


Resident Redhead
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Original Poster
Just finished catching up I guess I had read it all so far besides the comments! :)

Only made it to page 3...not enough time in the day! Hoping to finish catching up tomorrow!

Finally getting around to reading everyone's trip report now that I'm done writing mine and posting it. Yours is the first!

I totally forgot you took that picture of me peeking through the window! haha

LOL'd when I remembered Tarzan and how much he wooed you in the front row. :D

I remember that French family.....god awful manners.

Thanks for hanging out with us on Nassau day! We had a lot of fun!

I totally stole your pic of the three Jess' with our hats!

And thanks for posting alot of this stuff, you remembered some details that I couldn't think of (such as mixology drinks) that I can now go back and correct! haha.

You seriously had some killer views off the aft of the boat. I have to admit I really did miss not having a

And husband wanted to come with and cheer me on for the Princess in Feb...

I will be there running the Princess Half! Thanks for the shoutout here! :)

I'll email you the higher res version of that photo if you want, assuming you haven't changed your email since you got married!! ;)

LOL, funny you say that you missed the verandah, I just replied on your trip report that seeing your inside room made me realize it wouldn't be so bad thanks to the virtual porthole. That thing was cute! But I may have been completely spoiled by the aft verandah.


Well-Known Member
I'll email you the higher res version of that photo if you want, assuming you haven't changed your email since you got married!! ;)

LOL, funny you say that you missed the verandah, I just replied on your trip report that seeing your inside room made me realize it wouldn't be so bad thanks to the virtual porthole. That thing was cute! But I may have been completely spoiled by the aft verandah.

sure that would be awesome! Whatever email is in the email chains for all the latest girl cruise things is the one :) Even if you sent it to the one with my old last name it gets forwarded to me :)

hahaha that's funny! I'm glad I've gotten to see both types of staterooms though. I liked being able to see where I was going vs. seeing where I'm going through a virtual camera. It was cool though to see random characters come across the screen! Though I wish I would have seen more than what came across!


Resident Redhead
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I’ve gotta get this finished, because thanks to my advanced age, the details are starting to get fuzzy :( although the overall awesomeness of the trip will never be forgotten!! :D

Day 6: Unleash the Villains!

Morning after our magnificent Cali Grill dinner, I was up early and caught sunrise over the Boardwalk. Today is Friday the 13th, but I’m not thinking of that at the moment. Who would, really, when greeted with this view:




I’m all set for a lap or two, and @plaz10 decides (after some deliberation) to join me. After our powerwalk, we stop at the Boardwalk Bakery, where my girl talks me into breakfasting on a giant cinnamon bun. Oh, so bad for me, but OH, SO TASTY! So, the powerwalk is pretty much a wash. :joyfull:

All neat and pretty, we headed over to DHS, where they are setting up for, and counting down to, the Unleash the Villains event.



Naturally, we headed first to TSMM to get fastpasses. At some point we met up with @Howe (sorry, Courtney, the mists of time and all that…) who was anxiously awaiting the arrival of her sweetie Mr. Howe, and photos show that we rode Star Tours (none of us got to be the rebel spy :( ), the Great Movie Ride, and Rock N Roller Coaster.




Stopped by Starring Rolls and, keeping each other on the dietary straight-and-narrow, shared one of these beauties, my very first Butterfinger cupcake:


DEE-LISH!! (anyone else notice that all I’ve eaten so far today is yummy bakery goods? :cautious: )

As we wandered around, we’d noticed people with some cool-looking Villains ears, and Courtney and I had pretty much convinced Jess she needed to get the Ursula version. So we headed over to Villains in Vogue to check out the merch—decided that the ears weren’t worth the $24.95 asking price, and the Snow Queen ears were just downright odd—and as we left the store bumped into Diane @LuvsTheMouse and Jess @PartOfYourWorld!

Obligatory Jess x2 photo (and, look, they’re both wearing Little Mermaid!)



Resident Redhead
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After parting ways with Jess & Diane (anyone else have John Mellencamp suddenly start singing in their head?), because we’d see them later tonight, @plaz10 and I headed to Pixar Place to use our fastpasses, then we would meet up with Mr. & Mrs. @Howe for lunch.

After Jess beat me up on the Midway, we headed for the front of the park.



Me and my awesome WDW roomie, thanks to Mr. Howe for taking the photo!


There was a boat at the dock, so we boarded to get to our lunch destination: Beaches & Cream!


I’ll be honest, I have no recollection of what I had for lunch. I know I enjoyed it, but the memory of my half of the NO WAY JOSE has completely eradicated it. I’m so glad to have had Jess to share all these goodies with me, since my hubs doesn’t eat sweets at all, I usually just pass them up.

We walked off some of those calories on the way into Epcot, where we had a date with our favorite geodesic dome.

Nice picture of us girls, again thanks to Austin for his mad camera skills:


Just for you, Jess—Spaceship Earth photo shoot!!






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Resident Redhead
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More, because no one can really get enough of the glorious Spaceship Earth. Right, @plaz10? :)





Is it just me, or do the clouds kind of almost sorta make a Mickey silhouette with SSE? o_O LOL

I’m pretty sure we went into Club Cool for some free beverages before heading back to Boardwalk to get ready for Villains Night. I do know that Jess and I ran into Sherry @Tiggerfanatic just outside Innoventions, which worked out well, since Sherry and I had a reservation for dinner at Flying Fish. Sherry decided to walk back with us and hang out in our fab Boardwalk-view room.

Monorail shot!


Our fab room looked like two teenagers were living in it. :oops: Since we would be checking out in the morning, me to head home and Jess for one more night at All-Star, we entertained Sherry by trying to restore some order and get some packing done, as Jess had this crazy idea about making MK rope drop in the morning.

Sherry and I enjoyed a great meal at Flying Fish. Here’s her take on it, from her trip report: 27 Ladies on a Disney ship - Yo, Ho, Ho and a bottle of Rum!

For appetizers, she had the corn chowder, I had the crabcake, and we both chose the scallops entrée. Sherry got a surprise birthday dessert, too!





A toast to WDWMagic, and new Girlfriends:


Next: Villains are unleashed into a hot-as-heck DHS jammed wall-to-wall with people. :devilish: :eek: :)


Well-Known Member
I love this TR. Because we are just so awesome. We really had a wonderful time.

You talked me into exercising in the morning...I talked you into a breakfast pastry. What are friends for?!

I love that picture of us at DHS - I will need a copy. I'm going to buy a collage frame for cruise trip photos! There are some really ridiculous photos from the cruise that make me laugh out loud.

Beaches n Cream is FABULOUS. I think you had a kids hot dog or something haha. Regardless of entrees we had the most delicious ice cream sundae ever.

HOW FREAKING BEAUTIFUL IS SPACESHIP EARTH? I like that photo of SSE with me all alone as I run up to take photos. I'm such a dork.

I'm so glad there are NOT pictures of our room at Boardwalk. We were so neat at Bay Lake Tower...Boardwalk did not see that side of us.

I dont even want to read about the Unleash the Villains event...where I look like a stubborn idiot. :banghead: Let's face it...I am.


Well-Known Member
Yay! We're at Disney and girls cruisers are still making an appearance! I love it!

That meal at CA Grill was crazy long. Crazy!

I love seeing what y'all did! Can't wait for the villains party!

Sorry, Jess! :)

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