Trip Report And At Last I See the (rivers of) Light: A Much Too Short Trip Report *COMPLETED*

Hello Humans!

For those just joining, my name is Nicole. (Sorry if you were expecting Buddy Boil!) :P


I am just a wee bit toooooo obsessed with Disney World and all things Disney, but is there ever really too much of a good thing? I’m just one of “those people”. The kind that doesn’t understand the need to travel anywhere else on this planet besides Disney, the kind that has more Disney clothes than work attire, the kind that stalks cast members instagram profiles… but we’ll gloss over those more intimate details. :p

I just returned from an extremely short trip to the World. And although short, I still feel the pain. It’s like when someone loses a limb, such as an arm or a leg, and they say they can still feel it. That is exactly how I feel about the removal of my Mickey ears. I have phantom limb pain from taking off my Mickey ear headbands. The ears are off, and the pain real. You mean to tell me I can't wear my rose gold ears to go grocery shopping? What kind of world do we live in?

After throwing a temper tantrum on the ground to my fiancé, complaining he doesn’t love me because he’s dragging me to Hawaii for our honeymoon, I decided the more mature, adult way to deal with post Disney depression is to share my story with you fine people. So let’s begin.

Who: Myself and my Bestie (we went in 2013 and 2014 previously)


Where: All Star Music (We nicknamed this trip the budget trip. No park hoppers, no dining reservations, no dining plan, carryon luggage only so we wouldn’t come home with a bazillion souvenirs. A budget in Disney… that didn’t work so well. You mean that green Mickey lighting up was racking up my credit card? WHO KNEW?! :)


When: Friday, January 19th to Tuesday January 23rd

Why: Why not? The best way to escape wedding planning is Disney planning! :p

Jan 19th
Our flight wasn’t until 7 PM out of Newark, New Jersey. I currently live right outside of Philadelphia with Joe, go Eagles :p but it was easier for me to get to Newark than my friend to get to Philly. And me flying alone is never a good idea. I once found myself in an airport closest. Yeah, no idea. I decided to work a half day instead of using a vacation day, because I’m trying to bank all my days for my honeymoon and secretly another Disney trip come fall. Don’t tell anyone. It can be our little secret. Hardy har har! ;);)


Did not sleep a wink the night before, not sure if it was the excitement, the nerves about my carryon being TSA compliant, or the fact that I was fighting off laryngitis. Ursula, take my legs but give me back my voice!!!!! Some people were too ecstatic I was speechless, cough JOE cough. I could not rub in his face that I WAS GOING TO DISNEY WORLD.


Wore my little mermaid leggings to work because I am a child. I work for an orthodontic team and having all my patients ask me about going to Disney World just amped up my excitement level. My age category is definitely 8-12 because that is who I most relate too. HA!

Clocked out early and made my long trek to North Jersey. Got back in record time, must have been those pixie dust fumes in my gas tank. :p My friend’s brother was our designated Uber and I’m sure he kicked himself for offering to drive us two crazy loons.


Strapped on my magic band and admired the beauty of all that is Mickey’s outline. I love the new shape, didn’t think I would! It actually looks like a watch, IT’S MICKEY TIME.


On the ride there, we received a text message that our room was ready! Don’t judge me that I never deleted my 2016 room notification message.


My friend and I had been joking all week that we’d be put in country. NOT THE COUNTRY BOOT! And lo and behold, there we were. She called up Disney to see if they could switch us to jazz, we’d been practicing our jazz hands for months! The cast member laughed, and apologized that the resort was fully booked; we could maybe switch our room later on during the trip. TOO BAD OUR TRIP WAS SO SHORT. :(


Nothing screams Disney World more than a pair of country boots! Am I right?! :p

We got through security quickly and made our way to the gate. Upon arrival, our flight is delayed. From 7 PM to 8:30 PM. WHAT! Lose an hour and a half of Disney time!? I cannot deal.

The terminal was packed. There was not a seat to be found. We circled round and round, myself rolling my carryon like I’d had one too many drinks. It’s hard steering a suitcase! We were antsy and then it hit us. One little spark of inspiration. LET’S SEE IF THE EARLIER FLIGHT HAS ANY SEATS AVAILABLE.

Turns out, it did! And for a mere fee of $75.00 each, we could arrive in Disney at 8:30 PM. We went back and forth… if we got there early we could eat in the food court, we’d have more Disney time, we could get to sleep earlier and be less cranky for parking opening. Budget trip my behind.


We were soon on the plane, vowing to not tell a soul we paid $75 to arrive in Disney an hour and a half earlier. Whoops!

The flight attendants asked if we could be the heroes of the flight, and of course we obliged.


Throw the plane door out the window and save all the innocent lives on board? Ain’t no thing for Princess Nicole. Watch out Mr. Incredible. I’m coming for your costume.



Heroes need their nourishment, so cheers to the first food pictures of the trip!


Touched down in Orlando much earlier than expected… money comes and goes but Disney memories are forever. That’s what I keep telling myself at least!


The Magical Express area was dead, and we hoped we didn’t just miss the bus. Turns out the bus was waiting right outside for our arrival. What great service! I don’t know if I credit this to the fact that I’m now a hero? Hopped aboard that big beautiful red beauty of transportation and prepared myself for my ride back home. The butterflies were fluttering about in my stomach, I could not stop giggling, and I felt it deep down to my core that I was back in my happy place. You know that warm fuzzy feeling of being on property? That moment where you know your trip to come is filled with endless possibilities? Don't ever take waiting in the Magical Express line for granted!


Would our room be the very last room in the very back of our resort? Did they separate us from the general public on purpose because we are certifiably insane? Would my jazz hands feel betrayed about nothing getting their moment to shine?


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It was soon time for our first fastpass, Big Thunder Mountain Mountain Railroad, the wildest ride in the wilderness! I made sure to fastpass this speedy runaway train as it was closed for refubishment on my last visit! :(


We were asked again where we’d gotten our rose gold ears and said unfortunately they were from Christmastime, not this trip. I always felt bad when people would hear our response, come on Disney mass produce these beauties!



Big Thunder was even wilder than I remembered! I had to remove my precious ears because I was afraid they would blow away and be just as valuable as the gold in this here mining town! Now I can relate to the Gold Rush! ROSE GOLD RUSH.

I remember reading a strange article about a Doctor who recommended Big Thunder as a great way to pass kidney stones! WHAT THE? It was even a tested theory! Turns out, 70% of the time, the kidney stone is passed! Rattling back in forth in that mine cart, I can see how this is proves to be true! IT'S THE WILDEST RIDE IN THE WILLLLLL DERRRRRRR NESSSSSSSS! :p




There was a super friendly photopass photographer as we exited, and we never pass up the opportunity for more pictures! I’m embarrassed to say how many total photos I have from such a short visit.



She even made us pose where the geyser was going off! Wilderness Lodge memories! I sent Joe home the following photo. What did you do in Disney today? POSE WITH A GEYSER. How you like that, Joe?!


After our wild ride through the wilderness on the run from guests envying our gold, we decided for something much tamer.



Time for the happiest cruise that ever sailed! It is a small world after all! And a small Disney World after all when you have so many Disney friends! :)


My friend loves the gondola man. Do you guys remember who my favorite is?? ;)


Here’s a hint! He’s in this picture:


Our boats backed up a little towards the end, but our names were still chosen on the screens! I was super thrilled! The little things! The magic of Disney! Go ahead and track my location and my spending habits! Go ahead and invade all of my privacy! STALK ME!!!
It’s worth it for these magical moments! My days of arguing with those who were against Magicbands are over. I try and stay off the News and Rumors side of this from besides creeping from afar. It's scary over there! :P


After belting out “It’s a Small World After All” for 10 minutes, I needed a drink! I have become a soda snob and prefer fountain soda if available. I know, I’m insane, but it just tastes so much better! We headed to the closest quick serve, Pinocchio Village Haus so I could quench my thirst.


A guest in front of me ordered the breadsticks, so I could not resist! Garlic breadsticks with a side of marinara sauce… it was heavenly. My nose won’t grow an inch when I tell you these were better than Olive Garden’s breadsticks. I may or may not have devoured them in 2 seconds.

Since there was no wait, our next attraction was Prince Charming Regal Carrousel! Of course we were riding white horses, because we are heroes after all! I wanted the Native American horse but some little child snatched him up before I could get the chance!


Sometimes on the Carrousel I like to close my eyes and picture Magic Kingdom when it first opened in 1971. I am jealous of everyone who got to experience Disney from the very beginning! I am a tad embarrassed to admit this, but sometimes I get myself so worked up because I don’t want to die and not be able to see all the new additions that come to Disney World. I think this borders on mentally unstable, so this can be our little secret! HA!



For two minutes, you are transported back to the days of your childhood. Happily bopping up and down, waving to guests gathered round, taking in the sights and smells of Magic Kingdom. Round and round in this land of fantasy, no one is ever too old for a magical carrousel ride!


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We had some time before our next fastpass, and my friend was starting to feel the slight pangs of hunger, so we decided to take a rest right outside The Friar’s Nook.

My friend ordered macaroni and cheese topped with chicken and panko bread crumbs.


She ranted and raved about this mac and cheese! I love the diversity of all the Disney menus… I am a frequent visitor to The Disney Food Blog, and save notes in my phone of all the things I want to try! This trip I had too much to try and too little time!

Our next fastpass window opened and it was time for 7 Dwarfs Mine Train! The wait times for this attraction have not gone down at all! I am happy they shelved Sleeping Beauty’s area in New Fantasyland and decided to build the mine train. Don’t tell my friend, she’ll kill me! :P







I crack up at the picture because clearly we are not trying to lose those precious ears! Our mine cart was filled with fun people and we all worked together to rock back and forth! I love this ride and only wish it was a tad bit longer! At one point in the ride we rocked so far to the side, and I guess with the pressure I could not get myself back up. I was seriously leaning out of the cart. My friend was cracking up so much because she looked over and there I was stuck.

We exited the mine and I wanted another snack! Clearly, I can't go more than an hour without snacking. Wedding dress please stretch :P We were close to Gaston’s Tavern so I decided on a LeFou’s Brew!


I felt bad because while I waited in line, a couple was trying to order something alcoholic. I guess Tavern does signify alcohol so it as upsetting to see their confusion! I tried to tell them to get the LeFou’s Brew, as it is very tasty, but they ended up leaving empty handed. :( Also, a super nice woman got my straw for me, and she had the coolest monorail ears on her head! I wish I snapped a picture!



Sat outside the tavern and relaxed. My friend facetimed her mom who is just as much as a Disney freak as we are, and scanned the views so she could feel like she was here. It was warming up a bit, but my brilliant idea to drink a frozen drink had me reaching for my jacket!

Went to pay a visit to my castle and my Dad. My dad has gotten quite popular! There was a line of maybe 4 people waiting to take pictures with him! Oh dad, don’t get a big head now.




Sent the pictures to my Dad back home, told him he better start working on his abs for my wedding day. He constantly tells me he is going to dress up as King Triton to walk me down the aisle, and honestly, I wouldn’t be upset about it! Ha!

My dad recently had to have a pacemaker put in so I get way to emotional when I think of him walking me down the aisle!



Princess Ariel needs King Triton! Sorry for going off topic but please... Hug your loved ones Disney friends.

It was nearing parade time, so off we trekked towards Main Street.


We got a pretty good spot for not setting up stakes an hour early! Unfortunately, we were across from a Brazilian tour group (who knew they were there in January!?) They kept running into the roped off road and dancing while the rest of the group would clap and cheer them on. I will admit, it was pretty entertaining and it was nice to see them all having a visibly good time! Sometimes with the tour groups, I feel sympathy for them, who willingly wants to travel in such a large mass of people? I just can never understand why they don’t break off into smaller groups, but to each their own!


My man! If Joe ever acts up, I’m leaving him for the Beast! And I know I'll have to battle @Longers but I'll try to distract her with ice cream LOL


I tried to restrain myself from snapping a million horrible quality photos, but I just couldn’t resist ARIEL!




It was like I was gazing into a mirror. I mean, I am Princess Ariel after all! :P


Well-Known Member
I know who your favorite is! The Native American! I know this because when I read your last trip report, I made mental note of your interest in Native American culture and I have that same interest! I actually took a couple college courses for fun on Native American culture/religion/history after I graduated undergrad and before I started med school. Anyway we may be soulmates just saying. I’m 27, love Disney, take strongly to alcoholic beverages, obsessed with animals. And we look almost identical. It is crazy!


Well-Known Member
I need me some Lula roe leggings - can’t seem to get in the UK - seen some on eBay but postage is ridiculous - hope you are ok
Hope you can get your hands on a pair of the Lula Roe leggings. They are soooo soft and comfy, plus Disney!
I am doing well! Thanks for asking! I am hoping to be posting a pre- trip very soon :happy:! Until then I am living vicariously through Nicole and my other Disney pals!

We need a hand signal LOL

Love the photo of you and your dad. Hope he is doing well. I wholeheartedly agree with your advice to hug your loved ones! I miss my Mom and Dad every day :cry:!
The photo of you and your friend hanging on to your precious rose gold ears while you rode Mine Train were a crack up!
I’ve never tried Le Fou’s Brew. Looks yummy!


Well-Known Member
AHHH Nicole you're making me look bad! I haven't even finished editing my pictures :facepalm:

Ok I would definitely have paid $75 to get there earlier...especially if I was already at the airport. Unfortunately our airport usually only has one non-stop per day and I am not about to waste time with a layover.

CRT looked amazing! So glad your friend got to meet Aurora :inlove:

Dang I kept thinking of things to comment as I was reading, and now I've forgotten it all...OH, Brazilian tour groups. Yes. I've been the past three Januarys and they're always there more then. I think it was worse this year than last year, but to be honest they've never bothered me. I tend to go the other way when I see then (if I can).

That mac and cheese looks AMAZING. Adding that to my list for next trip. I've enjoyed seeing your vegetarian choices (you're not fully vegan right?) I wondered if you'd have any difficulty, but I feel like Disney has plenty of good options for non meat eaters.


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Original Poster
I know who your favorite is! The Native American! I know this because when I read your last trip report, I made mental note of your interest in Native American culture and I have that same interest! I actually took a couple college courses for fun on Native American culture/religion/history after I graduated undergrad and before I started med school. Anyway we may be soulmates just saying. I’m 27, love Disney, take strongly to alcoholic beverages, obsessed with animals. And we look almost identical. It is crazy!

I am glad you are paying attention! LOL maybe we are soulmates after all! Maybe we are long lost family if we look identical! I love all things Native American! My dad is antique dealer and finds me the randomest Native American items. I have a wooden chief head in my window and a legit totem pole. I went to a pow-wow last summer, it was so much! I have read every Native American book I can get my hands on, if you recommend anything let me know! That is so awesome you took college courses for fun, I would love to go back to school and learn more. My business degree only allowed for certain fun courses... took Dinosaurs and the history of the Holocaust! Should have done the Disney College Program, still regret it to this day!

All caught up:) I totally would've paid the $75 to get there early too.

Glad I am not alone in the impulsive buy! I have yet to look at my credit card statement, will look on Friday, it's payday then LOL

Same! I also felt so so so bad when I saw the look in peoples eyes when I told them they weren't from this trip :cry:

Me too! It actually made me not really want to wear them! I felt like people were either glaring at me out of anger or jealousy, or saddness because they could not find their own! :( :(

Following along. I would’ve paid the $75 to get to Disney early as well. It’s a good thing that they don’t offer a chance to stay later for a fee... like “stay one more day for $100”! I’d never leave!!

Oh yeah.... one more thing...


I would totally be down to stay for an extra day! Count me in for that offer! And let's go eagles!!!! 31-28, I'm calling it now. :P I told Joe if they win they will get to GO TO DISNEY. I said we can go see the parade!!!!!!! He wasn't too thrilled. :P

When we were there in December they had tons of the rose gold ears. They must come and go so fast.
We also follow the Disney food blog but never thought of taking notes, definitely should start doing that.
Also the mac and cheese looks amazing! Maybe the note taking starts today.

Yes, taking notes is a must! I forgot so much when I was there too.. wish my stomach didn't betray me and could eat more food in such a short trip! That's when my friend snagged them, December! My other friend was even able to buy them on the Parks App.. guess it truly is hit or miss! I just refused to pay anything above retail on ebay!

Hope you can get your hands on a pair of the Lula Roe leggings. They are soooo soft and comfy, plus Disney!
I am doing well! Thanks for asking! I am hoping to be posting a pre- trip very soon :happy:! Until then I am living vicariously through Nicole and my other Disney pals!
Love the photo of you and your dad. Hope he is doing well. I wholeheartedly agree with your advice to hug your loved ones! I miss my Mom and Dad every day :cry:!
The photo of you and your friend hanging on to your precious rose gold ears while you rode Mine Train were a crack up!
I’ve never tried Le Fou’s Brew. Looks yummy!

Thank you for your well wishes to my Dad. I am soooo thankful he is okay! Just remember your Mom and Dad live on through you, in your actions and memories and they are always with you!
We totally need a WDWmagic handshake. Let's all plan a huge convention and this can be one of the areas of discussion :)
I recommend the LeFou's Brew! It isn't quite Butterbeer, but it is refreshing. Maybe shouldn't of gotten it when it was so chilly! :P

I’m taking the beast over ice cream any day! Let’s not fight though - I can’t believe I’m going to say this but as we are Disney friends we can share....... :D

Awwwwwww. The magic of Disney. Sharing is caring! LOL! The Beast is big enough for both of us! Ha!

Love the shoes , so cute. I am enjoying your trip report. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you! Joe's grandma gave them to me for Christmas! She ordered them online, they have a bunch more and I am soooo tempted to order more pairs!

Ugh this gets me right in the feels! Hope he is doing well! :cry:

Thank you! He is doing much, much better! I don't know what I would do if he could not walk me down the aisle and dance with me for my father daughter dance. He's my first Prince Charming :P

Oooh....I love those shoes! Thanks for granting my request!

Your wish is my command! LOL :)

You guys always have the best trip reports! Love, love, love! :happy:

Thank you! I'm blushing. We're currently texting trying to scheme up another trip. This is why we're friends LOL

Great trip report so far, I feel as I am there with your writing style! Keep up the great work.

Thank you so much! I am glad you are following along! :)

That’s all right. We can take it!

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Psh... we shall see! Don't underestimate the UNDERDOGS.

AHHH Nicole you're making me look bad! I haven't even finished editing my pictures :facepalm:
Ok I would definitely have paid $75 to get there earlier...especially if I was already at the airport. Unfortunately our airport usually only has one non-stop per day and I am not about to waste time with a layover.
CRT looked amazing! So glad your friend got to meet Aurora :inlove:
Dang I kept thinking of things to comment as I was reading, and now I've forgotten it all...OH, Brazilian tour groups. Yes. I've been the past three Januarys and they're always there more then. I think it was worse this year than last year, but to be honest they've never bothered me. I tend to go the other way when I see then (if I can).
That mac and cheese looks AMAZING. Adding that to my list for next trip. I've enjoyed seeing your vegetarian choices (you're not fully vegan right?) I wondered if you'd have any difficulty, but I feel like Disney has plenty of good options for non meat eaters.

As you can clearly see, editing would not save my pictures. LOL! I am so excited for your report!
And 75 is nothing for more Disney magic! Now I need to start saving for my next trip.. Muahha!
I was surprised to see so many Brazilian tour groups, though the January ones weren't clapping and chanting like the ones I've encountered in July. They seemed to be having more fun this go around. They don't bother me as much, I always just feel sad for them because I don't think they are truly getting the full Disney World experience. I am strange, I know.
I am just vegetarian! :) I'm not fully vegan... yet :P i was super scared this being my first trip as a vegetarian! Thankfully there's so many sites with menus, and instagrams for vegetarians and vegans at Disney.. and Disney is super accommodating! I hate being the center of attention, and didn't want to have to speak directly with chefs, so I am sooo thankful for all the options Disney has! Did not have a problem anywhere and their menus clearly label things with a V so I wouldn't have to pester anyone!
Glad we are duel trip reporting :)

Captain Barbossa

Well-Known Member
Just now reading this. It's been a heck of a week so far!! Glad I have time to relax and read your report! So far so good! Those pictures of your breakfast at Cinderella Castle sure made me hungry. Quick question, how was ALL-STAR Music? Might be looking to stay there on our next trip. Can't wait to read the rest!


Well-Known Member
Our magical ride to the music was short and sweet, and I totally missed snapping a picture of the welcome sign. It might be for the best because my pictures do not ever do Disney justice.


The arrival area of All Star Music that I found on Google images.


My image.

Some heroes are just not good photographers. I think I just get so excited about capturing the details that my hands start shaking and I just can’t concentrate. We’ll go with that. :p


We wandered the lobby, just taking in the sights, and the smells, and the COLD. Um, Disney bubble can you turn up the heat? People must have been returning from the parks and they were decked out in winter coats and hats. Being at Disney World in January was so surreal! I’m so used to sweat dripping down every inch of my body and it was a strange feeling to need a jacket!


We were both starved so we didn’t wander around for long. Intermission food court was pretty packed, so we decided to join the masses and eat. Guess when the parks close early everyone eats dinner at their resort!


My friend had the chicken nuggets, and I had the plant based burger


It was super good! I may have swallowed it whole I was so hungry! Was it worth the extra $75 to be able to eat at Intermission Food Court? You bet cha. The more time on Disney property the better... budget say what???



We sat for a good while, trying to motivate ourselves for our trek back toward the Country Fair. I studied the map, I tried to guess-timate about how far it actually was. Would we be walking a 5k?

Turns out, the walk was not bad at all! Our room ended up being right at the very beginning of the first building, on the first floor. We scanned our magicbands and were in!



My first Disney trips were spent at Pop Century and All Star Movies, so something about the value resorts just brings up all kinds of warm fuzzy memories. They remind me of the absolute wonder I had first stepping foot on property. The big oversized icons, the hum of laughter, and the bright vibrant colors that remind you this is a Disney property. The value resorts to me are quintessential Disney. For kids, and even grown up kids, they reflect those innocent moments of childhood. The values are where, at any age, you find yourself craning your neck to look up in awe.


It was late by the time we settled in, and it was chilly! Thankfully I packed warm pajamas, and soon found myself snuggled up in bed, even draping myself in the extra blanket!


We watched Stacy on loop for a good hour, until I gradually turned down the volume. Unt pretzel, unt beer! Are you really in Disney if you don’t watch Stacy?


My eyelids grew heavy as I dreamed about the morning to come. Magic Kingdom! It’s crazy how a year is filled with 365 days, and your memory only chooses to remember a few. Every single day I’ve spent gallivanting through the lands of Magic Kingdom are forever etched into my brain.
Love this Trip Report!!!! We go in 40 days. We stay at Pop & feel like we are home too! My family thinks I am a nut as well. I think this will be my 15th visit.

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