Reading about how a lot of people find regular Disney food to be lacking, I'm feeling less disappointed knowing that my prepackaged, sealed, microwaved kosher meals reportedly won't taste amazing. All the TS restaurants offer the same kosher options: a basic chicken meal, a basic beef meal, a basic salmon meal and a vegetarian lasagna. I think the QS places at the parks and resorts have prepackaged chicken nuggets, hot dogs and pizza. It doesn't matter where I eat because the food choices are the same, so I'm in it for the character experiences and the atmosphere. I'm hoping to find kosher plain orange juice at Oga's. I reserved there just to make sure to get into the Land.
Not that kosher food can't be amazing. It can! For lunch today, I just had a hot roasted portobello and herb sandwich on fresh multigrain bread topped with a perfectly fried egg and a side of flavorful salad with creamy garlic dressing. At a local cafe in my Israel city.